Job Description

Teacher + TLR 2 (Lead KS3&4, C.E. Department)

Responsible to:Deputy Head Teacher

Conditions of Employment:You are employed in the capacity of a teacher to carry out the duties set out in paragraphs 33-36 (inclusive) of the Schoolteachers Pay and Conditions Documents 2000 (the 2000 Document).

Curriculum:Your responsibility in delivering the curriculum will be to teach mainly within the Secondary Department. Your teaching will be mainly with pupils between the age range 11 - 19 years

Responsibilities and Duties:

This post requires that you should take an appropriate share of the responsibilities attached to teachers generally within the school in connection with the teaching of pupils, the preparation and marking of their work and the promotion of their progress and welfare as set out in sub-paragraphs (11) and (12) of Paragraph 35 of the 2000 Document. You will work under the reasonable direction of the Head teacher who will ensure that a reasonable balance in the workload of each teacher is maintained.

As a teacher you will be expected to:

a)Demonstrate effective curriculum planning and preparation so that each pupil achieves the highest quality educational attainment possible.

b)Develop learning and teaching strategies to meet the needs of individual pupils, which enable them to achieve and develop.

c)Demonstrate efficient classroom organisation and management so that effective teaching and learning can take place.

d)Develop and maintain effective pupil assessment / recording schemes to meet the requirements of the curriculum.

e)Establish effective working relationships with pupils, parents and the multi-professional staff.

f)Take an active part in decision-making, planning and evaluation processes of the school.

g)To perform any other reasonable duty as directed by the deputy/ head teacher.

Curriculum Leadership

You will act as a coordinator for an aspect of the curriculum. As a curriculum coordinator you will be expected to:

a)In consultation with staff draft / review school policy for your area of responsibility.

b)Develop a plan with staff to implement the school policy.

c)Develop the curriculum with staff and contribute to whole school schemes of work where appropriate.

d)Carry out and maintain an audit of the available resources for your area of the curriculum

e)Take responsibility for the selection and ordering of resources within the budget allocated to your area of the curriculum.

f)Draft proposals for the school development and improvement plans.

g)Agree targets with staff and ensure that these are carried out and achieved.

h)Devise with staff an effective record keeping system for your area of responsibility and ensure that they are kept up to date and under review.

i)Act as a consultant, giving advice and assistance to staff on the processes / content of your area of responsibility.

j)Disseminate information to those who need it.

k)Monitor and evaluate teacher planning for your area of responsibility.

l)Monitor and evaluate teaching and learning for your area of responsibility, providing support to colleagues.

m)Evaluate the work being carried out in school within your area of responsibility to ensure that it supports the school policy, plans and targets. Feedback this information to staff and carry out appropriate action if necessary.

n)Advise the Head teacher of difficulties, opportunities for development or resources needed to achieve the school policy.

o)Ensure that the school is working within government and school guidelines by maintaining regular contacts with other schools, advisory staff etc. to keep the school informed of developments / approaches being adopted elsewhere.

Specific Targets

To be agreed

Note 1. The days to be specified by the Head teacher under Paragraph 36 (1) of the 2000 Document and the hours allocated by the Head teacher under Paragraph 36 (1) (b) of the 2000 Document shall be subject of a separate statement issued by the Head teacher.

Note 2. The job description is subject to amendment from time to time within the terms of your conditions of employment after consultation with you.


  • Achievement – through our work we will strive to ensure that everyone achieves their maximum level of achievement
  • Equality – we will treat everyone as equal and promote the rights of disabled people
  • Excellence – we are committed to providing excellent services across the Foundation
  • Innovation – we will research, plan and deliver innovative services that put our service users at the heart of everything we do.


