The name of this community shall be the National Capital Area (NCA) Chrysalis Community, hereinafter referred to as the Community.


The mission of NCA Chrysalis is to share the love of Jesus Christ with youth and young adults, supporting them in their relationship with Christ, and encouraging their service in local churches and communities.


Persons who have completed a Chrysalis or similar Fourth Day Movement experience are considered members of the Community. NCA Chrysalis is affiliated with National Capital Area Emmaus.


Section 1. Purpose

Direction of the Community shall be vested in the Board and it’s Membersin order to:

A. Uphold the integrity of the Chrysalis mission as stated in Article II, by providing overall policy direction on issues affecting the Community.

B. Provide the foundation for holding Chrysalis three-day events, training future Community and Weekend leaders, and coordinating follow-up needs.

C. Keep the Chrysalis community connected to the local churches, schools, and campus ministries.

D. Act as principal spokespersons for the Community.

E. Encourage and facilitate cooperation between the NCA Chrysalis and Emmaus communities.

Section 2. Composition

A. The Board shall be made up of fifteen (15) elected Community members; clergy, adult laity and Youth/Young Adults. The Community Lay Director shall be counted in this number.

B. Two positions must be filled by clergy, and they will serve as Lead Spiritual Director and Assistant Spiritual Director. The Lead Spiritual Director must meet the requirements described in the Team Selection Policy.

C. Of the remaining positions, 1/3 to 1/2 should be Chrysalis Youth (age 16-18) and/or Young Adults (age 19-24). The rest will be adult laity (25 years of age and older).

D. Ideally, half of the members will be male and half female.

E. All members must have served on at least one Chrysalis Team, with the exception of Spiritual Directors. Spiritual Directors without Chrysalis Team experience must have Emmaus Team experience and be willing to serve on the next available Chrysalis Team.

F. All members must have attended a Chrysalis or Emmaus Day of Deeper Understanding (DDU).

G. Elected members of the Board shall be members with voice and vote. Liaisons between the Emmaus Board and the Chrysalis Board shall be members with voice only.

H. The Board shall be comprised of no more than two persons from any one family, one per class.

I. The Lay Director will represent the Chrysalis Board as a non-voting member of the Emmaus Board.

Section 3. Term of Office

A. Board Members shall be elected by the Community each year in two classes (one of 7 members, one of 8) for a two-year term. In each class, there shall be at least three Youth/Young Adults.

B. The term of office shall begin September 1 and end August 31 and shall be for two (2) years.

C. A Member of the Board may not serve more than two (2) consecutive full (2) two-year terms. Former Board Members may serve again after being absent from the Board for at least (1) one year, under the same conditions and limitations as indicated herein.

D. Members of the Boardappointed to fill vacant positions (as described in Section 11) may serve no more than (4) four consecutive years. However, the Community Lay Director must step down from the Board for at least one (1) year immediately after serving as Community Lay Director regardless of where they are in their term.

Section 4. Method of Election
A. Nominating Committee. The Board shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three members for a one-year term beginning November 1 of each year and ending the following October 31. The committee is responsible for the organization and conduct of the Board election each year at the August Ultreya. Membership includes a Board Member, a Spiritual Director, and a Youth/Young Adult. No more than two committee members may be members of the Board.
  1. Nomination/Election Procedure.

(1)Beginning the day of the February Ultreya, the Nominating Committee will accept nominations for Board membership.

(2)The Nominating Committee contacts each nominee to accept or decline nomination. The committee is responsible for ensuring that all nominees meet the minimum requirements for Board membership before presenting the list to the Board.

(3)The Nominating Committee may add nominees as it deems appropriate and desirable to ensure a quality slate of candidates that equitably represents the Community. The Committee will make every effort to present a slate of nominees that exceeds the number of vacancies in each category.

(4)Nominations are accepted though May 31, and the Committee presents the final list to the Board at the regular June Board meeting. All valid nominees are placed on the ballot for the upcoming election.

(5)Once approved by the Board, the Nominating Committee will announce the slate of nominees and the date of the election at the June Ultreya. The Committee will publish the slate (with short biographical sketches) in the June newsletter and on the Community website. Announcements are repeated at every Ultreya and in all subsequent newsletters until the election.

(6)Throughout the nomination and election process, the Nominating Committee shall maintain confidentiality by not distinguishing between those nominated by the Community and those by the Committee.

(7)Once nominations have closed, nominations can only be made from the floor at the August Ultreya election. Those so nominated must be present and accept nomination in order to be included on the ballot.

(8)The Nominating Committee will prepare a sufficient number of ballots for the election, distribute and count the ballots, and provide the election results to the Lay Director.

(9)In the event of a tie, the Community will vote on subsequent ballots containing only the names of the tied nominees.

Section 5. Officers

The Board Officers shall be the Lay Director, Assistant Lay Directorsand Spiritual Directors. With the exception of the Youth Assistant Lay Director, these positions must be filled by adults.

A. Lay Director

(1)The Lay Director is a lay member of the board who has served on the Board the preceding year, and will be entering the second year of his/her term the following year. The Lay Director may not serve in position for two consecutive years.

(2)The Lay Director shall preside at Board meetings and shall be the principal spokesperson for the Board and the Community.

B. Assistant Lay Directors

(3)The incoming Lay Director appoints two Assistant Lay Directors (one adult and one youth) from either class of Directors that will be in place the following year. The term of office runs from September 1 through August 31.

(4)The Assistant Lay Directors shall perform their duties and those of the Lay Director in his/her absence.

(5)The Youth Assistant Lay Director may be either a Youth or Young Adult

C. Spiritual Directors

(1)Spiritual Directors. The clergy members of the Board shall serve as Spiritual Directors and provide spiritual guidanceand focus to the Board.

