La Joya Independent School District

Gifted and Talented Handbook


Gifted and Talented Handbook



I. Gifted and Talented Definition

II.Gifted and Talented Program Goals

III. Identification Procedures / District Timeline

Student Assessment

Referral Procedures / Identification Process


Student Transfers


Exit Provisions


IV. Service Design and Curriculum and Instruction

K -5


La Joya ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, economic status, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

V. Professional Development

Core Academic Teachers

Gifted and Talented Service Teachers

Administrators and Counselors

New Teachers

VI. Family‐Community Involvement

Annual Parent Orientation

Parent Education Class

Program Evaluation

Gifted and Talented Advisory Council

VII. Credit by Examination

VIII. G/T Calendar of Events

IX. District Procedures / Guidelines / Forms

The La Joya Independent School District serves gifted and talented students who are currently identified in grades K-12. One way in which the district attempts to include as many students as possible in all learning processes is to constantly increase our capacity to accommodate the needs of all learners. The La Joya ISD provides opportunities for all students to achieve at high levels; however, we recognize the need to accelerate instruction for those students whose performance indicates the need for a differentiated curriculum. Therefore, the emphasis is on enriched and exceptional learning activities in the four core academic areas in which the learning activities are designed to foster creative and critical thinking as well as independent study.


In 1977, the Texas Legislature passed its first legislation concerning the education of gifted/talented (G/T) students. In 1979, state funds for providing services to G/T children were made available, but providing such services was optional for school districts. In 1987, the Texas Legislature mandated that all school districts must identify and serve G/T students at all grade levels. In 1990, the Texas State Plan for the Education of the Gifted/Talented Students (State Plan) was adopted by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) that included a commitment to high‐level learning opportunities for G/T learners.


The goals for the La Joya ISD Gifted and Talented Program are to ensure that the students are provided opportunities that promote rigor, depth and complexity, of appropriately challenging learning experiences in math, language arts, science and social studies with interdisciplinary connections. The La Joya ISD program objectives for the gifted and talented students are aligned with the Texas State Plan for Gifted Students’ Goals:


Students who participate in services designed for gifted/talented students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted/talented students will have produced products and performances of professional quality as part of their program services.

Identification Process

La Joya ISD ensures that all special populations have access to the GT identification process and services. This process begins with nominations from parents, teachers, staff, and test scores. The nomination procedure begins in November for Kinder and in January for all other grades. The steps to the Identification Process are as follows:

a)STUDENT ASSESSMENT –Assessmentinstruments and gifted/talented identification procedures provide students an opportunity to demonstrate their diverse talents and abilities.

b)SERVICE DESIGN -A flexible system of viable service options provides a research-based learning continuum that is developed and consistently implemented throughout the district to meet the needs and reinforce the strengths and interests of gifted/talented students.

c)CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Districts meet the needs of gifted/talented students by modifying the depth, complexity, and pacing of the curriculum and instruction ordinarily provided by the school.

d)PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT All personnel involved in the planning, creation, and delivery of services to gifted/talented students possess the knowledge required to develop and provide appropriate options and differentiated curricula.

e)FAMILY/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT The district involves family and community members in services designed for gifted/talented students throughout the school year.


La Joya ISD’s timeline for nominations, admission decisions, and services is as follows:

GradeNominations ScreeningParent NotificationServices Begin

Kinder Due by Dec 12 Jan. – Feb. End of February March 1

1-11 Due by Jan. 30 Feb. – May Beginning of May Next Fall

Gifted and Talented Student Assessment

  1. Referral / Nomination Procedures:

Students may be nominated for the gifted and talented program during the nomination period by teachers, counselors, parents and / or guardians, peers or other interested persons. Referral forms can be obtained from the campus GT Teacher and / or Designee. The criteria shall be specific to the state definition of gifted and talented and shall ensure the fair assessment of students with special needs, such as the culturally different, the economically disadvantaged, and students with disabilities.

  1. Assessment:

Data collected through both objective and subjective assessments shall be measured against the criteria approved by the Board to determine individual eligibility for the program. Students referred for Gifted and Talented testing are tested in languages they understand. La Joya ISD uses both quantitative and qualitative assessments instruments to gather data on students referred for G/T services. Assessment tools may include but not be limited to the following: achievement tests, intelligence tests, behavioral checklists completed by teachers and parents, teacher nominations based on classroom observations, and parent questionnaire.

  1. Student Selection:

A campus selection committee shall evaluate each nominated student accordingto the established criteria and shall select those studentsfor whom gifted program placement is the most appropriate educationalsetting. The committee shall be composed of at least three

professional educators who have received training in the natureand needs of gifted students and shall be established at eachcampus.

