Dr. Martin Luther KingScavenger Hunt
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On the third Monday in January, we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. Scroll down to examine questions that will help you learn more about Dr. M. L. King. Follow the links in each section to find the answers.
1. Click on Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech and listen.
2. Click on this timeline and answer the following questions:
What happened to Martin Luther King in 1935?
What college did Martin Luther King graduate from in 1948?
3. Click on this Interactive History link to answer the following questions:
What year was Martin Luther King born?
Why is the year 1958 important?
What was one thing that happened in 1963?
4. Martin Luther King received several hundred awards. Look at the following website and record 3 of those awards. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/srs218.html
5. Go to this site and answer the following questions:
A. In what city was Martin Luther King born?
B. Name one of the churches that Martin Luther King worked.
C. What is the address of Dr. King's birth home?
7. Go inside Martin Luther King's childhood home and have a look around. Read about what Martin's bedroom was like when he was growing up.
How is it the same and different than your own bedroom?
8. Martin Luther King was part of a bigger history of Black struggle in the United States.
Have things gotten better for African Americans in this country since the 1960's?
What can people do today to help Dr. King's dream come true?
This is the end of your scavenger hunt; it is your turn to teach others about you've learned about Dr. King. So choose either choice one or two and complete the project.
Choice 1: Create a multimedia presentation on your own.
Choice 2: Draw a picture, compose a poem, or write an essay about Martin Luther King Jr.
When you are all done you can do some interactive activities
Thank You
Martin Luther King Jr.