Your goal for this assignment is to create your own superhero, and then write an origin story that shows how they came to be the hero they are!

What’s an origin story? An ORIGIN STORY explains what led to your hero becoming a hero. What motivated him or her to dress up and fight evil? What are his or her reasons for being a superhero?

Examples: As a child, Bruce Wayne sees his parents murdered by a mugger, swears revenge on criminals everywhere, and trains for the next decade to become Batman, the greatest detective and crimefighter in the world; Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider and gets spider-related powers, but doesn’t start using them to help others until his uncle is killed by a robber he failed to stop; various X-Men develop new powers as a result of genetic mutation and evolution.

You Will Turn In:

• 1 ½ to 3 page narrative origin story for your superhero

-  double-spaced

-  12-point Times New Roman or Arial

-  Black

• A neat, colorful, and imaginative representation of your superhero. This can be done in any medium (digital, photograph, drawing, model, etc.), but should be original.

DUE: ______

There are certain things that make up a good superhero, and that you’ll need to keep in mind as you create your own hero for this assignment.

• SUPERHERO NAME – Your hero needs a cool name for the newspapers. He or she can’t just be Crimefighterperson, Defender of the Innocent. The name needs to strike fear into the hearts of criminals, and of course fit with their costume design/theme.

• SECRET IDENTITY – Who is your hero when they’re not under a mask? What do they do? (Examples: Superman has the nerdy reporter Clark Kent to fall back on; Tony Stark is the wealthy industrialist inside Iron Man’s metal suit; Wonder Woman’s alter ego is Princess Diana of Themyscira.) Superheroes need a secret identity to protect their loved ones and themselves from their arch-nemesis — the supervillain they fight.

• SUPERPOWERS / ABILITIES / EQUIPMENT – What can your hero do? What is the extent of their powers? Were they born with powers (Superman)? Did they gain them through a freak accident (The Fantastic Four, Spider-man) that would be explained in their origin story? Does some magical item give them powers (Green Lantern)? Are they a normal person with no powers who has to use special equipment to fight crime (Batman, Iron Man)?

• WEAKNESS – What can your hero be hurt by? What are they slowed down by? Superman is severely hurt by Kryptonite, green shards of his home planet. Tony Stark, Iron Man, has a very bad heart and must have the arc reactor on his chest to keep him alive.

• COSTUME – Your hero can’t fight crime in their everyday clothes. What is their costume like? Does it have a cape? Armor? Does it help their powers? Does it slow them down?