Chapter 25

Rape of the Remnant

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel… shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon YHWH, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty Elohim. For though Thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return (Isaiah 10:20-22).

Through his devastating and overmastering deceptions, Satan’s attack against the holy teachings of Elohim has been highly effective. In fact, his attacks have been so successful that finding truly loyal and faithful followers of Christ is increasingly difficult. This trend will continue as the End of the World draws nearer. So insidiously will these demonic deceptions be presented to the world, that the Bible says it will even threaten the foundation of the Christians.

For there shall arise false christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect (Matthew 24:24).

The group classed here as “the very elect” are Elohim’s people. Just as is represented in placing the sins of Israel on the head of the devil’s goat, on the Day of Atonement, Satan does not suffer in the Lake of Fire for the sins of the world.

And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wilderness (Leviticus 16:21).

Satan truly hates the righteous “elect,” for it is the sins Satan has tempted Elohim’s people to commit throughout their lives that are to be laid upon the devil in his 1,000-year-long wilderness trip. His added suffering in the Lake of Fire will be repayment for what he has done to the saved people.

Successfully tempting the greater majority of the world to spit upon the grace heaven offered, Satan will not have to suffer for the sins of the unsaved. Sadly, these ones will have denied salvation, and they must then burn for their own sins. Because their lives are already sunk in wickedness, it is not the worldly person who Satan concentrates his hellish attention upon. His fight is with the Remnant – the Elect of Elohim.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohim, and have the testimony of Y’shua Christ (Revelation 12:17).

To illustrate this, the story is told of a man who had a spiritually significant dream regarding the onslaught of Satan against those who desire to be saved. In his dream, an angel appeared to the man and informed him that something important was to be revealed through a late-night journey.

Lifting the man from his bed, the angel carried him first to a nightclub. As the man entered, his guide informed him that just for that night he would be enabled to see into the spiritual realm. Angelic beings and demons, would be as visibly real to him as the sweating, writhing humanity on the dance floor.

While at first uncomfortable with the scene, the promise of being able to catch sight of beings who are normally unseen intrigued the man. He began to stare at each face through the pulsing flashes of light. His eyes searched for the many demons he expected to find. But after a rather intense search, no demonic imps were found. Disappointed, the man turned to his guide, “I thought you said I’d be able to see the demons tonight.”

“You can,” the angel replied.

“But I see none here. This place should be a major hang-out for demons. Yet, there’s not one to be found!”

Without a reply, the angel led the confused man to the door. Traveling through the cold night air, the strange duo entered a murky bar. Again the man let his gaze roam over the room in search of some presence from the realm of the unseen. Finally, through the smoky haze, his eyes fell upon one lone demon sitting disinterestedly with his back to the room at the far end of the bar. He yawned and drummed his fingers boredly upon the counter.

Amazed that these obviously sinful places were not swarming with demonic activity, the man turned to his guide. “Where are all the demons? Why aren’t they here?”

Quickly the angel pulled the man through the door and out into the chilly night once again. This time they flew together to a church. Inside a group of Christians had gathered for a late Bible study. But this handful of worshippers were far from alone; the whole building was crawling with demons.

While one poor woman tried to listen to the Bible study, a demon poked at her small child. The child let out a wail that disrupted the whole meeting. From then on, the young mother was never allowed to concentrate her mind upon the Word. In another part of the church, a foul imp was blowing some sort of sleeping dust into the nostrils of a middle-aged man. He slowly slumped down in the pew, snoring loudly, his Bible slipping from his loosening grip. Worshipper after worshipper fell under direct demonic attack. The demons pulled out all the stops, doing everything they could to keep the people from benefiting from the Bible study.

In shock, the horrified man turned to his guide. “How can this be? How can God let this happen? These people have come here to learn about God! Are demons really so powerful that no one can be saved because the imps snatch the message before it can sink in?” he queried in astonishment.

