CZO Cross-Site Comparison Sampling Protocol

Beth Boyer and Matt Miller at Penn State are accepting water samples from the CZO sites for a cross-site comparison study of dissolved organic carbon.

They will provide sterilized bottles, ice chests and ice packs for shipping.

·  Sampling will occur monthly on the 1st of the month, +/- 1 week.

·  Samples will be collected during KREW “Flow Days”

·  PSW will collect Bull & Teakettle samples. CZO will collect Providence & Duff samples.

·  Collection at all KREW streams, not including integrating sites.

Sample Procedure

Samples taken at: P301, P303, P304, D102, B201, B203, B204, T001

1.  At Least One Day Before: Put ice packs in freezer.

2.  Sampling Day: Take ice chest and ice packs to field.

3.  Label bottle with: Stream ID, Date, KREW-CZO, Name.

§  Example: P301, 4-28-09, KREW-CZO, M. Meadows

4.  Fill Sample Bottle with Stream Water in same location as “Flow sample”. Please rinse bottle 3 times with stream water, as you would for any grab sample. Make sure that the lid is secure and place the bottle in the ice-chest.

5.  Give ice-chest and bottles to Matt (or other CZO member) for shipment, or put in PSW refrigerator at Fresno office.

6.  Wrap samples in bubble wrap or other packaging to keep from breaking, and pack in the small cooler along with ice pack(s).

7.  Matt or other CZO member will ship samples overnight, via overnight courier (UPS or FedEx) to:

Elizabeth Boyer

329 Forest Resources Building

University Park, PA 16802


Concurrent Isotope Sampling

Samples taken at: P300, P301, P303, P304, D102, B200, B201, B203, B204, T001.

  1. Label bottle with: Stream ID, Date, KREW-CZO, Name.

§  Example: P301, 4-28-09, KREW-CZO, M. Meadows

  1. Do not rinse
  2. Fill bottle to top, leaving no space for air.
  3. Put on lid with special plunger cone and secure tightly.

§  The plunger forces excess water and air bubble out of the sample bottle

  1. Give samples to Matt or other CZO member.