Name: Hatouma

Date and place of birth: August 22, 1958 at Goumbou C / Nara Nationality: Malian

Marriage Status: Married mother of 4 children


S / C her husband, Babassa DJIKINE to Magnambougou Project

Street 399 Tel. : 66 71 35 55/76 05 86 51 email:



1994-1995: POSTE 1: FrenchNGO EQUILIBREAdministrative Assistant


Item A: Administrator January 1996 to December 1999.

Function: Representation, Logistics, Personnel Manager

Item B: National Coordinator from January 2000 to December 2001.

Function: Management, representation, safety in collaboration with the Regional Director

Finance function and budget in collaboration with the Regional

Item C: Sector Coordinator of Handicap from January 2002 to August 2006

Function: Project Management and Coordination, Advocacy and external relationship, person, resource to the program in West Africa, trainer of the concepts and representations of Handicap, Technical Assistant to the Malian Federation of Associations of Disabled Persons ( FEMAPH)

POSTE3: Administrator for the National Program of Action for Employment for Poverty Reduction (PNA / ERP) to the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training from 2009 to 0ctober 2011

POSTE 4: Social Director at the Directorate of Finance and the Materials at the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries



2010: Master in Social Administration at the National Institute of Social Workers.

1991: National School of Post and Telecommunication (Controller General Service)

1985: ENA(National School of Administration) in Economics.


2011: Training module on gender and violence against women with disabilities

2011: Training System Integrated Public Expenditure Management (SIGD-PRED5)

2011: Training on the Framework of Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and the measurement yields Framework / Performance

2002-2010: Continuing education in community life, leadership, advocacy and lobbying

2001: Training modules: core curriculum, project manager and facilitator to Handicap International Lyon (France).

2001: Participation in the development and facilitation of training module on health providers and social support of Disabled Women in Reproductive Health partner JSI / PDY / USAID

2000: Training on the development of a community development project at the base.


September 2011: Participation at the 11th International Women and Health Meeting in Brussels (Belgium)

2010-2011: Participation in the development of Mali's alternative report to the Convention with IDA

June 2008: Vice President of the Pan Disability (PAFOD);

December 2008: Vice President of the African Network of Women with Disabilities (DIWA);

December 2008: Participation in the African campaign on HIV / AIDS and DISABILITY and ICASA in Dakar;

2007:Participation in the disabilities forum at Froom in ENGLAND

August 2006: Participation in the development and adoption of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the United Nations in New York;

August 2006: Participation in the development of the strategic plan of the African network of Disabled Women in Cape Town, South Africa;

August 2005: Participation in the meeting of European and African Civil Society in Copenhagen (Denmark)

July 2005: Participation in the establishment of the African network of Disabled Women in Senegal

June 2004: Development of a module on the representations and concepts of disability;

Oct. 2002: Participation in the 6th General Assembly of DPI in Sapporo, Japan;

2002: Participation in the forum of Disabled Women of Africa on the Decade of Disabled Persons in Africa from 1999 to 2009 in Tanzania - a member of the Monitoring Committee;

2000: Participation at the General Meeting of WAFOD in Praia, Cape Verde;

2000: Participation in the sub-regional seminar "Women Disabled, reproductive health and human right;

2000: Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Savings Bank and Credit "JEKAWILI" Handicaisse;

2000: Vice President for Women with Disabilities of the West African Federation of Associations of Disabled Persons (WAFOD);

1999: Founding President of the Malian Union of Associations of Disabled Women (UMAFH);

1999: Vice President of the Malian Association Federation of Associations of People with Disabilities

1998: Participation in the development and official launch of the Triennial Programme of RBC;

1997: Participation in the International Forum of Women with Disabilities in Washington (USA);

1997: Participation in the sub-regional seminar organized by the African Rehabilitation Institute in Ouagadougou

on the "Situation of Women with Disabilities / Alternatives" of the 16 states of West Africa;

1994: Member of the Coordination of Women's Associations and NGOs of Mali CAFO;

1994: President and founder of the Association of Women with Disabilities (AMAFH);


July 2004: Participation in the development of communication guide reproductive health of women with disabilities;

July 2004: Participation in the development of awareness module for managing disability in Reproductive Health;

June 2004: Development of a module on the representations and concepts related to disability;

1997: Author of communication "Impact of CBR on Women with Disabilities in Mali" International Forum on the lives of Women with Disabilities in Washington;

1995: Author of communication "Walk Like Others" in "Work of Heart" Foundation Tabalé Sharing.


• Holding a driver's license EF.

Languages ​​spoken: French(fluently)English(average), Bambara and Soninke

Written Languages: French(fluently)

• Interests: Enjoys reading and informal debates