Procedure for Qualifying for Visually Impaired

Referral and or ARD meeting where VI Services may be discussed:


  1. Obtain permission from the parent for the “State of Texas Interagency Eye Examination Report”. (This form is found on the website under policies). If a parent has a current “State of Texas Interagency Eye Examination Report” (within the last three years), then the district can accept this assessment. **If the parent has a current assessment-skip to #4.
  1. Preparea purchase requisition and send the purchase order and any required forms to the recommended physician.
  1. Follow up on the completed “State of Texas Interagency Eye Examination Report” form (which should be returned to the campus in care of the diagnostician).
  1. Review the forms and look for the following indicators:
  2. This patient appears to have no vision.


  • This patient has a serious visual loss after correction.


  • This patient has a medical diagnosis for a progressive condition that will result in no vision or a serious visual loss after correction.

NOTE: If the doctor fails to mark any of these boxes

(one of four) and/or any of the five *(stars) indicators, then the form

must be returned to the physician.

  1. Referral stops here if the doctor indicates:
  • This patient does not have a serious visual loss after correction.
  1. If the physician checks any of the indictors listed in #4 determining a visual impairment then an ARD should be requested.

7. Obtain permission from the parent for the Functional Vision

Evaluation/Learning Media Assessment (FVE/LME). A certified teacher for the Blind

And Visually Impaired must complete this report.

8. Attach a copy of the “State of Texas Interagency Examination Report” and “Notice of

Proposal to Evaluate”anddeliver to:VI Program Administrative Assistant.

Teacher for the Visually Impaired:

9. VI teachers has 60 calendar days (from date of written, signed consent TEC 29.004) to

complete FVE/LMA. Diagnostician will schedule an ARD (within 30 school days after

completion of assessment) in order to present results and recommendations. If the 30th

day falls during the summer, ARD to be scheduled on or before the first day of school

(see TAC 89.1050).

10. VI teacher determines qualification for VI label and services at scheduled ARD. (VI teacher must

be in attendance at this ARD.)

11. VI teacher will request an O& M (Orientation & Mobility) and/or Low Vision Evaluation if

appropriate. (See Orientation & Mobility procedure and/or Low Vision Evaluation procedure).
