Concordance List of existing T. R. Forms with proposed T. R. Forms
T.R. FormNo.
(old) /
T.R. Form No.
(New) /Description with reference to (old rules)
/ Remarks1. / 1. / 2.25 / Certificate of Transfer of Charge (S. R. 6) / -
2. / - / - / Model Form of Security Bond to be taken from Treasurers [S. R. 11 (b)] / Deleted
3. / - / - / Treasurer's Daily Balance Sheet (Non-Banking Treasury) [S. R. 20 (ii)] / Deleted
4. / - / - / Cash Book – General [S. R. 31 (i)] / To be taken W.B.F.R.
4A. / - / - / Cash Book of the Nazir of Collectorate [Note (1) below S. R. 31 (i)] / To be taken W.B.F.R.
4B. / - / - / Cash Book of the Office of the Superintendent of Police [Note 2 below S. R. 31 (i)] / To be taken W.B.F.R.
5. / - / - / Bill Register [Note below S. R. 31 (v)] / To be taken W.B.F.R.
5A. / 6 / 4.021 / Bill Transit Register [S. R. 31 (v) Note 1A] / -
6. / - / - / Receipt Form – General (S. R. 37) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
6A. / - / - / Receipt Form for use in the Public Works or Irrigation and Waterways Departments where Cash Books are maintained (Note below S. R. 37) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
6B. / - / - / Receipt Form for use in the Public Works or Irrigation and Waterways Departments where Cash Books are not maintained (Note below S. R. 37) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
6C. / - / - / Receipt Form for use in the Forest Department (Note below S. R. 37) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
6D. / - / - / Receipt Form for use in the Presidency Police Department (Note below S. R. 37) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
6E. / - / - / Receipt Form for use in the D. M.'s Office, Passport Branch (Note below S. R. 37) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
7. / 7 / 3.06 (b) / Challan Form (S. R. 46) / -
8. / 3. / 2.41 (2) / Register of valuables lodged for Safe Custody [Note (ii) below S. R. 67] / -
9. / - / - / Potdar's slip to be placed in each bag of coin [8. R. 71 (1) (i)] / Deleted
10. / - / - / Potdar's slip to be placed in each bundle of Note [S. R. 71 (1) (ii)] / Deleted
11. / - / - / Cash Balance Report (S. R. 80) / Deleted
12. / 8. / 4.052(1) / Letter of Credit [S. R. 122 (1)] / -
13. / - / - / Cash Order on sub-Treasuries (S. R. 153) / Deleted
14. / - / - / Advice of Cash Orders (S. R. 154) / Deleted
15. / - / - / Register of Advice of Cash Orders (S. R. 155) / Deleted
16. / - / - / Register of Attachments [S. R. 169 (1) Note (b)] / Deleted
17. / - / - / Bond of Indemnity for drawing arrears of pay and allowances or pensions of deceased Government servants or pensioners (S. R. 174). / To be taken W.B.F.R.
18. / 15. / 4.091 / Register of Power of Attorney, Probates, Succession Certificates etc. [S. R. 187 (1) Note] / -
19. / 17. / 4.092 / Bond of Indemnity for drawing pay, Pensions, Annuities etc. [S. R. 188 (1)] / -
20. / - / - / Pay Bill Form to be used by Self-drawing Officers (S. R. 190) / Deleted
21. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
22. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
23. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
24. / - / - / Travel Expense Bill (for Self-drawing Officers) (S. R. 195) / Deleted
25. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
26. / 18. / 4.095(1) / Pay Bill Form [S. R. 205(i)] / -
26A. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
26B. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
26C. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
26D. / - / - / Certificate of deduction of income tax (S. R. 163 A) / Deleted
27. / 19. / 4.099 / Absentee Statement (S.R. 210) / Substituted by G.A.R. Form No. 12 of the Govt. of India
28. / 20. / 4.101 / Annual Increment Certificate (S. R. 212)
29. / - / - / Travel Expense Bill of the Establishment / Substituted by G.A.R. Form No. 14-A (R & P Rules of the Govt. of India)
New / 21. / 4.104 / Travelling allowance bill for transfer
New / 22. / 4.104 / Leave travel concession bill
New / 23. / 4.104 / Travelling allowance bill for tour
30. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
31. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
32. / - / - / Expenditure Register (S. R. 238) / To be taken W.B.F.R.
