Greenway Surgery
Dr S C Dow / First Floor, Wing 4Dr P J Hedges / St Catherine’s Health Centre
Dr M J Richards / Church Road, Birkenhead
Dr J Harrand / Merseyside CH42 0LQ
Tel: 0151 643 6700 Fax: 0151 643 6709
December 2012
Review of 2012
2012 has been a very busy year with a number of significant changes at the surgery.
In April we upgraded our computer system, which holds all our patient medical and appointment records. While this has been quite labour intensive for the surgery staff, we now have the benefit of an improved system.
Shortly afterwards we introduced our new appointment system which was designed to improve access to same day appointments for all patients with an urgent need for advice or treatment. Initially this was met with a mixed reaction from patients, and we have made some changes in response to feedback received from you. We believe there are definite advantages to the new appointment system and would like to continue managing appointments using the telephone triage system for a further 6 months, making additional improvements to ensure that the system operates well for all patients.
The practice was approved as a training practice this year and in August we introduced our first GP registrar to patients. Dr Ellis will be working with us until February 2013 when her training rotation takes her to another surgery.Dr Markey will join usin February for the next 6 months.
In October we experienced the biggest change of all when we moved into our brand new premises at St Catherine’s Health Centre. Thankfully the move was without incident and we have quickly settled into the new building. Car parking remains a problem while demolition/building work is still being carried out, but the Community Trust is working hard to ensure they provide as many spaces as possible for patients.
As we adjust to all these changes, we always welcome any feedback you may have to offer to ensure we are providing a service which meets the needs of our patients. We have a patient participation group for patients who would like to be more involved in influencing how the surgery operates and the services we provide. There is a tear off slip at the end of the newsletter - if you are interested in becoming more involved, please complete this slip and return to our practice manager.
Plans for 2013
We have recognised that some patients would like to be able to book an appointment with their GP outside of normal working hours. To meet this need the surgery will be offering both GP and nurse appointments between 6.30 and 8.30 p.m. on a Monday and Tuesday evening from 7th January 2013. These appointments will all be routine pre-bookable appointments and are intended for patients who find it difficult to attend surgery during our normal opening hours. Urgent requests for treatment during these additional hours will still be taken care of by the Out of Hours Service at ArroweParkHospital.
We are also aware that getting through to the surgery on the phone can sometimes be difficult. To resolve this we intend to introduce a service called ‘Patient Partner’ which will enable patients to telephone the surgery 24 hours a day to book, change or cancel an appointment. We expect to have this service operating before the end of January 2013.
With best wishes for a Happy Christmas to all our readers
Greenway Surgery – Newsletter December 2012
Greenway Surgery – Newsletter December 2012
Greenway Surgery – Newsletter December 2012
Greenway Surgery
Dr S C Dow / First Floor, Wing 4Dr P J Hedges / St Catherine’s Health Centre
Dr M J Richards / Church Road, Birkenhead
Dr J Harrand / Merseyside CH42 0LQ
Tel: 0151 643 6700 Fax: 0151 643 6709
Sign up for Practice Survey
If you are happy for us to contact you periodically by email please leave your details below and hand
this form back to reception.
Email address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
This additional information will help to make sure we try to speak to a representative sample of the patients that are registered at this practice.
Are you? Male [ ] Female [ ]
Age: Group / Under 16 / 17 – 2425 – 34 / 35 – 44
45 – 54 / 55 – 64
65 – 74 / 75 – 84
Over 84
To help us ensure our contact list is representative of our local community please indicate which of the
following ethnic background you would most closely identify with?
WhiteBritish Group / Irish
White & Black Caribbean / White & Black African / White & Asian
Asian or Asian British
Indian / Pakistani / Bangladeshi
Black or Black British
Caribbean / African
Chinese or other ethnic Group
Chinese / Any Other
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Very rarely
Thank you.
Please note that we will not respond to any medical information or questions received through the survey
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you the right to know what information is held about you, and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.
Greenway Surgery – Newsletter December 2012