Solemnly the angel shook his head. “Look again. Look over there.” The angel pointed to an elderly woman bathed in a heavenly glow. Hovering over her was a heavenly angel, who shielded her from every satanic attack that advanced against her. As a result, she sat peacefully amidst the tumult, drinking in every precious Word of Truth.

Having noticed the elderly woman, the man began to spot a few others enjoying the protection of heaven. They dotted the pews here and there. “Why are so few protected from Satan’s attack?”

The angel turned to the man sadly, “None of the others asked to be protected. Those whose angels are shielding them have prayed that God would keep Satan at bay and make their minds receptive to His Truth.” Then the angel pointed up to the ceiling of the church. “Look up.”

Craning his neck to see at what the angel was pointing, the man was surprised to see that the ceiling seemed filled with heavenly angels.

“They are waiting,” the angel continued. “They wait for those who are attacked to pray for help. As soon as the people ask, heaven’s response is always instant.”

As the dream faded, and the man awoke from sleep, a stark spiritual truth remained: Satan does not concern himself with those who are already in his grasp. Rather, the entire arsenal of hell is aimed at all who desire salvation. If we would understand Truth and escape the overmastering deceptions of Satan, we will constantly avail ourselves of the powerful heavenly Weapon of Prayer.

Put on the whole armour of Elohim, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of Elohim, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand… Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:11-18).

Because so few “Christians” really want to know the Truth, and be fully enlightened against demonic deception, most do not avail themselves of the power of prayer. As a result, Satan’s demonic onslaught runs rampantly overwhelming even those who consider themselves to be safe. How sad it is that all of heaven’s power is available to aid the praying Christian, yet so few want help enough to ask. No wonder Isaiah prophesied that the true people of Elohim would be few especially in the Last Days.

And shall not Elohim avenge (protect and defend) His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him (His promise of protection is sure to those who ask for it)… I tell you that He will avenge them speedily (His aid will come quickly). Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh (when Christ returns in the clouds), shall He find faith on the earth? (Will there be anyone left who is faithful?)(Luke 18:7-8).

Paul also wrote about this tremendous discrepancy between the number who claim Christ and the number who are ultimately saved by Him. While there will be many who make up Elohim’s people (This applies to Spiritual Israel – see Galatians 3:29), only a remnant of those who make the claim truly are the actual Children of Elohim.

Esaias (Isaiah) also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved (Romans 9:27).

The term “remnant” means, “residue, what remains at the end, and that which is left after separation” (Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary). What is the process of “separation,” after which only a remnant will be saved? It is none other than the call of the fourth angel embodied in the blazing Testimony of the Moon.

And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide (separate) the day from the night…” (Genesis 1:14).

This separation of the Deceptions of Darkness from the Light of Truth is the result of accepting or rejecting the Fourth Angel’s Message. His clarion call shatters the heavens. “Come out of Babylon!” Every true follower of Christ is called to leave the realm of darkness, in which dwells the Dragon and the Papal Beast.

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication (all the world wondered after the Beast – Revelation 13), and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her (all nations of the world commit spiritual adultery by following this Papal power rather than obeying the will of Elohim), and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies… Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and Elohim hathremembered her iniquities… How much she hath glorified herself (claiming to be equal with Elohim), and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen (Those associated with worshipping the “Queen of Heaven” are among this group – see Jeremiah 7:18.), and am no widow (she has blasphemously claimed to be the Christ’s wife), and shall see no sorrow (she claims to have a happy end sharing the blessings of the redeemed). Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is Adonai Elohim Who judgeth her (Revelation 18:1-8).

Those who would be among the Redeemed will have forsaken every trace of this vile Babylonish System. Elohim’s people are “not defiled with women” (Revelation 14:4). Rather, they are part of the chaste “virgin” Bride of Christ. To be a spiritual virgin is to be completely separated from all forms of spiritual fornication associated with the woman who rides upon the Beast.