Percy Hedley Foundation operates a demanding and often changing environment. Members of staff must be flexible, adaptable, willing to face up to changing circumstances and new opportunities. The following list of duties and responsibilities must therefore be taken as a guide and is not to be comprehensive:

  • Provide access to a range of learning material using a range of modes of communication to best meet the needs of individuals
  • Assess, record and report on the development, progress and attainment of individuals
  • Participate in meetings arranged for any purposes described above
  • Participate in development and review of the Foundation’s documentation inclusive of policies, practice, syllabus, curriculum, recording and other documents
  • Participate in arrangements for the appraisal of performance
  • Participate in arrangements for further training and professional development
  • Keep up to date with changes or developments within your profession
  • Fully participate in the induction and training programme provided by the Foundation
  • Participate in administrative and organisational tasks relating to individuals, as required throughout the day
  • Participate in meetings which relate to the curriculum, administration or organisation
  • Contribute to the professional development of other staff, including the induction of new staff

Discipline, Health and Safety:

All employees have the responsibility to co-operate with supervisors and managers to achieve a healthy and safe work place and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. If you notice a potential health and safety problem, or something that causes concern, you are responsible for raising this with your line manager or nominated Health and Safety representative

  • Adhere to The Percy Hedley Foundations Health, Safety and Welfare policy at all times
  • Purchase equipment from a recognised source
  • Promote Health and Safety in all lesson plans and scheme of work
  • Carry out all activities with the individual in mind
  • Develop a Health and Safety culture amongst all individuals
  • Maintain a high standard of record keeping in line with The Percy Hedley Foundation policies and procedures

Equality and Diversity:

  • Promote equality of access to education, training and employment opportunities for disabled people, and advocate a positive attitude
  • Recognise that disabled people are individuals who have specific needs
  • Employ support strategies that will empower individuals
  • Show awareness of knowledge and display non-discriminatory behaviours at all times in relation to culture, race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality and age
  • Recognise the importance of inclusion by using appropriate means of communication at all times
  • To carry out all duties in accordance with the Foundation’s Equality and Diversity and other policies designed to protect employees and service users from harassment. It is the duty of the post-holder not to act in a prejudicial or discriminatory manner towards employees or service users. The post-holder should counteract such practice or behaviour by challenging or reporting it.


  • Percy Hedley Foundation have adopted recruitment and selection procedures, and other Human Resource Management processes, that help deter, reject or identify people who might abuse vulnerable children/adults, or are otherwise unsuited to work with them.
  • The Trustees/Governing Body are committed to promoting the welfare of children and young people/adults and staff are expected to ensure that the highest priority is given to following guidance and regulations to safeguard those in our care.


  • Respect confidentiality. All personal information about individuals to which you have access should be treated as confidential. Information about the individual’s needs, progress and assessment should only be shared with the team to aid support
  • Remain objective and do not favour any gender, language or culture and comply with the Foundation policy


  • Other reasonable duties at the discretion of the Associate Director.

TLR 2 Role:

  • To lead the Secondary C.E. Department ensuring that staff are deployed effectively and rotas are fair and appropriate to pupil needs.Highlight training and development needs as necessary to ensure safety and best practice.
  • To support the annual review processes. This includes: chairing annual review meetings, proof reading reports and completing relevant paperwork.
  • To support the initial assessment process.This includes: showing parents around school, explaining the assessment process, chairing meetings, proof reading reports and supporting staff to assess accurately and write their reports.
  • To act as a line manager for teachers and SSAs within the department ensuring that issues are addressed fairly and quickly, support and empower staff to do the best work they can and take responsibility for the standards within this department.
  • To liaise with other middle leaders to ensure a joined up approach to staff support, continually raise standards and target provision, resources and staffing to maximise impact.
  • To liaise with senior managers to ensure that information is shared effectively.
  • To work closely with other leaders to evaluate aspects of the school and develop and implement plans to maximise school’s effectiveness and impact.
  • To communicate, consult with and inform parents, Governors and other stakeholders through meetings, Blogs and other means to ensure all stakeholders are well informed and empowered to contribute to the overall direction of and daily business of the school.
  • Lead an area of school development linked to the School Development Plan, liaising with staff and stakeholders as necessary; provide evidence and report on progress to senior leaders and Governors.

Additional non-contact will be negotiated to fulfil the role.