33. / 26. / 4.135(Exp.II),
4.137 / Bill for drawing wages, office expense, payment for professional, special services, rent/rates/taxes etc. (S. R. 244) / -
34. / 25. / 4.135(1) / Bill for drawing charges initially met out of permanent advance (S. R. 227) / -
35. / 27. / 4.136(1), 4.138(2)&(3), 5.07 / Bill for drawing advance without supporting Voucher (S. R. 226 & 246)
36. / 28. / 4.135(2),
4.138(5) / Detailed Bill for adjustment of advance (S. R. 249) 37. 38. 39. Deleted
37. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
38. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
39. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
40. / - / - / Register of Pension Payment Orders (S. R. 1.67) / Deleted
41. / - / - / Pension Bill (for payment at the Accountant- General's Office) [S. R.280 (i)] / Deleted
42. / - / - / Pension Bill (for payment at Treasuries} [S.R. 280(i)] / Deleted
43. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
44. / - / - / Certificate of non-termination of event determining pensions (S. R. 283) / Deleted
45. / - / - / Half-yearly declaration of female pensioners whose pensions are terminable on their marriage or remarriage (S. R. 284) / Deleted
46. / 34. / 4.199(4), 4.201,4.202 / Bill for refund of Revenue (S. R. 327) / -
47. / 35. / 4.201 / Bill for refund of cost price of distillery, spirit, ganja and bhang supplied under contract system (S. R. 327-Note 2) / -
48. / 31. / 4.195, 4.198 / Grant-in-Aid Bill/Simple Receipt Form (S. R. 333) / -
New / 32. / 4.197 / Consolidated Grants-in-Aid Bill / Cheque Slip / To be attached with existing T.R. Form no. 48
48A. / 36. / 5.03 / Bill for drawing charges on account of loans, advances, subsidies, investments (S. R. 448) / -
48B. / 37. / 5.03, 5.10 / Bill for drawing loans and advances sanctioned to employees of the Government (S. R. 448) / -
49. / 33. / 4.196 / Bill for scholarships / stipends payable to College / School (S. R. 334) / -
49A. / - / - / Form of authority to draw charges through a messenger (S. R. 133(i), 242, 352, 359) / Deleted
50. / 2. / 2.31(2) / Statement of transactions on Government Account (S. R. 375 (i)] / -
51. / 47. / 6.39(1) / Schedule of General Provident Fund deductions [S. R. 395] / -
51A. / 48. / 6.39(1) / Schedule of Provident Fund deductions (S. R. 395) / -
52. / 49. / 6.39(1) / Schedule of deductions on account of subscription to Post Office Insurance Fund (S. R. 395) / -
53. / - / - / Schedule of deductions on account of Family Pension Fund/Indian Widows' and Orphans' Fund (S. R. 395) / Deleted
54. / 50. / 6.41(1)(a), 6.43(1) / Bill for drawing General Provident Fund advances/withdrawals [S. R. 397 (1)] / -
55. / 42. / 6.12 / Deposit Repayment Order and Bill Form (S. R. 416) / -
56. / 45. / 6.18, 6.14(2), 6.19 / Refund of lapsed deposits – Application and Bill Form (S. R. 425) / -
57. / - / - / Advance intimation of despatch of remittance [S. R. 470 (3)] / Deleted
58. / - / - / Invoice of notes or coins despatched from Treasuries (S. R. 475) / Deleted
59. / - / - / Invoice of uncurrent coins despatched by Rail, Steamer etc., under charge of an escort (S. R. 476) / Deleted
60. / - / - / Clerk/Shroff's or Potdar's Certificate (S. R. 486) / Deleted
61. / - / - / Letter of indemnity with respect to issue of duplicate Reserve Bank of India "Bank" Draft (S. R. 548) / Deleted
62. / - / - / Indent for Reserve Bank of India Draft Forms and other connected forms
(S. R. 556) / Deleted
62A. / - / - / Stock Register of Reserve Bank of India Draft Forms (S. R. 529) / Deleted
62B. / Annexure ‘R’ of App. 9 / Stock Register of Cheque Books/Receipt Books
63. / 66 / 8.17(1) / Acquittance Roll [S. R. 572 (1)] / To be taken to W.B.F.R.