  1. Notification:

Parent / guardian will be notified in writing of final determination of student’s need of GT services. Participation in any program or services provided for gifted students is voluntary. The District shall obtain written permission of the students and the parents before a student is placed in a gifted program.

  1. Gifted and Talented Services:

Beginning in the fall of the following school year, identified students in grades 1-12 will be served in the Gifted and Talented program as outlined in the Service Design section of this handbook. Identified students in Kindergarten will be served in the G/T program beginning March 1st of the same school year.

DAP –Draw a person (Kinder-2)—Intelligence test / Parent Questionnaire (k-5)
CAP-Creativity assessment (1-5) / Semester grades
CPM / SPM- Intelligence test (1-5) / STAR Enterprise (K-5)
Renzulli – Teacher Questionnaire (k-5) / STAAR scores ( 3-5)
Scotts Foresman IRI (K) / ORF (K-5) / Other pertinent info as needed

Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments (K- 5th)

Qualitative and Quantitative Assessments (6- 12)

 APM – Intelligence Test / Parent Questionnaire (k-5)
 Renzulli – Teacher Questionnaire (6-12 / Semester grades
Essay / Other pertinent info as needed
STAAR scores


As per board policy (EHBB Local), all identified sixth grade students shall be reassessedat the end of the year to determineappropriate program placement for specific subject matter.

Transfer Students:

When a student identified as gifted by a previous school districttransfers into the District, the student’s records shall be reviewedby the selection committee to determine if placement in the District’sprogram for gifted and talented students is appropriate. The student shall thenundergo GT assessment during the regularassessment period.


As per the Texas State Plan, a furlough is defined as a leave of absence from program services.

A recommendation for furlough can be submitted by a parent/guardian, student and / or teacher by completing the “Furlough” form that can be obtained by the campus Gifted and Talented Teacher and / or Designee.

Students who are unable to maintain satisfactory performancewithin the structure of the gifted and talented program may beplaced on furlough by the selection committee. The purpose of

such a furlough is to provide the student an opportunity to attainperformance goals established by the selection committee.

A furlough also may be granted at the request of the student and/orparent. A student may be furloughed for a period of time, up to a year,deemed appropriate by the selection committee. At the end of thefurlough, the student’s progress shall be reassessed, and the student may reenter the gifted program, be removed from the program,or be placed on another furlough.

Exit Provisions:

Student performance in the program shall be monitored. A studentshall be removed from the program at any time the selection committeedetermines it is in the student’s best interest. If a student orparent requests removal from the program, the selection committeeshall meet with the parent and student before honoring the request.


Parents or students may appeal any final decision of the selectioncommittee regarding selection for or removal from the gifted program. Appeals shall be made first to the selection committee. Anysubsequent appeals shall be made in accordance withFNG(LOCAL) beginning at Level Two.

Gifted and Talented Service Design

Curriculum & Instruction

La Joya ISD offers identified gifted/talented students an array of learning opportunities that are commensurate with their abilities and that emphasize content in the four (4) foundation curricular areas. Services are available during the school day as well as the entire school year. Parents are informed of these options (19 TAC §89.3(3)).


Differentiation is an instructional model that guides teachers in the modification of curriculum and instruction according to content, pacing, and/or product to meet unique student needs in the classroom.

Pull-out Instruction (Elementary K-5):

•Students participate in gifted and talented program via resource room/pull out model ( Elementary )

•Emphasis on enriched and exceptional learning activities in the four core academic areas.

•Learning activities designed to foster creative and critical thinking as well as independent study.

•GT Elementary specialist provides direct service to identified students and trains teams of teachers in the development of extended learning activities.

Other program Options:

•Credit by Exam

•Flexible grouping

•Compacting, etc...

Secondary Instruction (6-8):

Certified GT Teachers provide direct services to students in the Identified core area(s) in which differentiation in instruction is provided for them by modifying the depth, complexity and pacing of the regular school program.

Emphasis on enriched and exceptional learning activities in the four core academic areas.

Learning activities designed to foster creative and critical thinking as well as independent study.

Secondary Level, Students are enrolled in the identified Core Area(s) in Pre AP / AP course(s)

All AP courses must be authorized by the College Board before being labeled AP.

(AP Audit Forms and AP Course syllabus have to be submitted by AP teachers in a timely manner in order for course to be authorized as an AP course by the College Board).

Other program Options:

a)Credit by Exam

b)Early Graduation

c)Dual / Concurrent Enrollment

d)Tiered Assignments

e)Curriculum compacting

Local Policy on Credit by Examination (Acceleration):

If a student plans to take an exam, the student (or parent) must register with

the principal no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled testing date. The

district will honor a request by a parent to administer a test on a date other

than the published dates. If the district agrees to administer a test other than

the one chosen by the district, the student’s parent will be responsible for the

cost of the exam. [For further information, see policy EHDC(LOCAL).]


