Iroquois (Onondagué)

Added by AndrArchambault on 15 Jan 2009

Source : Helene Lamarche (Lachine)

Rene Jette "Dictionnaire des familles quebecoises (1983). p. 786." will
provide answer to your question but will give you only half of the story.
First, Paul Matias married Angélique Huneau on January 8, 1725 in Lachine(not on the 30 th)Paul, his name indifferently spelled Matias, Mathias, Massia was the son of (deceased) Jacques-Rene Tsihene and Anne Moufflet of Lachine.

As for Angelique Hunault, she was the daughter of Toussaint and
(deceased) Tiennette(or Etiennette) Paquet.

Now, here is the untold story about Paul Mathias.
His mother, Anne Mouflet (Jean and Anne Dodin) had been married to Mathias Chatoudeau, a.k.a. Massias, in Lachine on July 13, 1682; they had two children, Jean (1684) and Etienne (1687). It is very likely that on the day of the Lachine massacre (Aug. 5, 1689), the whole family was captured by the Iroquois. Mathias and Jean were never heard from and were believed to have been killed; Etienne lived to be married to Jeanne Primot on March 2,1710, only to die a few weeks after the wedding.

At an unknown date (between 1690 and 1697) Anne Moufflet remarried a
Christian Iroquois of the Ondegua tribe, Jacques-René Tsiheme (sometimes spelled Tsihouy or Chioui) who adopted the name of "Massias" which was Anne's first husband. They had two children, Paul-Mathias (date of birth unknown) and a girl who died at 18 months. Her name was Marie-Catherine,she was born in 1698 (location and date unkown) and was buried in Lachine on Feb. 2, 1700; it it through that specific entry in the Church records that the father is said to be from the Onontague (French for Ondegua)tribe.
Paul Mathias who became a voyageur, was known throughout his life as
Massia or Massias; his descendents, from his marriage with Angelique Hunault, became known as Massia.
Because there were no "proofs" of Chatoudeau's death, some genealogists
(including Leboeuf) believed Paul-Mathias to be the son of Chatoudeau;
obviously, they had never came across some notary contracts concerning
property setlement in which Paul Mathias, or Paul is plainly mentionned as the son of Anne Moufflet and Rene Chioui.