4th Edition FICCI Water Awards

Questionnaire form – submission of entry

Category – Innovation in Water Technology

Eligibility: Any organisation engaged in manufacturing water efficient product or equipment or technology. The product/ technology should have been put to use for at least a period of three years.

Screening process:

Entries will be screened for their eligibility, and selection for the final round will be on the basis of the following parameters:

a.  Technical Efficiency;

b.  Innovation in comparison to similar products;

c.  Impact of the product; and

d.  Replicability and economic viability.

Selected entries that clear the screening will make a presentation to the jury in New Delhi. The jury will evaluate the entries and select the final winners. The decision of the jury will be final.

Important instructions

§  Names of the applicants, questionnaire submitted and scoring information will be kept confidential and will be the property of FICCI Water Mission.

§  Information contained can be used for dissemination with consent from the organisation giving due credit. FICCI Water Mission will not be responsible for the authenticity of the information supplied by the applying organisation.

§  Please make multiple copies if you wish to submit entries for more than one product.

§  Incomplete entries will not be taken into consideration for evaluation.

§  Please submit the completed final questionnaire in hard and soft copy (Word doc. only) by September 30, 2016.

§  Complete entries should be submitted to:

Swapna Patil,

FICCI Water Mission

FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi – 110001

T: +91-11- 23487480

E mail: , (Size of attachment should not exceed 10 MB)

Section 1: Company details

Contact Person:
Address for communication:
E mail:
Website (if Any)
Annual Turnover of the company in 2015-16
Products Manufactured / Technology offered

Section 2: Description of project

Outline the features of your product/ technology to cover the following points –

A.  Technical details (Include details on the year of development and principle of operation).

B.  Describe as to why do you consider your product/technology better and innovative in comparison to similar products (If possible, describe the comparative benefits in a tabular form).

C.  Describe what has been the impact of your product on water management.

D.  Describe what has been the positive outcome created by using your product (Support with evidences).

E.  Describe the economic viability and the replication potential of your product.

Section 3: Testimonials

Provide 2 testimonials of the successful implementation of your product/ technology giving details on the following -

·  Location/ company where your product/ technology is in operation along with complete contact details.

·  How long has it been in use?

·  What is the water saving potential?

·  What is the savings in economic terms? What has been the investment and payback period for the company (in years)?

Section 4: Supporting Materials

Enclose copy of brochures, photographs; any other supporting material that you feel will be useful in the evaluation process.

Section 5: Declaration

Take the content below in the letter head of your company and attach it with the questionnaire.


I hereby declare that the data/ information provided in the questionnaire is correct to the best of my knowledge.

I also declare that information contained can be used for knowledge sharing and increasing awareness with due acknowledgement.

Date: Signature:

Seal of organisation Name and Designation:

FICCI Water Awards - Questionnaire Form – Category - Innovation Page 1