The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures to allow

a student not six years old at the beginning of the school year to be

placed initially in first grade. Criteria for acceleration may include:

1. Scores on readiness test(s) and/or achievement test(s) that

may be administered by appropriate District personnel.

2. Recommendation of the kindergarten or preschool the student

has attended.

3. Chronological age and observed social and emotional development of the student.

4. Other criteria deemed appropriate by the principal and Superintendent.

A student in elementary school will be eligible to accelerate to the next grade

level if the student scores at least 80 on each exam in the subject areas of

language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, a district administrator

recommends that the student be accelerated, and the student’s parent gives

written approval of the grade advancement.

Grades 6-12

A student in grade 6 or above will earn course credit with a passing score of at

least 80 on the exam or a score designated by the state for an exam that has

alternate scoring standards. A student may take an exam to earn course credit

no more than twice. If a student fails to achieve the designated score on the

applicable exam before the beginning of the school year in which the student

would need to enroll in the course according to the school’s course sequence,

the student must complete the course.

6th– 8th grade—

The District shall give a student in grades 6–12 credit for an academic subject in which the student has received no prior instruction if the student scores 80 percent or above on a criterion-referenced examination for acceleration for the applicable course. If such credit is given, the District shall enter the examination score on the student’s transcript.

Grades 9-12–

The District shall give a student in grades 9-12 credit for an academic

subject in which the student has received no prior instruction

if the student scores 80 percent or above on a criterion-referenced

examination for acceleration for the applicable course. If such

credit is given, the District shall enter the examination score on the

student’s transcript. [see policy EEJB]

Annual Administration:

The District may allow a student to accelerate at a time other than those described above by developing a cost-free option approved by the Board that allows students to demonstrate academic achievement or proficiency in a subject or grade level.

Special Requests:

The District may deny a parent’s or student’s request for an alternative examination or alternative date.

Credit by Examination Fees:

The District shall not charge for examinations for acceleration. If a parent requests an alternative examination, the District may administer and recognize results of a test purchased by the parent or student from Texas Tech University or the University of Texas at Austin.

With Prior Instruction- The student will be administered an exam covering the (TEKS) Texas Essential Knowledge Skills. The exam will be developed and graded by Texas Tech University or The University of Texas at Austin. For course credit, the student must score minimum of 70% on the appropriate examination. Scores resulting in award of credit will be recorded on the transcript (and calculated in the grade point average.)

Without Prior Instruction- Students in grades 1-12 who wish to take a Credit by exam for acceleration to the next grade level or earn course credit without having prior instruction in the grade level or course. Transfer students shall submit an application within one (1) week of enrollment. Kindergarten students who are 5 years old at the beginning of the school year are provided opportunities to be assigned initially to grade 1 rather than kindergarten. Criteria may include:

  1. Scores on readiness tests or achievement tests that may be administered by appropriate District personnel.
  2. Recommendation of the kindergarten or preschool the student has attended.
  3. Chronological age and observed social and emotional development of the student.
  4. Other Criteria deemed appropriate by the principal and Superintendent.

The student will be administered an examination covering the (TEKS) Texas Essential Knowledge Skills. For course credit, the students must score a minimum of 80% on the appropriate examination. Scores resulting in award of credit will be recorded on the transcript and calculated in the grade point average.

*If a student plans to take an exam for acceleration, the student (or parent) must register with the Principal / Counselor no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled testing date. The district will honor a request by a parent to administer a test on a date other than the published dates. If the district agrees to administer a test other than the one chosen by the district, the student’s parent will be responsible for the cost of the exam. [For further information, see policy EHDC (LOCAL).]

For more information on Credit by Exam Testing please contact your child’s school counselor.

Advanced Academic Services Dept. will support the campuses by providing the following:

  • GT Budget (money allotted to each campus based on GT population
  • Professional Staff Development (ensure all GT /Pre AP and AP teachers are certified)
  • Celebrations
  • Recognitions-
  • Student Assessment ( nomination, screening, selection, participation, reassessments, exits, and furloughs)
  • Texas Performance Standards Project-( online curriculum (K-8)
  • Accountability (ensure that student assessment and services comply with the Texas State Plan for the Education of the Gifted/Talented
  • Monthly GT meetings

a)Elementary teachers once a month

b)Secondary Designees once a 6 weeks

  • Information of the GT program for parents ( District /Campus parent meetings)
  • 6 weeks and / or Benchmark results (review results in order to plan accordingly)
  • Online links (Texas State Plan, Toolkit I, Toolkit II, etc…)
  • APSI Training
  • AP Course Audit
  • Field Trips
  • Materials / Resources
  • Camus Visits

Monitoring Student Performance in the GT Program