KIN 217: Personal Fitness & Wellness (GE-E) (3 Units)

Spring 2014

Instructor: Wanda Boda, Ph.D.Office: PE 16

Office Hours: TBAPhone: 664-3938

Class Times: Mon and Wed 10:45-12:00Email:

Class Location: Darwin 30

Web Site Address:

Course Description for KIN 217: Personal Fitness & Wellness(3)

Through a kinesiological perspective, this course examines the physiological dimensions of fitness and wellness as they relate to individuals and society. Students will develop an understanding of current trends and practices as they relate to topics such as stress management, cardiovascular fitness, nutrition, and disease prevention. Students will apply this knowledge to become educated health care consumers, advocates, and responsible decision makers. Students will develop personal action plans for enhancing health and well-being.

General Education Mission & Goals:

General Education (GE) at Sonoma State University (SSU) investigates the complexity of human experience in a diverse natural and social world, and promotes informed and ethical participation as citizens of the world.

To achieve this mission, in concert with the specific needs of various GE Areas of Study, the GE program asserts the following fundamental goals for all GE approved classes:
I. Teach students to think independently, ethically, critically and creatively
II. Teach students to communicate clearly to many audiences
III. Teach students to gain an understanding of connections between the past and the present, and to look to the future
IV. Teach students to appreciate intellectual, scientific, and artistic accomplishment
V. Teach and/or build upon reading, writing, research, and critical thinking skills

Course Goals

  1. Identify and understand the various dimensions of fitness, wellness, and nutrition throughout the life cycle and how these relate to various populations (Supports GE Goals I, III, V)
  2. Understand basic concepts of physical fitness and the interaction of exercise, nutrition, stress management, and lifelong health (Supports GE Goals I, III, V)
  3. Participate in activities that promote the development of cardiovascular fitness and positive health behaviors (Supports GE Goals III, IV)
  4. Analyze the importance of each dimension of wellness (Supports GE Goals I, III, IV)
  5. Research and describe the relationship between lifestyle and a variety of diseases and illnesses (Supports GE Goals I, II, III, V)
  6. Research and describe the process of making healthy lifestyle changes (Supports GE Goals I, II, III, IV, V)
  7. Plan, implement, and evaluate health and nutrition changes (Supports GE Goals I, III, IV)
  8. Distinguish between myths and facts related to health, nutrition, and fitness and communicate these to an audience (Supports GE Goals I, II, III, V)
  9. Utilize technology as a source of health information and health assessment (Supports GE Goals I, II, V)

Required Text:

Fahey, TD., Insel, PM., Roth W. (2013). Fit and Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness (10th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

This Textbook is available at North Light Books in the Wolf Den Plaza

Class Activities/Course Requirements: Total = 335 pts

Item PointsYour Points

Attendance & Participation 50

Best 2 out of 3 quizzes20

Exam #1 55

Exam #2 65

Exam #3 75

Personal Fitness and Wellness program 50

Labs (15 x 3 pts)45

Total 360pts

Grading scale:

A = 95% B = 85%C = 75% D = 65%

A- = 90%B- = 80%C- = 70% D- = 60%

B+ = 88%C+ = 78%D+ = 68% F = below 60%

Tentative test dates:

Test 1 – 2nd week in Feb

Test 2 – 2nd week in March

Test 3 – Finals week in May

Each Quiz will be one week before each test

Attendance & Participation

  • Being in class (on time) and being actively engaged are THE key elements for this class.
  • Attendance will be taken regularly. You are responsible for signing the attendance sheet.
  • You may have TWO excused absence (use it wisely) -- for every absence after that, 10 points will be subtracted from your attendance points (e.g. 2 absences = -20 points) – if you miss 6 classes or more, you will receive an F for the course.
  • “Select” your absence wisely…i.e. appointments, games, events, trips, etc. You are responsible for notifying me prior to the selected absence.


There will be three exams and quizzes given throughout the semester. These exams will be based on your readings and in-class lectures and activities. The exams will be multiple-choice ,True/False, and short answer. You can keep the best 2 of the three quizzes. Quizzes cannot be made up. Tests can be made up only if you tell me/email mea day ahead of time that you will be missing the test and it must be for serious and compelling reasons only. If you just happen to miss the test, you cannot make it up.

Additional Assignments will have a handout describing the contents and requirements of the assignment and will be handed out in class.

Cheating & Plagiarism will not be tolerated! Refer to your student handbook regarding SSU’s stance on student responsibilities in the classroom

A list of chapters covered will be handed out during each third of the semester.

Some class content will be available on my website.

Cell Phones: ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ON in class. If you need to use yours tell me ahead of time and leave the classroom. NO TEXTING during class.


Week 1 Aug 31 / Introductions/Course Outline
Introduction to Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management / Ch 1
Lab 1.1 and 1.2
Week 2
Sep 7 / Principles of physical Fitness / Ch 2
Lab 2.1 and 2.2
Week 3
Sep 14 / Principles of physical Fitness / Ch 2
Lab 2.1 and 2.2
Week 4
Sep 21 / Quiz 1 (Ch 1 and 2)
Cardiorespiratory Endurance / Ch 3
Labs 3.1 and 3.2
Week 5
Sep 28 / Muscular Strength and Endurance / Ch 4
Lab 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3
Week 6
Oct 5 / Exam 1 (Ch 1, 2, 4, and 4)
Stress / Ch 10
Lab 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3
Week 7 Oct 12 / Flexibility and Low Back Health / Ch 5
Lab 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3
Week 8
Oct 19 / Quiz 2 (Ch 10 and 5)
Body Composition / Ch 6
Lab 6.1 and 6.2
Week 9
Oct 26 / Putting together a Complete Fitness Program / Ch 7
Lab 7.1 and 7.2
Week 10
Nov 2 / Exam 2 (Ch 4, 5, 6, and 7)
Nutrition / Ch 8
Lab 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3
Week 11
Nov 9 / Weight Management / Ch 9
Lab 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3
Week 12
Nov 16 / Behavior Change Topic Paper is Due
Cardiovascular Health / Ch 11
Lab 11.1
Week 13
Nov 23 / Quiz 3 (Ch 8, 9, and 11)
Substance Use and Abuse / Ch 12
Lab 12.1
Ch 13
Lab 13.1 and 13.2
Week 14
Nov 30 / 3 Days Diet, Food, Analysis is Due
Substance Use and Abuse
Sexually Transmitted Diseases / Ch 13
Lab 13.1 and 13.2
Ch 14
Lab 14.1
Week 15
Dec 7 / Exercise testing and prescription (ExRx) assignment is Due
Wellness for Life / Ch 15
Lab 15.1
Final Exam (Ch 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15)

This course outline is subject to change at any time throughout the semester.