Kwok Tse

Property II Quiz Problems

Quiz 1

  1. O Conveys BA to A for life.

True or False: O automatically retains a reversion.

  1. False: The “Rule of Convenience” states that the owner of a right of entry is free to retake possession upon violation of the defeasible condition at his or her convenience.

Quiz 2

  1. O Conveys BA to A & her heirs, but if alcohol is ever sold on BA it shall automatically go to X. Which of the following is the most correct?
  1. X has a possibility of reverter in BA
  1. X has a contingent remainder in BA
  1. X has a shifting executory interest in BA(because you apply RAP)
  1. X has no interest in BA.

Quiz 3

  1. A lease is an Estate? T/F: True
  1. At common law a tenancy at will can only be terminated after at least 10 days notice is given to the lease? False
  1. Death of the lessor or lessee always automatically terminates a lease? T/F: False
  1. A periodic tenancy could last forever? T/F: True

Quiz 4

  1. Lessor gives lessee 3 year lease which includes agreement to pay monthly rent. Which of the following is the most correct?
  1. “Privity of estate” but not “Privity of contract” exists between lessor and lessee
  1. “Privity of contract” but not “Privity of estate” exists between lessor and Lessee
  1. Both “Privity of estate” and “Privity of contract” exists between lessor and lessee
  1. Neither “Privity of estate” or “Privity of contract exists between lessor and lessee.

Quiz 5

  1. Lessor gives 10 year lease which includes agreement to pay monthly rent. Lessee then subleases property to Sally. Sally agrees to an assumption of the head lease between Lessor and Lessee. Which of the following is most correct?
  1. Sally is in privity of estate with lessor.
  1. Sally is a sub lessee so she can never be bound by anything in original lease between lessor and lessee
  1. Sally is in both “privity of estate” and “privity of contract” with Lessor
  1. Sally is liable for obligation in original lease between Lessor and Lessee.

Quiz 6

  1. A “notice recording statute” may allow someone to be deemed the owner of real property even though the seller they purchased it from did not own the property at the time of the sale. T/F: True (BFP rule)
  1. A “race notice recording statute” may allow someone to be deemed the owner of real property even though the donor they received it from did not own the property at the time of the transfer to the done. T/F:False (Donees are not BFP)

Quiz 7

  1. Absent a contrary agreement, the “easement owner” has the obligation to maintain/repair the easement. T/F: True
  1. A “License” is a real property interest. T/F: False

Quiz 8

  1. Which of the following is the most correct with regard to a property interest known as a “profit”?
  2. It is a real property interest
  3. It is a personal property interest
  4. It is a possessory property interest

Quiz 9

  1. The following are three different types of implied easements: (a) implied easement based on prior use; (b) implied easement based on necessity; and (c) Quasi-easement. T/F: False
  • (There is only two types of implied easements and Quasi easement fall under implied easement based on necessity.
  1. An implied easement based on prior use automatically terminates when the necessity for the easement ends? T/F: False(implied easement of necessity is terminated once land does not become landlocked?)

Quiz 10

  1. An in gross easement can never be divided up among different parties? T/F: False (Because in-gross easement cannot be transferred, it would not be able to be divided?)
  2. Exclusive in gross can be divided

Quiz 11

  1. “Horizontal Privity” exists between lessor and a lessee. T/F: True
  2. “Vertical Privity” exists between a lessor and a lessee. T/F: False (False b/c vertical privity the conveyance has to be a full conveyance of the transfer)

Quiz 12

  1. The burden created by an easement typically attaches to the “land” rather than to the “estate.” T/F: True
  2. The burden created by a real covenant typically attaches to the “estate” rather than to the “land.” T/F: True

Quiz 13

  1. A “real covenant” can’t be created by prescription. T/F: True
  2. An equitable servitude can’t be created by prescription. T/F: True