CHE General Meeting Minutes


Meeting began ~5:10 pm


v  Breast Cancer Walk Sat. 10/18th @ Golden Gate Park. CHE is planning to participate so if you’re interested you can sign up! If you have any questions, email Maria at

Publicity/Flyering Committee if you signed up for the publicity committee, please meet @ GCB Friday and Monday at 8:15 pm in order to help flyer-Please help if you can!

Semana Binacional Committees:

Ø  Members who signed up for committees will be sent emails from the contact person:

Ø  Publicity (will create flyers and publicize event):

§  Jennifer and Jackie

Ø  Pamphlet for families (collect info and resources in Bay Area):

§  Angie

Ø  Set Up (Mon-Thurs ~5-6 pm) / Clean Up (Mon-Thurs ~7pm)

§  Bradley

Ø  Kids’ Activities (Friday ~6-8pm)

§  Lisandra

v  Icebreaker:

Ø  Human Bingo—Winner of Jamba Juice gift card: Kimmie—congrats! J

Guest Speaker: Abby Rincón

Ø  Directory of Diversity, School of Public Health

§  (background in Public Health and Nursing)

Ø  Also an advisor for students interested or considering the public health field

§  What is Public Health?

·  Social justice, prevention, working in communities and outreach

·  It has a lot of potential in this area—new opportunities and a hot new field

§  You have another option besides medicine/medical school—if you’re interested in making a difference/impact in your community and assessing resources

§  You could be any kind of major for Public Health graduate school**

·  Abby sees a lot of students struggle with science courses and when they try to apply for graduate school, their GPA is not strong enough to make them a competitive applicant L

·  Public Health Grad school:

¨  3.0 GPA (although most have 3.5) & 58% ranking in GRE scores

¨  Personal statement and 3 letters of rec

¨  Involvement and outreach in community/volunteer work (CHE!)

·  **Abby meets with students to advise students on a wide range of topics—grad school, major, internships, etc. **Let her be a resource for you and contact her if you have any questions**

·  Public Health Conference

¨  Really good if you’re interested in the field, but RSVP quick because spaces fill up fast (RSVP by emailing: )

·  Q & A:

¨  What’s the % of students get in?

Ø  Not that many b/c they don’t apply—very low # from UC Berkeley students—many people think that you can’t do undergrad at Cal and also grad at Cal but yes you can!

Ø  (There’s also the GPA to consider)

§  **GPA is calculated using your last two years

¨  What’s the difference between Cal and UCLA’s grad schools?

Ø  UCLA: biomedical focus—disease/causation/epidemiology

Ø  Cal: social justice/understanding communities/global health issues

**Please email Abby if you’re interested in learning more about Public Health or anything-she’s definitely interested in being a resource and helping CHE members! Email address is: **