October 17, 2013

251-A/B Public Service Building

255 Capitol St., Salem, OR 97310

Members/Advisors Present
Samuel Henry / Board Chair / Kevin Furey / Advisor, CC Faculty
Serilda Summers-McGee / Board Vice -Chair / Randy Schild / Advisor,K-12 Admin
Angela Bowen / Board Member
Artemio Paz, Jr. / Board Member
Miranda Summer / Board Member
Anthony Veliz / Board Member
Members/Advisors Excused
Kate Brown / Ex Officio Board Member / Patty Scott / Advisor, CC Presidents
Ted Wheeler / Ex Officio Board Member
Other Participants
Rob Saxton / Deputy Supt of Pub Inst. / Cindy Hunt / Legal & Gov. Affairs, ODE
Gerald Hamilton / CCWD Interim Exec. Dir. / Emily Nazarov / Board Staff, ODE
Kate Pattison / Program Analyst, ODE / Drew Hinds / Ed. Spec., ODE
Sarah Drinkwater / Asst. Supt., SLP, ODE / Theresa Richards / Teaching & Learning, ODE
Doug Kosty / Asst. Supt., Assess., ODE / Michael Mahoney / Ed. Spec., ODE
Clauette Rushing / Ed. Spec., ODE / Derek Brown / Mgr., Ess. Skills Asses., ODE
Michael Elliot / Fiscal Analyst, ODE / Cristen McLean / Op. and Policy Analyst, ODE
Martha Martinez / Ed. Program Spec., ODE / John Wycoff / Leg. Director, OCCA
David Bautista / Asst. Supt., Office of Ed. / Deborah Lincoln / Dir. Employee Services, ODE
Equity, ODE / Deborah Banks / Ed. Program Spec., ODE
Karen Humelbaugh / Dir. Workforce Prog., / Blake Dye / Op. and Policy Analyst, ODE
CCWD / Jonathan Fost / Newberg School Dist.
Lisa Harlan / Dir. Sch. Improv., ODE / Brian Putnam / Ed. Program Spec., ODE
Dave Cook / Dir. Operations, ODE / Carla Wade / Ed. Spec., ODE
Markisha Smith / Ed. Program Spec., ODE / Pam Bejerano / Centennial School Dist.
Heidi Sipe / Umatilla School Dist. / Brad Capener / Salem-Keizer School Dist.
Bill Stewart / Gladstone School Dist.

Audio Recording

Supporting Documents are posted online


Chair Henry called the meeting to order at 8:40.
Information/First Reading
Process to Renew Charter/581-020-0359
Cindy Hunt, ODE
Kate Pattison, ODE
Pattison introduced topic. HB 2875 (2013) amended renewal process for charter schools. This rule implements HB 2875. This rule also takes into account HB 2150. Board will hear more on HB 2150 and charter schools next meeting.
Hunt explained ODE is bringing this rule to the Board now because the law around renewal is effective now.
Paz: what about legal stipulation if 90 days transpires and you don’t have an agreement. Is there a report that articulates the information that prevented the agreement and is there a time limit? Is there something that articulates what the issues are?
A: There is nothing limiting extension. Staff anticipates that there would be regular reports of progress.
Henry: Board has talked about not having long extensions because we want outcomes. Will this result in 8-year charters?
A: Staff explained this does not affect length charter or other options available to sponsoring districts under statute.
Summers McGee: Does this hurt charter schools?
A: Charter schools promoted this bill. This allows charters to get out from under threat of closure as the negotiation progresses.
Summers McGee: Is there any limit on the extension of the charter?
A: No.
State Sponsored Charter School Site Visit Schedule 2013-14
Kate Pattison, ODE
Cindy Hunt, ODE
Pattison explained that annually, by law, sponsoring boards are required to visit charters schools that they sponsor. Staff has historically conducted the visits. Last year two board members participated and it was a valuable experience for all involved.
Board staff will coordinate with Members to schedule visits.
Henry: Face to face contact with folks on the ground is incredibly valuable for the Board.
Eola Hills Charter School Waiver Request
Kate Pattison, ODE
Cindy Hunt, ODE
Pattison explained charter schools have ability to request waivers of certain provisions of the law. Current law sates charter schools must be located in district sponsoring. Eola Hills Charter School building burned down. All students and staff were able to evacuate. Building is a total loss. Eola Hills was able to use a church immediately after the fire. Eola Hills is now looking for permanent space and having difficulty finding something in district. Church is located outside of Amity school district boundaries. Also pursuing another location, and that is also outside Amity school district boundary. Both locations are inside McMinville school district boundary. Eola Hills is requesting waiver to be able to temporarily locate outside Amity boundary.
Amity Superintendent is supportive of school looking for another location. McMinnville Superintendent understands and is sympathetic to the situation, but is not supportive of Eola Hills waiver request.
Staff recommendation is to grant waiver for temporary relocation outside of district boundaries from now until January 24, 2014.
Henry: Does Board have legal authority to approve waiver request?
A: Yes. Discussion of various factors staff considered in making this recommendation.
Paz: What is impact of increased travel distance on parents who have to transport their children to school? Was the fire at all related to the conduct of the school? Is the church a safe location for the students?
·  Transportation: Transportation is responsibility of charter school. Eola Hills has indicated that proposed temporary location does not create problems for current families.
·  Fire: To Pattison’s knowledge, no final report has been issued.
·  Facilities: Eola Hills would be required to make sure that everything is to code and appropriate for students and their safety. This waiver would not waive any requirements for safety and building codes.
MOTION: Summers-McGee moved to recommend that board waive requirement that Eola Hills Charter School be located inside sponsoring district until January 24, 2014. Henry seconded.
VOTE: Motion passed 2-0
Chair Henry adjourned the meeting at 9:10


