One Voice Central Texas Public Policy Committee

July 24, 2014

Attendees: Angela Atwood, College Houses; Ken Martin, Texas Homeless Network; Michael Goldstein, Meals on Wheels & More; Courtney DeBower, American Heart Association; Ann Howard, ECHO; Isabelle Headrick, Accessible Housing Austin!; Ronda Rutledge, Sustainable Food Center; Jo Kathryn Quinn, Caritas of Austin; Support: Sam Woollard, WNA; Lily Wein, WNA

Meeting Minutes

1.  Update: Put People First campaign– Sam

·  $15 million strategy with current City Council

Attendees reviewed the draft letter for City Council requesting an additional $15 million for health and human services and made minor changes. Attendees also reviewed a draft one-pager on the impact that local social service agencies are having on the community, and suggested highlighting 2-3 major social service collaborations serving different population groups. If you have a City contract, please send Lily any impact data that you have for a 12-month period. Action Items Sam and Lily will finalize the letter and one-pager based on the Public Policy Committee’s feedback. Jo Kathryn will send Lily BSS+ impact data to include in the one-pager. Parking Lot Item: In the future, the Public Policy Committee may want to initiate conversations with the City about developing their own impact reports for the social services that they fund.

·  Tale of Two Austins social media campaign

The Communications Committee is kicking off the Tale of Two Austins campaign in August. Please encourage your communications staff to share the infographic and data points via social media, newsletters, etc. Action Items: Lily will email the Tale of Two Austins campaign materials to the candidates and encourage them to share it.

2.  Work Session: Decisions and Planning Next Steps City 10-1

·  Review list of active Mayoral and City Council candidates and discuss three- to- one schedule and strategy

Ann identified the top candidates by district:

·  Mayor: Steve Adler, Sheryl Cole, Mike Martinez

·  District 1: Ora Houston, DeWayne Lofton

·  District 2: Delia Garza

·  District 3: Susana Almanza, Fred McGhee, Sabino “Pio” Renteria

·  District 4: Greg Cesar, Katrina Daniel

·  District 5: Ann Kitchen

·  District 6: Jimmy Flannigan, Matt Stillwell

·  District 7: Jeb Boyt, Jimmy Paver, Melissa Zone

·  District 8: Eliza May, Ed Scruggs

·  District 9: Chris Riley, Kathie Tovo

·  District 10: Mandy Dealey

Attendees decided to conduct resource visits with the top candidates for each district using a 3-1 approach. At the meetings, members will provide an overview of One Voice and the impact that the membership collectively has on the community, share the Tale of Two Austins information, and give them the contact list of One Voice issue area experts. Action Items: Lily will set up meetings with the top candidates for the fall.

·  Discuss strategy for County Commissioner and County Judge

Tabled, although members agreed that a reach out to the new members is important.

·  Finalize questions, timing of release and distribution strategy

Attendees finalized the list of questions for candidates (see attached). Action Items: Lily will send out the questions to candidates on September 1st via Surveymonkey, and give them two weeks to respond.

·  Upcoming Opportunities – Ann

Leadership Austin Aug 4, and 11

Ann announced that Leadership Austin is offering an opportunity for nonprofits to set up tables every Monday evening from 8-9pm for the last hour of the candidate’s leadership sessions. Action Items: Sam and Lily will find out if candidates are taking the time to stop by the tables after the sessions and make the membership aware of the opportunity. They will also confirm if Meg will present at the August 11th session on social services.

Austin Women in Housing – August 4

Action Items: Isabelle will get details on the Austin Women in Housing candidate’s forum and report back.

United Way Mayors Forum – September 3

Action Items: Lily will send out the invitation to United Way’s mayor’s forum to the membership and encourage members to attend.

Identify other forums to whom we can ask to provide questions


3.  State: Preparing for the Next Legislative Session

·  Goals and dates for September and January advocacy trainings

Attendees confirmed that they would like to hold an Advocacy 101 training in September and a more advanced advocacy training in January or earlier. Action Items: Sam will meet with Erica Ekwurzel to discuss potentially leading an Advocacy 101 for One Voice in September. Ann will approach Elyse Yates and Jason Sabo about leading a higher-level advocacy training in January. Lily will send out Texas Homeless Network’s Advocacy 101 training powerpoint in the One Voice newsletter and post it on the website.

·  Partnership with One Voice Texas

One Voice Texas is holding a meeting to work on their legislative agenda on August 15th from 10am-noon at the Texas Hospital Association in Austin. The Public Policy Committee may want to ask One Voice Texas to present at a One Voice meeting on their legislative agenda once it is finalized. Action Items: Ann, Ken, and Courtney will attend the One Voice Texas meeting and report back.

4.  City HHS Department Focus on Public Health vs Human Services

Ann reported that Carlos has agreed not to initiate a name change of the HHSD at this time.

Next Meeting: Thursday August 28 at 3:00, ADAPT Building, 1640 E. 2nd St.