Mark’s Gospel Revision Work Book

Mark’s Gospel



Exam date – 15th June AM

Exam Board- Edexcel

After School Classes- Tuesday and Wednesday

Contents Page

Discipleship………………………………….Page 3

The Nature of Discipleship Page 3

The Cost of Discipleship Page 6

The Problems of Discipleship Page 10

Conflict and Argument……..……….….….Page 15

Death and Resurrection………....…………Page 27

The Identity Of Jesus?…………..…..………Page37

Part A Questions (Keyword Test)…….………Page 49

Online Resources

Access in the “Shared Area” in school or by remote access from home,

Past Papers

Mark Schemes (including answers)

Key word tests

Plenary quizzes


Blue Text Book (Purple Text Book)

The Nature of Discipleship

1.1 Jesus calls the first disciples- Mark 1:14-20 & 2:13-17Page 4 (10)








How is the “nature” of discipleship shown in this account? (What does it tell us about what it means to be a disciple?)

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Why is it important for Christians today?

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1.2 Sending out the twelve- Mark 6:7-13Page 6 (12)









How is the “nature” of discipleship shown in this account? (What does it tell us about what it means to be a disciple?)

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Why is it important for Christians today?

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The Costs of Discipleship

1.3 The true family of Jesus- Mark 3:31-35Page 8(16)








How does this account show the costs of discipleship?

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Why does this account cause problems for Christians today?

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1.4 True greatness- Mark 9:33-37Page10(18)











How does this account show the costs of discipleship?

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Why does this account cause problems for Christians today?

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1.5 The rich man- Mark 10:17-31Page12 (20)












How does this account show the costs of discipleship?

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Why does this account cause problems for Christians today?

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1.6 The tenants- Mark 12:1-12Page 4(22)













How does this account show the costs of discipleship?

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What does this account teach Christians today?

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The Problems of Discipleship

1.7 A spirit cast out by Jesus- Mark 9:14-29Page 16 (26)











How does this show the problems of discipleship? (Why was it difficult to be a disciple?)

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What problems does this account cause for Christians today?

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1.8 The parable of thesower- Mark 4:1-20Page 18 (28)













How does this show the problems of discipleship? (Why was it difficult to be a disciple?)

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What problems does this parable cause for Christians today?

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1.9 Jesus, the disciples and service- Mark 10:35-45Page20(30)











How does this passage show the problems of discipleship? (Why was it difficult to be a disciple?)


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What problems does this account cause for Christians today?

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1.10 Are the disciples really failures- Mark 14:27-42Page22 (32)










How does this show the problems of discipleship? (Why is it difficult to be a disciple?)

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What problems does this account cause for Christians today?

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How could this passage help Christians today?

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1.11 Peter denies knowing Jesus- Mark 14:66-72Page 24(34)










How does this show the problems of discipleship? (Why is it difficult to be a disciple?)

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What problems does this account cause for Christians today?

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How could this passage help Christians today?

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Conflict and Argument

2.1 Jesus heals a paralysed man- Mark 2:1-12Page 32 (40)











How did this event lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.2 Disagreements about the Sabbath- Mark 2:23-28Page34(42)







How did this event lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.3 The trouble with the law 7:1-23Page36-39 (44)













How did disagreements about the meaning of the law lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today about the treatment of people from other cultures and countries?

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2.4 Jesus predicts his passion- Mark 8:31-33Page40 (48)











Why did this prediction lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.5 Jesus enters Jerusalem- Mark 11:1-11(50)Page42












How did this event lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.6 Jesus clears out the Temple- Mark 11:15-19Page44 (52)












How did the events of this passage lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today about the treatment of people from other cultures and countries?

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2.7 Who is in authority here?- Mark 11:27-33Page46(56)











How did this conversation lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.8 A taxing question- Mark 12:13-17Page48(58)










How did the events of this passage lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today about the treatment of people from other cultures and countries?

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2.9 Jesus’ argument with the Sadducees-

Mark 12:18-27Page50 (60)










How did this argument lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.10 Expensive perfume at Bethany- Mark 14:3-9Page52 (62)










How did this event lead to conflict?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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2.11 The plot to kill Jesus- Mark 14:1-2Page54(64)









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Judas- Mark 14:10-11Page54 (14)










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The Treachery of Judas Foretold- Mark 14:17-21Page54



















Death And Resurrection

3.1 The meaning and significance of thelast supper for Mark- Mark 14:12-31Page62 (70)











What is the meaning and significance of this passage for Mark?

