Contact Person

Full Name:

Company Name:

Job Title:


Telephone Number:

Mobile Number:

Mailing Address:

Entry Details


Campaign/Programme Name:


Brand (if different from Client):


Video URL (video submission uploaded on video-sharing websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.):

Entry Question Details

In your Core Submission document, address the following sections. Keep your answers as concise as possible, and do not exceed the respective sections’ word limit. Tailor your answers based on the category you are entering.

Recommended Information (where applicable)

·  start date

·  end date

·  key objectives

·  target audience

·  key competitors

·  budget

·  media channel/s used

·  strategic thought behind the type of event/campaign chosen

·  creative expression

·  creative/media rationale

·  evidence/metrics showing the marketing objectives were met

Context/Challenge (Max 300 words)

Who/what was the client/brand/event? What were the primary objectives? Who was the target audience? What key challenges did you face?

Strategy (Max 500 words)

What was the solution to the client's marketing objectives? Provide a clear rationale of why the specific category was chosen to help address the marketing problem. Outline the creative thinking behind it, and how it was developed to conceive an impactful and meaningful idea. What was the core insight and creative thinking on which you focused your strategy?

Execution (Max 500 words)

How was your strategy implemented and brought to life? Describe the experience through the eyes of the target audience. Any other important factors that were meaningful to the success of the program? What was unique? What was wild and new? What technology (if any) was leveraged?

Results (Max 450 words)

How did the event/initiative/campaign/programme perform? What were the results? Give clear evidence/metrics demonstrating its performance, and a case for why it solved the marketing problem you faced, and a clear rationale as to why you believe this qualifies for a Marketing Events Award. Quantify and be as specific as possible. Entries without qualified evidence will be penalised.

Please be reminded to submit a high resolution logo (min 300dpi) together with your submission document.