An application form is required for each adult applicant.

Ensure all sections are completed or your application may NOT be processed.

If there is more than one applicant, all applications MUST be submitted together.



Commencement Date Rent per week


How many tenants will occupy the property?


Please specify ages of children ______

Full name


Date of Birth


Home number Mobile Number


Email Address (can you be contacted on this Y or N)


Current Address(if lease is in another name please specify)


How long have you lived at this address

Years ______Months______

Landlord/Agent Details for this property

Name of Landlord/Agency


Contact numberRent per week


Reason for leaving this address


Previous Address(if lease is in another name please specify)


How long did you live at this address


Landlord/Agent Details for this property

Name of Landlord/Agency


Contact Number Rent per week


Reason for leaving this address


Whatis your occupation?Institution Name


Please circle as applies: FULL TIME PART TIME CASUALInstitution Address

Employer’s Name______

______Course being undertaken

Employer’s Address______

______Campus contact Phone Number

Contact NameContact Number______

______Source of Income (please circle)

Length of employmentParentsScholarship

Years______Months______Other ______

Net weekly income______Income per week ______

(please attached your last 3 payslips)Parent/Guardian Name/s

If you have been employed for less than 12 months by ______

your current employer, please complete previous Parent/GuardianPhone Numbers

employment details:______

What was your occupation?Parent/Guardian Address


Please circle as applies: FULL TIME PART TIME CASUAL

Previous employer’s nameHow many vehicles will be at the property?


Contact NameContact NumberIf you have pets please provide breed/s-type/s


Length of employment______



Source of income______

______Relationship to applicant

Amount per week______

______Home Phone Work Phone

If you are on Centrelink please provide your latest______

Centrelink statement. Name


Relationship to Applicant

Business Name______

______Home Phone Work Phone

Business Address______


ABNBusiness Phone


Business Email


How long have you had this business?


Accountant Phone


Solicitor Phone
