(Addendums in bold below)
Date: February 23, 2016 / LewisCounty#Applicant: City of Morton / PO Box 1089
ContactName: Mayor Dan Mortenson / Morton, WA 98356
County: Lewis / (360) 496-6881
SignaturePositionofpersonauthorizingsubmittal: / Fax/Email:
ProjectTitle: City of Morton Community Sign Project
Totalprojectcost$:57,000 / Isyourrequestafundinggap?Yes□ No□
Amountraisedtodate$:26,000 / Whatareyourequestingnow? Up to $32,000
Yes □ No □ / Ifyes,howmanyphasesandhowmanyyears?
phases years
1.Brieflydescribeyourproject.Whendidyoustartworkonit?Whoisinvolved?Whatisthescopeofthe project?(Useprovidedspaceonly.) Install a lighted LED sign to inform tourists of activities and events in Morton. The sign will be located on Highway 7 and will be visible as vehicles enter Morton from Highway 12. This project was first proposed to the City of Morton July 2013. Our community is partnering to raise the needed capital to move this project forward. We have stakeholders behind the project and WSDOT approval. City of Morton, Morton Chamber of Commerce, Morton General Hospital, Eastern Lewis County Hospital Foundation, Centralia College, Morton School District, Fire Mountain Arts Council, Loggers’ Jubilee Committee, Lewis County PUD, and Hampton Mills are all committed to the project.
2.Howdoestheprojectsatisfy,inwholeorinpart,youreconomicdiversificationstrategy? Morton has long been mostly a logging and lumber mill community. Tourism has become a priority to Morton. Tourists traveling to Mt Rainier from the south have to pass through Morton. Currently, we have no way of communicating to travelers and tourists about tourism opportunities in Morton.
□Yesitranks (1st,2nd,etc.)inourcounty wideprioritization process.
4.Summarizeeffortstakentodateregardingtheprojectintermsofspecificsteps/studiesanddatesofaction, whereappropriate.(Useprovidedspaceonly.)
5.Summarizeeffortsyou’vetakentodateregardingtheprojectintermsof:(Givespecifictitlesanddatesof adoptionwhereappropriate.(Useprovidedspaceonly.)
A.Haveyousecuredfundsforthisprojectfromlocal,stateorfederalprogramsorfoundations?Specify sources,includinglocalmatchanddollaramounts.Ifthereareconditionsattachedtoanyofthese securedfundingsources,pleasespecify. Morton School District $5,000 (firm), Morton General Hospital $2,500 (firm), Eastern Lewis CountyHospital Foundation $2,500 (firm), Centralia College $5,000 (pending final approval), Fire Mountain Arts Council $2,000 (firm), Hampton Mill $4,000 plus site prep (firm), Loggers’ Jubilee Committee $5,000 (pending final approval). Lewis County PUD will make an in kind donation to hookup the power the sign. City of Morton will pay for ongoing electricity costs and provide site maintenance. The Morton Chamber of Commerce will pay the ongoing telephone line charges. A Memo Of Understanding is being written by the city attorney for sharing ongoing maintenance costs with all the stakeholders.
WSDOT approval. Engineering and design by ESCO Signs.
Whataretheanticipatedoutcomesofthisprojectintermsofthecriteriaidentifiedbelow?Quantify informationwherepossible.(Ifasectiondoesnotapply,markit“NA”.)
Howmanyfull-time,permanentjobswillthisprojectcreateorretain? Retain?Createin1-3years?Createin3-5years?
Whatisthesizeofthepopulationthatwillbenefitbytheseinfrastructureimprovements? Morton 1,200 and surrounding community of about 4,000.
Howwillthisprojectimprovelocalinfrastructurecapacity? N/A
Howmanybusinessesdoyouplanonservingwiththisproject? All tourism related businesses in the greater Morton area will benefit from this project.
Howmanymonthswilltheworkonthisprojecttaketocomplete? One month of construction to complete this project.
6.Arethereotherfactorssignificanttothisprojectthatweshouldbeawareof,suchasemergency declaration,birdinhandindustry,volunteerefforts,etc.?(Useprovidedspaceonly.)
Timing of this project is important to take advantage of the group of organizations that have committed to contribute time and/or money in for constructing a sign that drives increased tourism activity. Completion of the project prior to June 2016 is necessary take advantage to the Summer 2016 tourist season.
7.Whatquantifiableoutcomesareyougoingtotrackto measurethesuccessofthisproject?(Useprovided spaceonly.)
Increased stays at overnight lodgings and campgrounds, sales tax revenue, and increased attendance at events geared towards tourists.