Year 9 / Domain: SMC / Date Assigned: / Due Date: /
Assessment Task Title: Inquiry Task
Student’s Name:

Assessment Task

In groups, you are required to carry out an historical investigation into a given topic on China during the period 1750 - 1918. Your inquiry findings will be presented to the class in the form of a group oral presentation. Each presentation must include a digital visual aid and each group member must contribute. You will also be required to submit an evaluation and annotated bibliography as outlined in the rubric.

Rubric for assessing your work

Rubric Description / Above expectations / Meets expectations / Meets expectations / Working towards expectations
-Listening, reading & viewing
(key features) / In depth examination of all areas of political, social, cultural & economic features / Examination of all areas of political, social, cultural & economic features with two or three in depth / Examination of all areas of political, social, cultural & economic features with one in depth / Examination of all areas of political, social, cultural & economic but lacks depth
/20 / /16 / /12 / /8
Historical skills
-Analysis and use of sources
(annotated bibliography) / An annotated bibliography has been providedand includes detailed descriptions and evaluations of 7 or more sources / An annotated bibliography has been provided and includes descriptions and evaluations of 5 to 6 sources / An annotated bibliography has been provided and includesbrief descriptions or evaluations of 3 to 4 sources / Astandard bibliography has been provided
/5 / /4 / /3 / /2
Historical skills
-Explanation and communication
(presentation) / Group members have maintained excellent eye contact, voice projection and body language consistently throughout the presentation / Group members have maintained eye contact, voice projection and body language for majority of the presentation / Group members have maintained eye contact, voice projection and body language for some of the presentation / Group has failed to maintain adequate eye contact, voice projection and body language throughout the presentation
/10 / /8 / /6 / /4
Historical skills
-Explanation and communication
(visual aid) / Digital technology has effectively accompanied the presentation, making the content more meaningful for the audience / Digital technology has accompanied the presentation, making the content somewhat more meaningful for the audience / Digital technology has accompanied the presentation making the content marginally more meaningful for the audience / Digital technology has failed to accompany the presentation or is ineffective
/5 / /4 / /3 / /2
Social management
-Work collaboratively
(evaluation) / The evaluationprovides a detailed critique of the preparation of the presentation / The evaluation provides a sound critique of the preparation of the presentation / The evaluation provides a basic critique of the preparation of the presentation / The evaluation provides an ineffective critique of the preparation of the presentation or no critique at all
/10 / /8 / /6 / /4
% Score
50% is required to pass / S/N Result / /50





Visual aid:


