JANUARY 28, 2015
Co-chair Andrea Dalessio called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: Andrea Dalessio, Debbie Burns, Nic Giancaspro, Allison Jackson, Tony Lore, Gloria Lore, David May, Danielle Migliacci and Chris Sariti. Also attending was Recreation Director Dawn DaPuzzo.
The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by Allison Jackson, seconded by Chris Sariti, the meeting minutes of November 20, 2014 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.
Old Business
Tree Lighting – Great job Allison and everyone that helped out. There was a very large turnout. Allison took lots of notes for next year. Peter Franzel from the Chamber of Commerce has the snowman suit.
Men’s Basketball – Everything is going well. Tony will stop in and check it out.
Co-Ed Volleyball – Co-ed is very successful, there is a great turnout each week with enough players for teams.
New Business
Meet the Bunny – Saturday, March 28 from 1:00 – 3:00 at Continental. Joanne will make a PO to George and Tina the face painter. Joanne will send out newspaper and cable tv ads, and the email blast. We will discuss at the next meeting.
Yoga Class – Yoga starts on Monday, Feb. 23 from 7:30 – 8:30, and runs for 6 weeks. Dawn is checking about payments going directly to the instructor.
Softball – Chris will be working on the umpire payment situation.
New Member Recruitment – Dave may know of someone interested in joining the committee.
Tennis – Dave will look into possibly having spring and/or fall tennis. He will check into having a 6 week sessions, and the availability of courts.
Meeting Attendance – Please try to attend as many meetings and events as possible. Meetings are more productive with everyone’s input and ideas, and events are easier and run more smoothly when there are many hands to help out. Thanks!
Recreation Director’s Report
No report.
General Comments
Senior Picnic – Andrea will work on getting a date for the Senior Picnic. The tentative date will be Thursday, July 9.
On a motion by Debbie Burns, seconded by Tony Lore, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. All in favor, motion carried.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 7:30 pm.