Here is a sample Freedom of Information Act request. If you want to be on the OFFENSE and not the DEFENSE, this is one way to do it and at the same time drive them absolutely insane.

Your request is based on the 5 U.S.C. §552: Freedom of Information Act / 5 U.S.C. §552a: Privacy Act, et seq. Under this federal law, any agency is required to give certain information, such as those described herein. This information will allow you to determine, among other things, whether an agency is acting within the bounds of their authority.

Since my research indicates that MOST government agencies, whether they are local, state or federal, nearly always act outside their constitutionally delegated limitations, this is obviously important information to have and again it gives them the hives.

HOW TO GET IT: Simply type the information in numbers 1 through 5 as is. (This is necessary boilerplate information). For number 6, you insert SPECIFICALLY the documents you want them to send you. Send to appropriate person.

NOTE: The FOIA only applies to federal agencies.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Only send one request at a time. Do not send all 11 requests at the same time, as they will ignore your request.

ADDITIONALLY: Ask for the same information (at the same time) from your local U.S. Congressman (the one that wants your vote to get reelected). They usually have an office that has a local phone number to you. You can call them and ask them for the information. NOTE: You DO NOT ask the Congressman for things like your Individual Master File, but rather things that are listed in 1 through 11.

Congress exempted themselves from the FOIA (Of course they exempt themselves from all their "laws". That is why Jesus got all over the scribes and Pharisees when he stated in Luke 11:46 "And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers for ye lade men with grievous to be burdens, and ye yourselves touch no the burdens with one of your fingers"). So just ask Congressmen for answers; don't ask for the documents and do not send them a FOIA request, make it a normal letter.

The reason I do this? A lot of times, the agency does not want to give you the information. They will try to stonewall you. They do not usually do that to Congressmen.

Remember when you are dealing with any government agency, it is a Master-Servant relationship. It is up to you to decide; which one you are going to be.





{date}Certified Mail #

Freedom of Information Act Reading Room

1111 Constitution Ave. NW

Room 1571-IR

Washington, D.C.20224

Disclosure Officer,

1. This is a request under the 5 U.S.C. §552: Freedom of Information Act / 5 U.S.C. §552a: Privacy Act, et seq., and appropriate regulations.

2. This is my firm promise to pay fees and costs for locating, duplicating and reviewing the documents for information requested below. I am making this request the classification of "other requester". If costs are expected to exceed $50.00, please send an estimate of costs.

3. If some of this request is exempt from release, please send those portions reasonably segregatable and provide me with indexing, itemization, and detailed justification concerning the information you are not releasing.

4. The information will provide knowledge and understanding of the rules and regulations of the agency, and will assist the requester relative to the policies of the agency.

5. I understand the penalties provided in 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(1) (3) for requesting or obtaining access to documents or records under false pretenses. I am the person making this request and my signature appears below.

6. Please send a copy of the documents that evidence that the IRS is not subject to the Administrative Procedures Act or certification that none exists.


(your Name)


DOCUMENTS TO ASK FOR as item # 6 above


  1. The documents which show that the definition of the word "State" defined in 26 U.S.C. §3121(e) includes any other state than those specifically listed there.
  1. The documents that evidence the date a legislative act of Congress created the Bureau of Internal Revenue or the Internal Revenue Service.
  1. The documents that evidence specifically which parts of the Internal Revenue Code are under the exclusive direction and control of the Secretary of Treasury of Puerto Rico.
  1. The documents that evidence the specific date 26 U.S.C. was enacted into positive law.
  1. The documents that evidence the IRS have any police power on land belonging to the State of (Name).
  1. The documents that evidence wherein the Executive branch of the U.S. government was granted the authority to collect taxes directly from the citizens of the state of (Name).
  1. The documents that evidence specifically what the code MFR-O 1 that is on individual Master Files Specific, with my name on them mean.
  1. The documents that define the territory that an "Act of Congress" as defined in Rule 54 (c) of 18 USC Rules of Criminal Procedure applies to.
  1. The documents that evidence that Article 1, section 8, clause 1 of the United States Constitution has been repealed or amended, specifically the statement "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,..."
  1. The documents which evidence and delineate the territorial jurisdiction and Delegated Authority of the Internal Revenue Service.
  1. The documents that evidence When, Where, and by Whom the Internal Revenue Service, a.k.a., Bureau of Internal Revenue was created.