In the last chapter we discovered that the Catholic Church has assumed authority over Elohim Himself. Exalting itself as the final word on Truth, the Papacy has put down the Law of Elohim. While parts of the Law are still toted as acceptable, much of the Law of Elohim has been done away through this insolent, earthly authority whose power comes directly from the Dragon.

Through this abominable power, the world is told:

  • “Yes, the Commandments are nice, but you needn’t try to keep them.”
  • “Of course you should be faithful to your marriage partner, but if you make a mistake you needn’t seek God’s forgiveness, a priest can forgive your sins.”
  • “You don’t need to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath, Sunday is the new holy day.”
  • “Don’t worry about redemption, if Christ won’t save you, Mary will!”
  • “All those old Sabbaths were nailed to the Tree of Calvary. Now you need to keep the days we’ve set up for holidays – holy-days.”

The new law has its own spirit… and its own feasts which have taken the place of those appointed in the Law of Moses. If we would know the days to be observed… we must go to the Catholic Church, not to the Mosaic Law” (Catholic Catechism, quoted in Signs of the Times, Nov. 4, 1919).

Thus, most Christians have been led to believe that a lifestyle embracing the repackaged, abominable practices of sun-worshipping Babylon is pleasing to heaven. Instead it is mode odious to Elohim than a rotting, maggot-infested, pile of dung! To the Holy One, such a mingling of satanic teachings into what should have been the “Waters of Life,” is the ultimate profanity! Against the Babylonish Papal leadership, Elohim pronounces:

Her priests have violated My Law, and have profaned Mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from My Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them (Ezekiel 22:26).

If Elohim’s people are to fully heed the call of the fourth angel by stepping out of the realm of Babylon on every spiritual front, they will understand where the boundaries are between paganism and purity, between sun worship and Son worship, between, the realm of the Dragon and the Path of Righteousness. Thus, the last part of the Fourth Angel’s Message serves to expose the teachings of Babylon with all its satanic sophistry.

Through a clear delineation of what constitutes Babylon, every shadowy trace of it is exposed. Thus, the satanic attempt to spiritually rape the remnant is thwarted. His tentacles, which may have previously clung to the people of Elohim, will completely fall away.

Thus, the light of the fourth angel will only be completely given, when the hellish teachings of Babylon lay fully exposed. Then we may decide on which side we will stand. Let us begin to expose the teachings of sun worship as they presently appear throughout Christianity.

The day of the sun, or Sunday, was first proclaimed by Constantine I to be the new “Lord’s Day,” in the early 300’s of the Common Era. “In 321 CE he (Constantine) decreed under the penalty of death that all artisans, merchants, and people of his Empire cease work on the Venerable Day of the Sun, to honor Mithras (the sun god)” (Fossilized Customs, p. 7).

The fact that sun worship is the basis for the Papal Religion is prevalently disclosed in the sculpture and artwork of Rome. Representing the missing male organ of the Egyptian god Osiris, the obelisk has long been erected at the great centers of sun worship. Having revealed Rome as a great center of modern sun worship, it is fitting that an obelisk (originally from Heliopolis) now graces the famous Vatican square.

Through its imperial presence from which the sunrays radiate out in painted form upon the ground, the pagan origins of Sunday are made unavoidably clear.
Evocative of the filthy sexual rituals surrounding Sun Worship, this giant representation of the sun god’s male organ belies any Christian labels which might be applied to the Pagan Worship of the Sun. /
/ The Beast is empowered by the Dragon. Thus, the Papacy receives its power and authority from the sun god. Here the Borgia Papal crest of Alexander VI makes no attempt to hide association with the sun god, whose worship has been raised on Dias del Solis (the day of the sun) since ancient Babylon.

Furthermore, this counterfeit papal religion that follows the pagan practices of sun worship, has adopted the worship of the sun god’s wife. Known in ancient times as Ishtar, Diana, Isis, and Demeter, among many other names, this Queen of Heaven was symbolized by the crescent moon.