Section 6. Election of the Lay Director

The Lay Director shall be elected annually, from the members of the Board, at the July Board meeting.

A. The Lay Director is elected to a one-year term of office, beginning September 1 following his/her election.

B. The adult Assistant Lay Director may succeed the Lay Director at the end of his/her one-year term, or may be reappointed as Assistant Lay Director, or return to serve as a regular Board member.

Section 7. Meetings

The Board shall meet monthly, at a time and place designated by the Lay Director.

Section 8. Quorum

A simple majority of active Board Members is required for a quorum.

Section 9. Voting

Each duly elected Board Member shall have one vote. The Lay or Assist Lay Director must be present at the meeting when Board action is taken in order to vote. Proxy voting shall be permitted by email only. Unless otherwise directed by these bylaws, a majority of those present and voting shall be required to pass any motion. In exceptional circumstances that require an immediate response, the Lay Director may take votes via telephone. All Directors must be contacted, and a simple majority of active members is required for approval.

Section 10. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by an officer of the Board at any time.

Section 11. Vacancies on the Board

The Board may elect persons, upon nomination by a Board member, to fill vacancies until the next regular election of Directors. Such persons are eligible for election to the Board at the next annual election of the Directors. In no case may any Director serve more than three consecutive years.

Section 12. Removal

A Director may be removed for cause by an affirmative vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of active Directors.

Section 13. Appointed Community Support Positions

The Lay Director, with the advice of the Board, shall appoint Community members to serve in the following support positions with terms beginning November 1 and ending on October 31:

Agape Outreach Coordinator

Clown Ministry Coordinator

Facilities Coordinator


Hoot Coordinator

Music Director

Outreach Coordinator



Supplies Coordinator


Website Administrator

Weekend Agape Coordinator

Individuals filling these positions are not precluded from serving on the Chrysalis Board.

As needed, these individuals may recruit assistants in their areas to serve with them.

Section 14. Compensation

Directors and those serving in Community Support positions shall serve without compensation; however, they may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the conduct of official Board business, in accordance with the Chrysalis Reimbursable Expense Policy.


Section 1. Standing Committees

The Board shall appoint persons to the following standing committees in accordance with the bylaws and established Community policies:

Nominating Committee

Team Selection Committee

Section 2. Ad Hoc Committees

The Lay Director shall appoint persons to temporary ad hoc committees as needs arise. Membership on these committees shall consist of a representative mix of Directors and Community members. Each ad hoc committee will be appointed to address a clearly stated issue, and charged with producing a recommendation to the Board by a specific date.

Section 3. Lay Director Participation

The Lay Director shall either chair or serve as an ex-officio member of all Chrysalis committees as dictated by current policy.


Section 1. The community shall follow the guidelines of NCA Chrysalis in the formation of the Chrysalis experience as published in the NCA Chrysalis Weekend Manual and applicable policies.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have general oversight in all matters pertaining to the Chrysalis experience.

Section 3. The NCA Chrysalis Community will hold both High School and Young Adult Weekends. The criteria for attending these weekends is as follows:

  1. High School: Freshman through Senior

(1)Must have completed the first semester of their freshman year and be a minimum of 14 years of age to attend

(2)Invited Seniors completing their Spring term and about to graduate may choose to attend either the High School or Young Adult Weekend held during the summer immediately following their graduation.

B. Young Adult: HS Graduate (or age 19) through age 24. Applicants older than 24 may be considered for invitation based on compelling circumstances, on a case-by-case basis.

Section 4. The Team Selection Policy shall govern the Weekend Team formation process, from the selection of Rectors and Rectoras to Spiritual Directors, Cadre, and the remaining Team.

Section 5. The Application and Invitation Policy shall govern all aspects of Caterpillar and Team application processing, as well as the invitation of both Caterpillars and Team members.

Section 6. Directors are not eligible to serve as Weekend Rector or Rectora while fulfilling their two-year commitment to the Board. Exceptions may exist when:

A. The pool of qualified candidates is depleted

B. When an Adult Rector(a) leaves the Team during the teaming process


The Board of Directors is responsible for developing and maintaining administrative policies and Weekend Manuals for use by the Community. These documents govern the day-to-day operation of the Community and must be reviewed on an annual basis. In addition to the Weekend Manual, the Board shall maintain the following policies:

Application and Invitation Policy

Reimbursable Expense Policy

Team Selection Policy

Weekend Fees and Expenses Policy

Other policies may be developed as needed.


Section 1. Bylaws

A. Any Director may propose an amendment to these bylaws. Amendments must be made to the Board in writing, at least one month prior to consideration by the Board. The proposal must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of active Directors for presentation to the Community.

B. A copy of the proposal must be printed in the Community newsletter, posted on the Chrysalis website, and announced at the next Ultreya. The Lay Director will provide a copy to the Emmaus Board.

C. The Community will vote on the amendment at an Ultreya no sooner than one month after the initial Ultreya announcement. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting is required for adoption.

Section 2. Policies

Any Community member may propose amendments to Community policies. All proposals must be submitted to the Board in writing, at least one month prior to consideration. Proposals not in compliance with these bylaws will not be accepted. An affirmative vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of activeDirectors is required for approval.


National Capital Area Chrysalis, Inc. shall indemnify any and all of its Officers and Directors or former Officers or Directors against expenses actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding in which they or any of them are made parties, or a party, by reason of being or having been Officers or Directors or an Officer or Director, except in relation to matters as to which they shall be adjudged in any action, suit, or proceedings to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of duty. Such indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled under any agreement, vote of the Board of Directors, statutes, or otherwise.


These bylaws take effect immediately upon approval by the National Capital Area Chrysalis/Emmaus Community.


Lay Director Assistant Lay Director


Chrysalis Secretary