Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq

P.O.B. 1147, Mevasseret Jerusalem 90805, Israel

Tel. & Fax : 972-2-5341044

Libraryfor Jewish Authors from Iraq

Publications in Arabic:

  1. Adv. Anwar Shaul, The Story of my life in Mesopotamia (Memoirs), Jerusalem, 1980.
  2. Dr. Salman Darwish, All Quiet in the Surgery, (Memoirs) Jerusalem,1981,
  3. Shmuel Moreh, Short Stories by Jewish Writers from Iraq, 1924-1978, Edited with Introduction in English, Hebrew & Arabic by Shmuel Moreh, Jerusalem The Magnes Press, The HebrewUniversity, 1981. 300, 39, 38 pages.
  4. Anwar Shaul, … And a New Dawn Broke (Poems), Jerusalem, 1983, 184, 8 p.
  5. Isaac Bar-Moshe, A House in Baghdad, Jerusalem, 1983, 420 pages.
  6. Meer S. Basri , Emient Jewish Men of Modern Iraq, (Biographies), vol. I, Jerusalem, 1983, 114.
  7. Samir Naqqash, Tenantes and Cobweps, Iraqi Novel, Jerusalem 1968, 432 p.
  8. Samir Naqqash, The Chilly people, A play, Jerusalem-Shfar Am, 1990, 158 p.
  9. Abrahem Ovadia, A Cry from the Abolished Iraqi Regime, poems, Jerusalem-Shfar Am, 1990, 112.
  10. Abrahem Ovadia, The Confused Thirst, Poems, Jerusalem-Shfar Am, 1990.
  11. Meer S. Basri, Songs of Love and Eternity, Poems, Jerusalem, 1991, 270 p.
  12. Meer S. Basri, Life,s Journey from the Banks of the Tigris to the Valley of the Thames, Reminiscences and Thoughts, Jerusalem, 1991, 270 pages.
  13. Meer S. Basri, Eminent Jewish Men of Modern Iraq, (Biographies), Vol. II, Jerusalem, 1993, 131.
  14. Samir Naqqash, Prophesies of a Mad Man in a Cursed City, Short Stories, Jerusalem, 1995, 150.
  15. Gila Yona-Swery and Rahmim Rajwan, Dictionarey of Iragi Judeo Judeo-Arabic Dialect, Jerusalem, 1995, 348 pages.
  16. Shmuel Moreh, The Tree and the Branch, Studies in Modem Arabic Literature and Contributions of Iragi-Jewish Writers, Selected and Edited by Olga Bramson, Jerusalem, Magnes, 1997, 414 pages. In Hebrew.
  17. Shmuel Morehm Those were the Days of Love and Youth, Jerusalem, 1998.
  18. Nissim Rejwan, Arabs and Jews. Retrospect and Prospect, Jerusalem, 1998.
  19. Nissim Rejwan, The Jews of Iraq: From the Babylonian Captivity to their Emigration of 1951, Jerusalem, 1998.
  20. Abraham Obadia: Thorn Roses and Thistles, Poems, Jerusalem, 1998.
  21. Abraham Obadia: In the Field of Arabic Literature, Writers and Poets, Jerusalem, 1999.
  22. Abraham Obadia: In the Realm of the Iraqi Maqam and Songs, Jerusalem, 1999.
  23. Shaul Hakham Sassoon, In the Hell of Saddam Husayn, 365 Days in Qasr al-Nihaya, Jerusalem, 1999.
  24. Shaul Hakham Sassoon, A Leader and His Community, Jerusalem, 1999.
  25. Esperance Moreh-Cohen, From my own Experience in Life, Jerusalem 2000.
  26. Yacov Levy, Popular Arab Tales from the Holy Land (1939-1996), Jerusalem, 2002.
  27. My Poetry in 60 years, Jerusalem, 2003.
  28. Gad Ben-Meir, The Nightingales of Intimacy (Romantic Poems) ,Jerusalem, 2004.
  29. Gad Ben-Meir, O Manal, O, My Manal (Popular songs in Egyptian Dialect), Jerusalem, 2004.
  30. Isaac Bar-Moshe, Two Days in June, Jerusalem, 2004.
  31. Ibrahim Obadia, Iraqi Singers and Songs: Biographies and Text, Jerusalem, 2005.
  32. Shlomo Shapira, The Bread of the Bird, Jerusalem, 2006.
  33. Sigal Shapira, Al Bustan (The Orchard), Short Stories, translated into Arabic by Samir Naqqash, Jerusalem, 2007.
  34. Gad Ben-Meir, Wispers of the Hearts, Poems with songs in Egyptian Dialect. Jerusalem, 2007.

Publications for Hebrew Publications

The Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq

POB 1147, Mevasseret Jerusalem90805, Israel

  1. Prof. Lev Hakak, Budding of Modern Hebrew Creativity in Babylon, Or-Yehuda, The BabylonianJewryHeritageCenter, 2003.
  2. Prof. Lev Hakak, Rabbi Shelomo Bekhor Hutsin: The World of an Enlightened Jew (1843-1892),Tel-Aviv, Sifriyyat Poalim, 2005.
  3. Prof. Reuven Snir, Arabness, Jewishness, Zionism, A Clash of Identities in the Literature of Iraqi Jews, Jerusalem, Ben-Zvi Institute and the Hebrew University, 2005.
  4. Esperance Cohen, From the Shore of Tigris to the Banks of the Yarkon Short Stories and Memoirs, Jerusalem, Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq, 2006.
  5. Nelli Gabbay, Jewish Women in Iraq during the First Half of the Twentieth Century, Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq & The Institute of Research on the Zionist Underground Movement in Iraq, 2006.
  6. Synagogues in Baghdad, Or-Yehuda, BabylonianJewryHeritageCenter, 2006.
  7. Ya'acov Lev, The Fist Ember and The Mind's Plight, Selections in Arabic and Hebrew, Jerusalem,Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq, 2006.
  8. Prof. Lev Hakak, A Pious Man Faces Sinners, The Book of Moral Reproof, by Ezra Habavli, Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2008.

Association of Jewish Academics From Iraq

P.O.B.1147,Mevasseret Jerusalem 90805,Israel

Tel. & Fax 972-2-5341044

The Association of Jewish Academics from Iraq was established in July 1980.This is a scientific, social and literary association, which is non–political and non-profit making. Its purpose is to enable the publication of scientific and literary works and research on the Jews of Iraq, as well as cooperation with academic associations for the furtherance of the interests of Jewish academics from Iraq.


Dr. Naim Dangoor, O.B.E.

Members of the Board of Directors :

Prof. Shmuel Moreh, Chairman; Adv.Yahizkael Fattal, Acting Chairman; Adv. Shaul Bar-Haim, Deputy; Prof. Yosef Gabbay, Honorary Accountant; Dr. Nissim Qazzaz, Dr. David Sagiv; Mrs. Osnat Abrahami,Abraham Kahila.

Committee of control: Dr. Naomi Gal, Dr. Sigal Goorji, Mr. Nairn Natan’el Halabi.

Administration: Mrs. Osnat Abrahami.

Accountants: Mr. Zadoq Halevi, Mrs. Dalia Ma‘yan, Hertzel Sasson.


Copyright 2009 by the author

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, microfiche or any other means without written permission from the Author and the publishers