Preliminary Business
Chair Henry called the meeting to order at 9:14.
Public Comment
Al Christensen – Eola Hills Charter School Board Chair. On the day of the fire, the Fire Marshall said the fire was accidental. Three insurance companies are involved. No final answer yet, but it appears fire started in area of furnace room at the roof level. No settlement yet and this impacts the school’s ability to make decisions going forward. One of the reasons Eola Hills board is so interested in the McMinnville property is the safety issues Paz raised. The building used to house a school. It is located two miles outside Amity boundary. The Eola Hills Charter School Board requests a waiver for the full academic year to provide stability for students. The Eola Hills Charter School Board wants to avoid further traumatizing students by moving or closing the school mid-year.
James L. Craver – Eola Hills Charter School Board Co-Vice Chair. Eola Hills Charter School Board’s number one concern is the students. Please extend waiver through the end of the school year so that Eola Hills Charter School has a year to focus on stabilizing kids and dealing with insurance paper work.
Theresa Heidi-Vanderschoor – Eola Hills Charter School parent and mental health worker. A mid-year disruption would set students back. Please extend waiver for a full year. The PTO is working on setting up car pool options for parents to deal with transportation.
Board Member Reports
Henry: OEIB making a concentrated effort to communicate better and more. Spent the last few days traveling with Nancy Golden to John Day, Redmond, High Desert ESD, and Sisters. Emphasized the importance of school visits and encouraged Board Members to get out and connect.
Summers-McGee: Reported on the Next Generation Science Standards presentation she attended. Asked Board for a volunteer to serve on the Oregon Department of Education budget committee. Spoke at Rhode Island University about importance of degree selection, STEM education, internships, etc. Will make a trip to Colorado and speak to students there next.
Summer: Coaching a mock trial team from Jefferson High School. Making arrangements for tour of the school and will invite Board Members once the date is set.
Veliz: Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality had a successful Parent Conference. Reported he is working directly with students and families on applying for college and financial aid and sees there is still a lot of work to be done within communities of color and first generation college going students. Interested in the budget committee.
Furey: Question about SB222 and whether the 9 credits of college level work is a requirement or aspirational.
·  Gerald Hamilton explained dual credit generally and said he will reach out to Chemeketa and make sure they are clear on the current rule.
Paz: Paz and Cheryl Kleckner represented Oregon in a NASBE webinar on Next Generation Science Standards. Shared lessons learned from participating in that webinar and other experiences in talking about Next Generation Science Standards.
Bowen: Attended Government to Government meeting between nine federally recognized tribes and the State of Oregon. Met with April Campbell, new Indian Ed. Specialist for ODE. Very pleased with that hire. Would like April to appear before the Board. Today is a holiday for her tribe – Restoration Celebration Day. Tribe was restored on Oct. 17, 1984.
Deputy Superintendent Report
Rob Saxton:
·  Getting out to schools across the state. Each trip includes a community forum in the evening with an hour and half of question time.
·  Spent an evening with OSBA Board at Special Education conference.
·  Attended Salem/Keizer Coalition for Equality Parent Conference. Was able to deliver remarks in Spanish.
·  Attended Oregon PTA conference.
·  Attended Teaching with Purpose Conference, put together by teacher Karanja Crews. One important piece out of that conference is DOE’s lack of attention to Senate Bill 103 (1998) calling for multicultural education. Explained department action on this bill since then.
·  Spoke at focus and priority schools conference. Attended by principals of focus and priority schools and their mentors. Talked about movement by those schools and purpose of that conversation.
·  Asked US Department of Education for review of high risk status of waiver. USDOE will visit next week.
·  Report cards issued last week. Thanked team for hard work on that project. Especially at the grade school level, large focus of report cards is growth. Explained growth modeling.
·  Working on the four initiatives that came out of the legislature. Big focus right now is making sure rural schools can access funds. Will release money to ESDs to work with small schools on grant writing. Explained money going out now to ESDs and districts for those strategic initiatives.
·  TELL Survey will be out in February. Oregon teachers will be asked to give feedback about their experience around support, professional development, etc. Other states using this survey say feedback has been highly valuable. We need an 80% return. Working with partners to encourage teachers to respond.
Summer-McGee: Have we missed an opportunity to get Next Generation Science Standards embedded in the teacher evaluation?
A: We do have an adopted set of science standards so evaluation should include teaching to those standards. STEM initiatives should help advance that as well.
Veliz: If we have a tool to get teacher feedback, can we use it to get parent feedback? Referenced the work that health care organizations, specifically hospitals, do to survey patient satisfaction. How do we get to the point where we are listening to customer (students and parents) satisfaction.
·  Appreciates Superintendent’s memo to the field.
·  Emphasized importance of multi-cultural learning.
·  Regarding report cards, middle schools years are critical for people of color.
CCWD Interim Executive Director Report
Gerald Hamilton:
·  Attended opening of Linn Benton’s new Advanced Transportation Center. Great example of partnership with community.
·  Attended and spoke at many community college board meetings. A lot of questions around CCWD’s transition to HECC.
·  Developmental Ed. workgroup meeting and working toward creating solid proposal. Need to look at restructuring programs to create more success from students. Have completed a set of standards and those standards are out to colleges now for input.
·  Attending Governor’s taskforce meeting in early November. Looking at connecting workforce development to economic development. Asking how do we ensure we are turning out a workforce that meets the needs of the developing economy in Oregon.
·  Working with Sen. Hass on his proposal regarding free two years of community college. Will testify during legislative days in November.
·  Attended OCCA board meeting. Conversations around tuition mitigation and outcomes based funding.
·  Regarding HB 2039: Childcare taskforce coming up.


