Equality, Security and Community, Wave I, 1999

Institute for Social Research, York University

List of Variables

IDNUM Respondent Identification Number

REPLICAT Sample Replicate Code

AREACODE Telephone Area Code

PROVINCE Province Of Interview

RANDOM2 Question Wording/Random Delivery-1

RANDOM3 Question Wording/Random Delivery-2

RANDOM4 Question Order/Random Delivery-1

RANDOM5 Question Order/Random Delivery-2

RANDOM6 Question Order/Random Delivery-3

RANDOM7 Question Order/Random Delivery-4

RANDOM8 Question Wording/Delivery(Federal)

RANDOM9 Question Wording/Delivery(Provincial)

RANDOM10 Question Order/Random Delivery-5

RANDOM11 Question Order/Random Delivery-6

RANDOM12 Question Order/Random Delivery-7

RANDOM13 Question Order/Random Delivery-8

RANDOM14 Question Order/Random Delivery-9

RANDOM15 Question Order/Random Delivery-10

ATTEMPTS Total Number Of Call Attempts

REFUSALS Number Of Refusals Before Completion

CONTACTS Total Times Respondent Contacted

ANSWERS Number Of Times Telephone Answered

INTIME Length of interview in minutes

INTDATE Date Of Interview(mmddyyyy)

INTMONTH Month Of Interview

INTDAY Day Of Interview

INTYEAR Year Of Interview

INTNUM Interviewer's Number

INTLANG Language Of Interview

NADULTS Number Of Adults In Household

RGENDER Respondent's Gender

FF_1 How often see fam.members not live w/you

FF_2 How often see friends-not hus/wife

FF_3 How often talk with your neighbours?

YRBIRTH In what year were you born?

FF_4 At 14 yrs old, how many brother & sister

MSTATUS1 Are you presently (status) …

MSTATUS2 (If married/partner) Have you ever been …

MSTATUS3 If never married-You lived w/a partner

CHILD_1 # of children, include not live w/you

CHILD_2 # of children live w/you 4+ days a week

CHILD_3A Age Of Eldest/Only Child

CHILD_3B Age Of Second Child

CHILD_3C Age Of Third Child

CHILD_3D Age Of Fourth Child

CHILD_3E Age Of Fifth Child

CHILD_3F Age Of Sixth Child

CHILD_3G Age Of Seventh Child

CHILD_3H Age Of Eighth Child

CHILD_3I Age Of Ninth Child

CHILD_3J Age Of Tenth Child

CHILD_3K Age Of Eleventh Child

CHILD_3L Age Of Twelfth Child

CHILD_3M Age Of Thirteenth Child

DCARE_1 Any type of reg.child care for child >5

DCARE_2 What type of child care do you use?

DCARE_3 Is cost of child care a strain on family

DCARE_4 When ready for care, # of mon.waited

DCARE_5 Is the child care you use easy or …

DCARE_6 Use reg.child care for child 6-12 yrs

DCARE_7 What type of child care do you use (6-12)

DCARE_8 Cost of child care strain on fam.(6-12)

DCARE_9 Child ready for care,# mon.waited(6-12)

DCARE_10 Is the child care you use (6-12) …

HHSIZE Total # of ppl in hhld (inclu yourself)

HHCOMP_1 How many are your parents or in-laws?

HHCOMP_2 How many are your brothers or sisters?

HHCOMP_3 How many are other relatives?

TRUST_1 Generally, would you say most people are trustworthy

UNEMP_1 Ppl want work-are discouraged & give up

PENSION1 Gov.pensions-money for who can't save it

TRUST_2 Ppl can be trusted until proven diff

TRUST_3 Generally, most people can be trusted

TRUST_4 Generally, can't be too careful w/people

TRUST_G1 Do you trust Ottawa gov.do right thing

TRUST_G2 Trust gov. in [PROVINCE] to do right

TRUST_W1 If lost $200; neighbour return if found

TRUST_W2 If lost $200; salesperson return if found

TRUST_W3 If lost $200; police return if found

TRUST_W4 If lost $200; stranger return if found

ECONS_1 Past 12 months, house economic situation

ECONS_2 Next 12 months, house economic situaion

ECONS_3 Compare to other Cdn,household income-$

ECONS_4 Would you say your household income is average or not

ECONS_5 hhld inc a bit above or a lot above average

ECONS_6 hhld inc a bit below or a lot below average

ECONS_7 People your age are financially …

GRPOR_1 How would you rate: Unions

GRPOR_2 How would you rate:Business Community

GRPOR_3 How would you rate:Federal Government

GRPOR_4 How would you rate:Provincial Gov

GRPOR_5 Rate your Regional or Municipal Gov

GRPOR_6 How would you rate the Court System

GRPOR_7 What rating give the Local Police?