63A / 67 / 8.17(7) / Register of undisbursed pay and allowances
64. / - / - / Treasury Remittance Book [Appendix 5 Part (I), Rule 5] / Deleted
65. / 63. / Appendix 5, Part I, / Consolidated Issue-cum-Schedule for Divisions under Work Executing Departments [existing Appendix 5 (Part I), Rule 11] / -
66. / 64. / Pt. I & II and
of Appendix 5 / Consolidated Receipt-cum-Schedule for Divisions under Work Executing Departments [existing Appendix 5 (Part I), Rule 6] / -
67. / - / - / Deleted / Stands Deleted
68. / - / - / Memorandum of Instructions to be given to the Police Officers-in-Charge of a Remittance by Rail / Deleted
New / 4. / 2.43 / Register of Padlocks
New / 5. / 3.13 / Accounts for Departmental Receipts
New / 9. / 4.052(3) / Allotment/L.O.C. Register
New / 10. / 4.072 / Schedule of Income Tax deduction
New / 11. / 4.073 / Schedule of House Rent, etc. Recovery for Occupation of Government Accommodation, etc.
New / 12. / 4.080(1) / Schedule deduction on account of taxes on Profession, Employment, etc.
New / 16. / 4.091(2) / The bond of indemnity, which must be stamped maybe of the following form in the case of a firm or bank
New / 24. / 4.107 / Medical charges Reimbursement Bill
New / 29. / 4.138(4) / Advance check register for contingency
New / 30. / 4.192(3) / Death case register
New / 38. / 5.04 / Schedule of recovery of Loans and Advances / Interest on Loans & Advances
New / 39. / 6.08(6) /
P.F. deposit account register
New / 40. / 6.09(2), 6.31 / Daily Receipts and Payments from the P.L./L.F./P.D.New / 41 / 6.09 & 6.31 / Schemewise / Projectwise Ledger Folio of Local Fund Account (or Personal Deposit Account)
New / 43. / 6.14 / Transfer Credit Bill Form
New / 44. / 6.16(1)(b) / Statement of Lapsed Revenue/Civil/Criminal Deposits
New / 46. / 6.39(2) / Certificate of General Provident Fund Deductions in Respect of Group ‘D’ Employees
New / 51. / 6.46 / Receipted bill under the Central Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme, 1980
New / 52. / 6.46 / Receipted bill under All India Service Group Insurance Rules, 1981
New / 53. / 6.48 / Schedule of Recovery of Subscription under West Bengal State Government Employees Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1983
New / 54. / 6.48 / Consolidated Schedule of Deposits of Insurance-cum-Savings Fund
New / 55. / 6.49 / Schedule pertaining to the Credit Head “8011-Insurance and Pension Fund-00-105-West Bengal State Government Employees’ Group Insurance Scheme, etc.”
New / 56. / 6.49 / Register of Receipts of Subscription under West Bengal State Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987
New / 57. / 6.49 / Schedule of Payments in case of death while in service or retirement/resignation under G.I.S.S., 1987
New / 58. / 6.49 / Consolidated Schedule of Receipts and Payments of West Bengal Sate Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987
New / 59. / 6.49 / Plus-Minus Memo. of West Bengal state government employees’ group insurance scheme, 1987
New / 60. / 6.48, 6.49 / Bill for withdrawal from West Bengal Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987 (Savings Fund, in respect of subscriber on retirement / resignation etc.)
New / 61. / 6.48, 6.49 / Bill for withdrawal from West Bengal Government Employees’ Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987 (Insurance and Savings Fund)
New / 62. / 6.49 / Annual Statement showing the number of persons subscribing to the Group Insurance Scheme and the number for whom payments were made.
App. 12 / 13. / 4.081 / Last Pay Certificate
New / 65 / Appendix-17 / Bill for drawal of principal and/or interest on various Government bonds etc / Adopted from Form No M-8 of west Bengal Estate Acquisition Rules,1954.