Bases 2

Written Spelling Contest Rules 3

Oral Spelling Contest Rules 4

Proctor’s Rules 5

Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica Sonora is honored to receive you in this

“Spelling Bee Contest 2014”.

The contest will be held from March 30 to April 11, 2014

The following rules were designed to guide and assist the Spellers, Principals and Proctors.


1.  All schools attending this contest must teach English.

2.  This Spelling Bee is open to PNIEB contestants from Kindergarten up to sixth grade.

3.  Each group has the opportunity to participate. The proctors can be selected randomly by the English teacher.

4.  Every person participating in this contest must follow instructions carefully to ensure fairness to all. Instructions to the spellers will be given in English, no translation allowed. Spellers should be able to understand each English direction, according to their grade level.

5.  People inside the classrooms must switch off their beepers and cellular phones while the contest is in progress.

6.  Spellers are allowed to have one mistake. They have the opportunity to spell the word again.

7.  All certificates will be stamped with the trading stamp made for its own school. Whereas each teacher can sign them.

8.  All spellers participating will receive a certificate of participation before leaving the school where the contest took place.


1.  All spellers will be handed a sheet of paper and a pencil.

2.  The written spelling test is designed for spellers of all levels from kindergarten to 6th grades, and each list includes the following number of words.

Kindergarten / 50 / 0
First / 60 / 15
Second / 70 / 20
Third / 75 / 30
Fourth / 90 / 35
Fifth / 95 / 35
Sixth / 120 / 40

3.  If a word has hyphen or an apostrophe, it must be written correctly.

4.  All spellers should write compound words and hyphenated compound words distinctly. For example: ice cream, warm-up.

5.  If a word has one or more homonyms, the Proctor will indicate which word is to be written down. If the listed word is not properly identified, either by defining it or distinguishing the homonyms, any correct spelling will be accepted.

6.  When grading papers, special care will be taken to make sure that the same words dictated appear on the test. Capital and lower case letters are to be used properly.

7.  First place certificates will be awarded to the spellers with a perfect score and one wrong. Second place certificates to spellers with two wrong words, and Third place certificates to those spellers obtaining three wrong words.

8.  AII diplomas will be awarded to the corresponding student at the end of the contest.


1.  The same list of words will be used for the oral spelling contest, including the words already used in the written test.

2.  The oral contest will take place in the classrooms.

3.  Once everybody is inside the classroom, the teacher will go over the rules for the oral contest and call roll for the second time.

4.  The speller will stand up, listen to the word, a sentence, and the repetition of the word, which the Proctor is entitled to repeat again.

5.  The Spelling Bee will be conducted in rounds. Each speller remaining in the Spelling Bee at the beginning of a round will speak one word in the round.

6.  The English teacher can disqualify a speller for failing to pronounce any letter correctly like r or the I, or a,i and e.

7.  The speller may not go back and correct any letter once he or she starts to spell the word.

8.  Under no circumstance will the speller be asked to correct the misspelling of another speller, except for when there is a tie between the last two remaining spellers.

9.  If the speller decides to spell the word "door" ("d-o-o-r" or "d-double o-r") both ways are correct as long as he/she pronounces the word, then spells the word and once more repeats the word.

10.  When the word is an open compound word (ice cream) the speller must say "two words, i-c-e, take a pause, c-r-e-a-m" and repeat again (ice cream). When it is a hyphenated compound word (warm-up), the speller must say "warm-up, w-a-r-m hyphen u-p" and repeat "warm-up" again.

11.  When the word has an apostrophe, such as o'clock, the speller must say the word, and while spelling it he/she must say "o-apostrophe-c-l-o-c-k", and repeat the word one more time.

12.  If the speller forgets to say the word first and starts to spell it, he/she is disqualified. Disqualification will also happen when he/she forgets to say the word at the end of spelling.

13.  If a speller fails to spell a word, he/she will drop out of the contest and the missed word must be correctly pronounced and spelled by the Proctor and a new word will be given to next speller.

14.  In the final match, when one of the two final spellers misspells a word, the missed word must be correctly spelled by the remaining speller, plus the next word in Proctor's list. If the word is not spelled correctly it will be given to the other speller who missed the previous word, If that spellers spells it correctly plus the next word in the Proctor's list, then that speller will be declared the winner. If both spellers fail, a new word will be given to break a

tie. This will be done following the same procedure until one of them spells out the other word, or until there are not any words in the list. In that case, both of them will be winners.

15.  If more than one speller remains, and the Proctor runs out of words, all of them will be declared winners.

16.  A maximum of 15-30 seconds will be allowed to spell the word; all spellers should be informed about this rule in advance.

17.  If there is an interruption of noise (siren, alarm, door, etc.) the Proctor must stop and repeat the word he/she has said.

18.  When a speller misses a word he/she must wait in the assigned area until the contest ends.


1. Proctors must have full knowledge of the oral and written rules that apply for the Annual Spelling Bee 2013.

2. The Proctors must have knowledge of the words and sentences that will be dictated, before the contest takes place.

3. The Proctors must have an excellent pronunciation, speak at a normal speed with pauses, and use a loud and clear voice.

4. The Proctors must have a nice attitude toward the spellers, and SMILE!

5. The Proctors must say the word, the sentence, and repeat the word both in the oral and written tests.

6. If there is any interruption of noise, the Proctor must stop and repeat what he or she has said.

7. When a word has an apostrophe, such as o'clock, the speller must say the word, and while spelling it he/she must say "o-apostrophe-c-I-o-c-k", and repeat the word one more time.

8. The Proctor is entitled to answer any question the speller might have, to repeat the word if it was not clear or if there was an interruption, and to be asked for a definition in case the word is a homonym.

9. If during the oral contest the word cards are over, all the remaining spellers will be first place winners.

10. If there is a doubt about the spelling of a word, the Proctor, the Judge and Principal will leave the room and make a decision according to the word list. If doubt persists, it will be decided on behalf of the speller.

Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica

Spelling Bee Contest 2014

Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica

Spelling Bee Contest 2014