Study Guide – Globalization Unit Exam – Geography B
Learning Target #1 - I can identify key globalization concepts
1. What is globalization?
2. How new is globalization? Be able to identify examples we talked about in class.
3. What has led to an increase in globalization?
4. What are some basic positives of globalization? (Technology, Trade, Communication, Medical Knowledge, Development, Education, Wealth, Productivity, Cheaper goods)
5. When people trade, how do both sides benefit – think of our candy simulation?
6. What are some basic negatives of globalization? (Environment, Loss of culture, Wage inequality, Sweatshops, Child Labor, Decreased working wages, Outsourcing, Spread of Disease)
7. What role does the IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, UN and World Trade Organization play in globalization?
8. What is a subsidy?
9. What is a multinational corporation?
10. What is outsourcing?
11. What business has benefitted most from globalization?
12. What are some effects of multinational businesses?
13. What are some of the issues involved with outsourcing of jobs?
14. What is interdependence?
15. What is cost of living?
16. What is standard of living?
17. What is GDP?
18. What does the term “WWW” refer to?
19. What is per capita GDP?
20. What is the Golden Arches theory?
21. What is e-commerce?
22. Know what comparative advantage is.
Learning Target #2 - I can analyze benefits and costs of globalization
Know the Pros and Cons of Globalization and how to apply them to real world situations.
Pros / ConsIncreased Efficiency / Loss of Culture
Increased Productivity / Increased Pollution
Increased Living Standards / Developed Countries lose jobs to outsourcing
Increased Medical Knowledge / Spread of Disease
Creates Jobs in Poor Countries / Foreign wages driving down domestic wages
Increased Technology / Fewer Boundaries letting in bad things (drugs, terrorists, etc…)
Free Exchange of Ideas / Rich countries get richer; poor countries become poorer
Greater variety of goods / International terrorism
Free trade leads to mutually beneficial outcomes / Child labor & sweatshops
Transportation networks / Domestic industry killed by foreign industry
Fewer boundaries let in good things (ideas, goods) / Invasive species
Cheaper goods / Americanization
Economic Interdependence leading to less war / Urban Sprawl
Golden arches theory / International Crime
Access to greater number of cultures / Interdependence leads to mass global suffering if one country fails
Tip: Use the in-class activity we did and work through those real world examples using this list. Link below.
Learning Target #3 - I can tie benefits and negatives of globalization back to geography learned in Geography A (Asia, Europe)
1. Pollution of the Volga
2. Pollution of the Ganges
3. Urban Sprawl of Japan
4. Wealth of Europe
5. Lack of Wealth in Southeast Asia
6. Air Quality of Beijing & Shanghai
7. Western world healthcare
8. Technological advancements
9. Be able to look at maps and graphs like those used in Unit 1 to relate it to Globalization. An example – Be able to predict which countries would most likely harbor hostility toward one another using the Golden Arches theory we learned about in the Timmerman book while looking at a map of countries that have McDonalds in them.