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What does this passage teach Christians today?

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3.2 The meaning and significance of the last supper for Christians today- Mark 14:12-31 Page66(72)











What is the meaning and significance of the last supper for Christians today?

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Explain why different Christian have different beliefs about Mass?

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3.3 Jesus’ prayers in the garden of Gethsemane- Mark 14:32-52Page68 (74)













What is the meaning and significance of this passage?

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Why might these prayers cause problems for Christians today?

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3.4 Betrayal and Arrest- Mark 14:43-52Page70 (76)










What is the meaning and significance of this passage?

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Why are there different attitudes to Judas today, amongst Christians?

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3.5 The Trial before the High Priest- Mark 14:53-65Page72(80)












What is the meaning and significance of this passage?

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How might this affect Christian’s attitude to Justice?

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3.6 Trial before Pontius Pilate - Mark 15:1-15Page74 (82)













What is the meaning and significance of this passage?

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What message is Mark trying to give us in this passage?

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3.7 The crucifixion according to Mark- Mark 15:21-39Page82 (84)
























What is the meaning and significance of this passage to Mark?

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3.8 Why is the crucifixion important for Christians today?- Mark 15:21-39 Page80 (86)

Why is the event of the crucifixion so important to Christians today? (what did it do for us?

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3.9 What is the meaning and significance of Jesus’ burial?- Mark 15:42-47Page82 (90)









What is the meaning and significance of the burial for Christians today?

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3.10 The meaning and significance of theresurrection for Mark - Mark 16:1-8Page84-85(92)











What is the meaning and significance of the resurrection for Mark?

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3.11 The meaning and significance of the resurrection to Christians today? - Mark 16:1-8 Page86-87 (94)











What is the meaning and significance of the resurrection to Christians today?










The Identity of Jesus?

4.1 Jesus is baptised- Mark 1:2-11 Page94 (100)










What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.2 Peter at Caerarea Philippi- Mark 8:27- 9:1Page96 (102)














What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Peter’s Confession at Caesarea Philippi-Matthew16:13-20

13When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

14They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."

15"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"

16Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ,[a] the Son of the living God."

17Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it.[d]19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[e] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[f] loosed in heaven." 20Then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.















Why is Matthew’s version of Peter’s Confession more helpful than Mark’s for Roman Christians today?

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4.3 The transfiguration- Mark 9:1-10 Page98 (104)











What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.4 Jesus calms A storm- Mark 4:35-41 Page 100 (108)














What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.5 The Feeding of the five thousand- Mark 6:32-44Page102 (110)













What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.6 Jesus walks on the sea- Mark 6:45-52 Page104 (112)








What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.7 Jesus heals Legion- Mark 5:1-20Page106 (114)













What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.8 The raising of Jairus’ daughter - Mark 5:21-43 Page108 (116)











What does this passage tell us about who Mark thinks Jesus is? Give evidence for your answer.

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Why does this passage cause problems for some Christians today?

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4.9 The MessiahPage 110 (120)

List the passages when Jesus is called the Messiah



















Why is this title significant for Christians today?

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4.10 Son of Man Page112 (122)

List the passages when Jesus is called the “Son of Man” Page112


















Why is this title significant for Christians today?

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4.11 Jesus- the Son of GodPage114 (124)

List the passages when Jesus is called the Son of God



















Why does Mark’s Gospel lead some people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God? (Note evidence to support this claim)


















Part A Questions (Keyword List)




The Twelve______

True Family______

The Commandments______

Sons of Zebedee______

True Greatness______


Self Sacrifice______

Eye of a Needle______

The Kingdom______

Peter’s Denial______

Conflict and Argument

The Law______




Ritual Cleanliness______



Palm Sunday______

The Temple______


Sadducees ______


Death and Resurrection

Last Supper______



High Priest______

Pontius Pilate______




Upper room______

Feast of Unleavened Bread ______

Judas Iscariot______


Who is Jesus?

Baptism ______



John The Baptist______




Nature Miracles______

Healing Miracles______


Son of Man______

Messiah (Christ)______