Henry and Bowen: strong support for Sen. Hass’s proposal.

Henry: Will HECC make decision about tuition mitigation?

A: HECC is a coordinating body. Local boards will still have power.

Summers-McGee: Did HB 2039 come with any money?

A: No

Paz: Talked about development of HECC. Appreciates that Duncan Wyse will be chairing that entity given his involvement in its development.

Information/First Reading
Additional Remote Small School Weighting/OAR 581-023-0015
Michael Elliot, ODE
Cindy Hunt, ODE
Elliot explained two corrections involving small schools: remote small elementary school correction and small high school correction. Rule needs to be corrected to clearly state that there are two corrections with two different formula.
These rules are open for comment until November 22. There will be a public hearing on the rules. These rules will come back before the Board in December.
Saxton: Who are the winners and losers in this and to what degree?
A: When passed, legislature gave additional money so small schools were winners but there were no losers. Elliot explained the impact of additional weights on the system going forward.
Henry: What impact does this have on small schools with small administrations.
A: ODE staff calculates the formula for each school.
Employment Related Transition Services/ 581-015-2000, 581-015-2245, 581-015-2930
Sarah Drinkwater, ODE
Claudette Rushing, ODE
Drinkwater framed background of issue. New OAR establishes the work directed by the Governor related to integrated employment transition services. Amended rules do not allow districts to utilize sheltered workshops for placement. Addresses the work DOE needs to do under the executive order.