Present : Cllrs. Mr. Truesdale (Chairman), Mr. Armitt, Mrs. Aston, Mr. Fell, Mr. Moore, Ms. Poole, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Young
- Apologies : Mr. O’Hanlon, business. Accepted.
- Residents of Townsend Green attended the meeting to ask for an update on the open space land adjacent to the green. Rectory Homes and AVDC have explained that the pedestrian access through to Mallards Croft had not been implemented as per the plans for two reasons : (1) the strip of land adjoining the original proposed access point is privately owned and (2) public access to Mallard Croft over the new driveway cannot be provided as this is privately owned. Rectory Homes and AVDC are discussing an appropriate amendment to reflect this. The Parish Council now has to decide whether or not to complete the transfer of the land. The Transfer obligation has public open space status in perpetuity. If the PC took over the transfer it would have complete responsibility for maintenance/upkeep/improvements etc. including some of the boundaries where not already belonging to other parties. If the PC decided not to take Rectory Homes will investigate establishing a Management Company for the new residents to take responsibility for managing the open space, whilst still requiring public access from Townsend Green. Those residents in attendance would like to see the PC take over the land.
- Street name request – former 26 Rudds Lane site – AVDC had come back with another suggestion from the developer that the site should be named “Cottenham Court”. They had researched Wikipedia which states the first Anglo-Saxons to settle in the Vale of Aylesbury were followers of Cuthwulf from Cottenham, Cambridgeshire. It was felt this was not suitable and the PC would put forward “Roundhill View”
- Rectory Homes had asked for the PC’s suggestion for a new street name for the development off Fern Lane. Agreed Ricketts Close as the land had been in the Ricketts family for many years.
- Land off Dollicott – residents of Townsend Green had heard rumours that the land was being developed for housing. At present as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process, all landowners are being spoken with who have put their sites forward for possible development as part of the Local Plan process, in which Haddenham has been identified for 100 houses.
- Neighbourhood Plan - meeting has been held and themes discussed. There is a vision for the plan. Charlotte Glithero, AVDC has been updated. Discussions are still taking place with landowners. Mr. Moore will be meeting with organisations concerning leisure and Ms. Poole is looking into business. There will be a meeting in January in the Village Hall which will be a drop in session. 3 applications have been received for the secretarial position.
- New Applications
(a)13/02936 – 42 Stokes Croft – single storey front extension.
Oppose. Design dwarfs elevation of the original building; may also be daylighting infringement to adjoining property.
(b)13/02967 – 57 The Gables – single storey rear extension with rooflights.
No objection subject to no daylighting infringement to adjoining property.
(c)13/02916 – 35 High Street – prune back 1 chamaecyparis Lawson tree from footpath and at top.
No objection.
(d)13/02878 – 27 Churchway – works to plum, copper beech, yew and holly trees.
No objection.
(e)13/02928 – Landfall House, Gibson Lane – crown reduction of 1 birch tree and 1 acacia tree – 30/40%.
No objection.
(f)13/03048 – The Old Vicarage, 22 Church End – works to trees.
No objection.
(g)13/03075 – The Old Vicarage, 22 Church End – reduce crown by up to 2.5m overall 1 horse chestnut tree. Reduce crown on 1 lime by 2.5m
No objection.
(h)13/03053 – Gordon House, 1 Fern Lane – reduce crown of 2 pine trees. Fell 1 prunus tree. Reduce crown of 1 copper beech.
No objection.
(i)13/02678 – The Bothy, FortEnd – single storey rear extension and first floor extension.
Objection. The additional storey will impact adversely on this historic corner of the Conservation Area described in Identity Area 6 (FortEnd) in AVDC’s 2008 Conservation Area Report. It appears that the present wychert wall will be incorporated in the wall of the house rather than the old wall remaining as a separate feature. The proposed windows in the west elevation will add to the feeling that the historic walled boundary to the public footpath has been replaced by the wall of a house. With the recent completion of the next door house, there has already been considerable development in what was originally a single back garden.
- Applications Approved
(a)13/02336 – 78 Stanbridge Road – single storey rear extension.
(b)13/02426 – 13 Gibson Lane – fell group of 3 cupressocyparis leylandii trees.
(c)13/02175 – 51 Thame Road – erection of detached dwelling house (amendment to 10/02313).
(d)13/02338 – 3 Rudds Lane – demolition of wall panel between kitchen and rear access, insertion of new oak beams over.
(e)13/02361 – 1 Scotsgrove Cottages – demolition of existing rear conservatory. Replacement with a single storey rear ext. with lantern rooflight. (amend to 12.-00964)
(f)13/02579 – The WalledGarden, FortEnd – works to trees.
(g)13/02420 – 15 Harts Road – erection of 2 storey side extension and single storey front extension.
- Appeal allowed – 13/00307 – Little Italy, 7A FortEnd – removal of condition 3 of planning application 11/01921 relating to the removal of the obscure glazed film on the windows and door.
- We had been informed by a resident of Slave Hill of his intention to move his rear garden wall to the edge of his property boundary. The wall currently creates an alcove in the alleyway alongside the allotments which is either overgrown or fouled by dogs. After contacting the Land Registry it has been ascertained that the alcove is part of his property. The wall will be in keeping with the surrounding walls.
- A resident of Scotsgrove who had viewed Mr. Rose’s map which had been displayed at the last Parish Council meeting had produced photographof a section of the 1820 John Biddle, Surveyor, Official Pre-Inclosure Map of Haddenham (1801 Act) and states that there is a difference between the two as not all the colouring on Mr. Rose’s map copies that of the original. Not all the land was owned by the Manor and the public did not own the streams.
- Information received from AVDC on Changes to the Scheme of Officer Delegated Powers.