Getting People Involved (GPI)

Small Grant Programme

This document contains the following:

1.  Section 1 Contact page & eligibility check

2.  Section 2 Project Description & Budget breakdown

3.  Guidance notes; including Big Local Introduction and GPI objectives

4.  Evidence of Local Support for your project

Please ensure you have a constitution, accounts and appropriate safeguards in place to deliver your project before applying.

The above information will be requested if your application is approved in principle.

To show local support for your project please attach Annex 1 to your completed application.

Deadline for application is 5pm 25th June and should be returned via post or email for the attention of Nicholas Middleton

Hull & East Yorkshire Community Foundation

Suffolk Chambers

Scale Lane



Further deadlines will be announced subject to available funding; please check website for further details .

Greatfield Big Local Trust

“Getting People Involved” Grant


Please read the guidance notes carefully to learn more about the Big Local Trust & Getting People Involved (GPI) and to ensure that your project idea is eligible.

Organisation or Group Name

Contact Person
Telephone Number
E-mail Address (if any)
You must answer Yes to the following two questions to be eligible:
/ Yes / No
Is your project located in the Greatfield area?

Do you have a written constitution?
Budget Heading / Description / Working out / Estimated costs
Total amount requested
At this stage we do not require detailed budgets, estimates are acceptable.
If you are successful, Hull & East Yorkshire Community Foundation will contact you and discuss expression of interest feedback to ensure your project is value for money.

Greatfield Big Local: Getting People Involved (GPI) Grant

Expression of Interest Guidance

What is Big Local?

Big Local is a ten-year programme that will achieve lasting change in 150 areas around England. It will provide a mixture of funding, finance and support. This will enable local people to build on local talents and aspirations and identify and act on their own needs to make their areas better places to live, now and in the future.

Aims and objectives of the Getting People Involved stage.

GPI funding is about spreading the word about Big Local and making sure local people know how they can get involved.

GPI should also get the community thinking and discussing how the area might change for the better in the future. What do people like about the area? What do people want to change? What would people like to build on?

Big Local Greatfield Small Grant

Funding available is between: £250-£1,000

We are encouraging local groups with a strong connection with the Greatfield community to apply for funding that will help further their charitable objectives; we would expect your proposal to address a local need identified by your beneficiaries living within Greatfield. Please ask your members /beneficiaries to complete “annex 1” confirming their support for your proposal.

We do not expect your proposal to include a budget for marketing and publicity materials; this will be coordinated and funded by the partnership.

However we would like your group to help circulate newsletters, posters and flyers which will promote your activities as well as other local activities. Publicity material will also promote Big Local amongst your members and the wider Greatfield community.

This approach will ensure a wide range of community members and groups will be engaged about their views and wishes for the area.

There is a limited amount of funding and your proposal should;

-  Be a short 6 month initiative

-  Make good use of local resources and opportunities.

-  Encourage Greatfield community to “Get Involved”

Hull & East Yorkshire Community Foundation (HEYCF) will be coordinating this funding opportunity. Please direct your questions to Nicholas Middleton either by email or phone 01482 320021

Applications to be submitted for the attention of Nicholas Middleton either by email or post:

Hull & East Yorkshire Community Foundation

Suffolk Chambers

Scale Lane



If you are a resident of Greatfield and support the proposed activities within Section 2 “Project Description” – please confirm support by providing your details below.
Name / House Number & address / Postcode / Email (if available) / Please tick if you are happy to be contacted regarding Greatfield activities?