5:00 p.m. Mass (D):

Ushers: Group 3 Lector: Bethany Brandewie

Eucharist: Reyna Shardo, Cheri Subler, Tom Watren (P) Kristen Smith, Jane Pierron, Dan Subler, Amanda Borchers, Tim Subler, Bud Sutter, Jennifer Treon, Bryant Ahrens (C) Servers: Kelsey Treon, Jessica Barga, Cody Bruns, Madelyn Borchers

Gifts: Ralph & Cindy Dapore Family

8:00 a.m. Mass (D):

Ushers: Group 6 Lector: Ken Bertke

Eucharist: Matt Schmitmeyer, Lynette Stauffer, Cyndi Bey (P) Molly Weaver, Jerry Wilker, Don Brocious, Kim Murphy, Walter Alexander, George Kuether, Lil Borchers, Orville Borchers (C) Servers: Tom Borchers, Ann Borchers, Aaron Condon, Ben Francis

Gifts: Gerald & Rosemary Paulus

9:30 a.m. Mass (HF): January 2

Ushers: Rick Heitkamp and Mark Stucke

Lector: Jeff Wuebker Eucharist: Julie Stucke (P) Jamie Stucke and Mary Ann Stucke (C)Servers: Josh Didier and Justin May and Luke Kremer

Gifts: Lewis and Alma May Family

11:00 a.m. Mass (D):

Ushers: Groups 15 Lector: Peg Bernholt

Eucharist: Brian Schwieterman, Janet Turner, Kathy Wood (P) Janice Schwieterman, Christy Prakel, Amber Voisard, Joshua Berger, Eric Wood, Russ Beisner, Elaine Bohman, Andrew Borchers Servers: Danielle Condon, Marisa Coons, Jordan Liette, Olivia Liette

Gifts: Bob Goubeaux Family


The Catholic Telegraph reported on a prison in Appalachia that has brought more problems than solutions to its area. It also had a story on Brett Favre of the Green Bay packers. Read the Catholic Telegraph every week.


Look about you. See the glory of God revealed. Open your hearts to receive the gifts God offers you. (Isaiah 60_1-6)


Body: Have your blood pressure checked. Mind: Practice managing your time better; make a list of things you have to do. Spirit: Learn to love yourself.


The cantors have started using the pulpit (also called ambo) for the responsorial psalm at the 8:00 Mass. Why did we make this change? We did it because the instructions for Mass give the pulpit as the primary place for the psalm. It does this because the responsorial psalm makes up part of the Word of God. We may never substitute a hymn or something not from Scripture for the psalm.


I have a hard task to ask of you. If you can, and I know at times you cannot, please wait to start the readings until people have stopped moving in church. Sometimes the cantors have a long walk back to their places or people have not stopped coming to their places. The deacon and the priest try to do this also, but at times we find it impossible to do. Do your best.
