January 24, 2008
I. In attendance or on the phone: Richard Sheridan, Eric Joice, Steve Bruce, Daniel Baker, Diane Flanagan, Dawn Hall Apgar, Jessica Goldsmith Barzilay, Shamita Dasgupta, Lisa Emore, Eloise Hawkins, Bill Holloway, Joan Lewinsky, Ebony Sheared, Lori Watson, Erin Barrett, Carrie Moore
II.Committee reviewed history, development and purpose of Olmstead Advisory Committee and Clinical Decision Making Workgroup
III.Committee approved Opportunity Statement
This group recognizes the need for individuals, families, staff and all stakeholders in the developmental centers to fully comprehend what transitioning to the community is about , what the process entails, and what opportunities exist. The group also recognizes that this topic must be a priority as we approach a time when the list of people who meet the criteria is almost exhausted. Therefore, we feel that a coordinated system of education and information dissemination for all stakeholders in the transition process must be created. The process must include measures to evaluate gaps, accessibility, and participation.
IV. Current statistics on family and consumer decisions on transitioning to community:
- 1005 individuals have been identified where individual and family agrees to transition process
- 1200 individuals have been identifiedwhere individuals and family disagree on transition process
Process to standardize and track education of families who are opposed needs to be devised
- Need to learn what has worked and not worked for families who have been through process
- Include families who have been through process in education
- Need to create target list for education
Inventory trainings and training dissemination tools
- Eloise and Shamita will research trainings being offered in developmental centers
- Richard will invite families that should be involved in the process
- Eric will reach out to Pam Ronan regarding publicity around Olmstead
- Jessica will research trainings done by the FamilySupportCenter including Lifelines. Pathways and Transition
- Dan will reach out to Verna Wallace to see about Neighbours trainings as well as possible representation on committee
- Dan will research RSEP, SCAT and ICI trainings
- All of this information will be forwarded to Dan Baker @ before next meeting
Other charges and tasks of committee:
- Bill will report on Admissions and Discharge Criteria and Third Party Review
- Joan will report on Guidelines for Person-Centered Planning
- Dawn and Bill will present at a future meeting on matching resources
- Next Meeting:
Thursday, February 21st
Middlesex Arc
219 Black Horse Lane
North Brunswick, NJ08902