Parents/guardians are responsible for paying for all meals served to their child(ren). This includes meals served prior to applying for, or being approved for, free or reduced-price meals. Remember to allow up to ten days for your application to be processed. On the date the application is processed, eligibility for the student(s) will change. Eligibility is not retroactive (is not backdated); eligibility is good for the current school year.
Complete ONLY ONE APPLICATIONper school year for your household.
If you wonder if you need to complete a second application, please contact staff in the child nutrition office; there are a few unique situations that may require a second application to be completed.
- List all students in your household who arecurrently attendingin this district, in the student section (section one) of the application.
- List all other household members (other than the students you list in the student section) in the second section of the application.
Report gross income—earnings before any deductions(not net/bring-home pay)for every person in your home who receives income. Indicate the appropriate frequency the income is received by marking the correct box (monthly, twice per month, every two weeks, or weekly).
If you receive SNAP, TANF,orFDPIR benefits, you will need to mark the box (one box only) that corresponds to the type of benefits being received. Enter the client/case number associated with those benefits in the space provided.
- Please do not substitute a Social Security number or student ID number for the client/case number.
- You need to use the actual client or case number that corresponds with the type of benefits you are reporting as being received.
- School-meal benefits may not be determined based on a medical client/case number. If you are not receiving SNAP, TANF, or FDPIR benefits, you can still be considered for benefits—you need to complete an application that includes income so it can be processed. If you are receiving medical benefits only, please call the CNS office (between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.) at 253-931-4972, for assistance/direction.
We encourage parents/guardians to use the secure, online application available through Skyward.Skyward Family Access allows the parent/guardian of family/household one to complete an online application in one of several languages.
- Use your Skyward Family Access login credentials to apply online.If you do not have (or have misplaced) your login and password for Family Access, contact staff in the office of the school your student attends to get that information.
- Parents/guardians who prefer may submit a paper application. Paper applications will be available in the main office at all of the district's schools.
When your application has been processed, eligibility will display in Family Access.
- An eligibility letter will be sent to the address in the student data base. The letter will include confirmation of the status (free, reduced, or paid/denied) for students listed on the letter. Be sure you keep the letter in case you wish to verify eligibility for other programs.
- If a student residing in your home is not listed on the letter, and you believe the student should qualify for meal benefits, please call the CNS office (between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.) at 253-931-4972, to see if the other student can be added. Please do not complete an application until you have checked—you may not need to fill one out.
- You are welcome to print a screen shot of the eligibility screen from Family Access so you will have written verification your student’s meal status.
Questions about the free and reduced-price meal program can be e-mailed r addressed via telephone at 253-931-4972.
The Auburn School District participates in the USDA National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. We maintain confidentiality in classrooms and lunchrooms. All students (free, reduced, and/or full/regular price) use a PIN number (the student’s ID number) to access their account. It is important that students do not share their number (access to their meal account) with others. School meals meet USDA nutritional goals and dietary guidelines; the district's participation in the USDA National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs can entitle qualified students to receive free or reduced-price school meals.
H: Website (2017-18 What is needed to apply)