Higher Biology


Course Structure / Exam is 100% of the final mark and split into Units 1, 2 & 3
A pass is required in NABs for each unit.
Each pupil will need to complete an experimental write up which is internally assessed. This is referred to as an LO3 and is subject to SQA moderation.
Cell Biology / Cell Structure in Relation to Function
Energy Release
Synthesis and Release of Proteins
Cellular Responses in Defence in Animals and Plants
Genetics and Adaptation / Variation
Selection and Speciation
Animal and Plant Adaptations
Control and Regulation / Control of Growth and Development
Physiological Homeostasis
Population Dynamics
Exam Content / Pupils must achieve at least 26/40 to pass each NAB.
NAB Assessments contain questions which are equivalent to grade C examination questions therefore they are normally accompanied by “Headroom Assessments” which are more challenging. These assist teachers with grade prediction and act as indicators of final exam performance.
Pupils can access past papers and marking instructions by following the link below:
*****I have several electronic copies of past papers I would like inserted as a link here******
Plan / Cell Biology: August-November
Genetics and Adaptation: November-February
Control and Regulation March-April
Revision: April-May
Key Exam dates / Unit 1 NAB: After October break
Unit 2 NAB: End of Feb
Unit 3 NAB: After Spring break
Final exam: May/June
Supported Study / No supported study is offered.
Useful revision guides and links / All pupils are provided with a comprehensive set of notes which have been produced by departmental staff.
Each pupil is also issued with a revision book published by Bright Red which should be returned on completion of the course.

(username and password supplied by school)

Course Level Homework / Formal homework should be provided on a weekly basis and will consist of past paper questions.
Pupils may be asked to complete class exercises at home on a more regular basis.
In addition pupils are expected to do at least 2 hours of personal study per week.