CHOA Meeting Minutes

January 5, 2009

In Attendance:

Linda Bearden, Carrie Goodwin, Susan Griffis, Jeanne Perry, Debbie Schuliger, Donna Norris, Ryun Harrison

Residents Appeals/Concerns/Discussion

Received one concern from a resident on Bentley Hall regarding people trespassing on her property. The resident has erected a fence, but people are still pushing out planks and climbing over the fence from the neighborhood located behind her home. The Board suggested the resident could contact the parents of the teens or contact the JC Police Department and file trespassing charges. A note will be place in the next newsletter regarding this matter.

Board Meeting

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

  • The Board approved the previous minutes as sent out by the secretary.

Financial Status (expenses, deposits, etc.)Jeanne Perry

  • The treasurer reviewed and gave copies of the finances to the Board. Currently, in checking account we have $2,668 of which $2,237 is slated for the staining of the fence in the spring 09. This discussion led to the 2009 budget.

2009 BudgetJeanne Perry/Others

  • The Board agreed for no capital improvements for 2009. To reduce cost, the expenses in the following areas will be reduced:
  • Newsletter –do newsletter electronically and distribute paper copies only to those requesting. It was suggested and the Board agreed that the dues notice memo will be revised to asked the residents to select the method they would like to received the newsletter. Jeanne will revise and send the revisions to the Board members for approval.
  • Water Usage-The expenses for water usage has increased since the sprinkler system was repaired on one side of the entrance. When the other side is repaired, it will increase more. The Board members agreed we will only run the sprinkler system for several weeks after new plants are install or plant flowers/greenery that can handle the drought conditions. Jeanne will discuss with Arch Chair.
  • The 2009 Budget will be included with the Dues Notices to all the residents on or after January 27.
  • Annual dues will increase by $4.50 in 2009. The dues notice will include statements that will allow residents to make a payment plan if they are faces financial difficulties and when a late payment fee will be applied.

Lights/Electrical at Front EntranceLinda Bearden

  • Linda will check with Jim Lange to see if he checked the light bulb on the JonesBridge side of the front entrance. We might have to hire an electrician to fix the problem.

Posting of Leasing Restrictions SignDebbie Schuliger

  • Debbie presented the new signs for the front entrance. She will give them to Jim for hanging.

Agenda for Annual MeetingLinda Bearden

  • The agenda will include the following:

Introduction of current Board

Review of 2008 income & expenses

2009 Budget

Election of Officers

  • The Board prepared the Annual Meeting Notices to be mailed to residents. Linda will mail the notices.