Statement of Work
Date / 09/21/2016Client / Cherokee Nation Entertainment (CNE)
Job Name / CAT – Central Plant Upgrade
Requested by
From / Jeffrey Harris
This project will be adding TVs to the HVAC office at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Catoosa, OK. As well as putting together a TV cart for the HVAC office.
Project Scope
This SOW covers the following components, activities, deliverables and assumptions. Included in this will be hardware procurement, install new equipment, implementation, and testing.
1) CNE Provided
Description / MFR / MFR P/N / QTYPCs for TVs / Dell / N/A / 1
2) Contractor Provided
Description / MFR / MFR P/N / QTYLG 49” TVs / LG / 49LW340C / 2
LG 43” TVs / LG / 43LW340C / 2
LG 32” TVs / LG / 32LW340C / 6
LG 70” TV with Two Year Extended Warranty / LG / 70UH6330 / 1
Chief Cart / Chief / LPAUB / 1
Chief Shelf / Chief / FCA612B / 1
Chief TV Mounts / Chief / MTA1U / 10
Cables / N/A / N/A / 1
3) Miscellaneous – Contractor will provide all miscellaneous components to complete the install except the specific items listed in “CNE Provided” section above. This includes, but not limited to, cables, connectors, j-hooks, brackets, custom panels, labels, hardware, tie wraps, etc.
1) Equipment Removal – Contractor will uninstall all equipment and cabling that will no longer be needed. This equipment will be returned to CNE.
a. Equipment
· Remove two computer monitors that are mounted on the wall.
· Remove one TV that is one the wall.
2) Installation – Contractor will install all necessary components to complete the project. This does not include components listed in the “CNE Provided” section above.
a. Conditions
· Due to 24/7 Casino operational hours, project work hours may be late night and/or overnight depending on guest impact of specific tasks. CNE will dictate as necessary.
· Contractor is responsible for keeping all work areas clean.
b. Cable Pulls/Moves
· Six HDMI Cables from a PC below the 32” monitors to the monitors.
· Two HDMI Cables from the 49” TVs to a PC that will be behind the monitors.
c. Equipment – Contractor is responsible for installing all components of the AV system. This will include installing equipment in the Central Plant Office. All equipment must be labeled with appropriate names and network information as applicable.
· Major Central Plant Office Components
1. All of the LG TVs and mounts. (Per Drawings)
2. Chief Cart with the 70” TV.
3) Testing – Contractor will perform complete system test to provide CNE verified proof of performance.
4) Training – Contractor will train CNE personnel on all system functions.
1) Provide a Warranty Letter to include equipment and installation warranty dates.
2) Provide all equipment manuals, any associated software discs, and any unused components.
3) Fully installed, tested, and CNE verified video distribution system and associated control.
Key Requirements
· Contract personnel doing work on site and/or remotely must have a current CNGC gaming license.
· Contractor has all necessary software tools to accomplish tasks associated with the project.
· Contractor understands and agrees to late night and/or overnight working hours.
© 2016 Proprietary Statement of Work 1