GRPLIST1 Things upset me-1 (see questionnaire)

GRPLIST2 Things upset me-2 (see questionnaire)

GRPLIST3 Things upset me-3 (see questionnaire)

GRPLIST4 Things upset me-4 (see questionnaire)

EMP_1 Are you currently employed

EMP_2 [Student]Parents help pay for edu

EMP_3 [Working for $]Likely lose job in 12 months

EMP_4 If lost job, time to find same benefits

EMP_5 [Self-employed] Lose job next 12 months

EMP_6 [Self-employed]If lost job, find other

EMP_7 [Not Employed/Retired]Earn $ past 12 months

EMP_8 [Not Worked Last 12 Months] Last worked

EMP_9 [Work now/past 12 mon] # of employers

EMP_10 Past 12 months, held 1+ job at same time

EMP_11 Work FT (30+hrs/w) or PT (<30 hrs/w)

EMP_12 Why work PT rather than FT

EMP_13 Your occupation

EMP_14 Do/did you work for...

EMP_15 Year started working for emp/self-emp

EMP_16 How did you learn about job opening

EMP_17 Are you self-employed

EMP_18 What type of job is/was this

EMP_19 At your place of work describe situation

EMP_20 Covered by pension/group RRSP at work

EMP_21 # of hrs/week do/did you usually work

EMP_22 # of weeks $ for self-employment

EMP_23 Wks w/out work & looking-reason

EMP_24 Wks w/out work & not looking-reason

EMP_25 Father's main job as you were growing up

SOCPOL1 Min.wage; which is closer to your view

UNEMP_2 In Can, getting unemployment insurance

UNEMP_3 Is the unemployment benefit too high

SOCPOL2 [grp1] In Can, poverty larger problem for

SOCPOL3 [grp2] In Can, poverty larger problem for

PENSION2 Have gov.pension to help live comfort

PENSION3 [If Retirement Age] Satisfied w/pension

PENSION4 Better:CPP shut down:Cdns invest selves

VOLAS_1 How many service clubs do you belong to?

VOLAS_2 Rec/music/hobby grps/exercise involved

VOLAS_3 # or org on political issues belong to

VOLAS_4 # of yth-oriented/volun grps given time

VOLAS_5 # of org provide cult service to public

VOLAS_6 Volunteer time to org that help people

VOLAS_7 Volunteer to other grp/org not mentioned

VOLAS_8 # of grps you volunteer/belong to

VOLAS_9 Kind of organization/group they/it is

VOLAS_10 # of hrs/month volunteered last 12 month

VOLAS_11 Total $ given to charity/organization

FEDPNAME Federal Party Name

POLPAR1 (grp1) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR1A (grp2) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR1B (grp3) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR1C (grp4) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR1D (grp5) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR1E (grp6) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR1F (grp7) in FEDERAL politics, you are...

POLPAR2 How strongly [FEDPNAME] do you feel?

POLPAR3 Are you closer to 1 Fed party than another

POLPAR4 Which Fed party are you closer to?

POLPAR5 Are you a member of this party?

POLPAR6 Vote in last FEDERAL election in 1997?

POLPAR7 Which party did you vote for?

PROPNAME Provincial Party Name

POLPAR8 (grp1)in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR8A (grp2) in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR8B (grp3) in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR8C (grp4) in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR8D (grp5) in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR8E (grp6) in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR8F (grp7) in PROV politics, you are...

POLPAR9 How strongly [PROPNAME] do you feel?

POLPAR10 Closer to 1 Provincial party

POLPAR11 Which party is that?

POLPAR12 Vote in last PROV election

POLPAR13 Which party did you vote for?

QUEBEC_1 1- Fed gov (see Que questionnaire)

QUEBEC_2 2- Fed gov (see Que questionnaire)

QUEBEC_3 In your view, a clear majority would be-1

QUEBEC_4 In your view, a clear majority would be-2

QUEBEC_5 5- Fed gov (see Que questionnaire)

HCARE_1 Confident to get health care when needed

HCARE_2 Your reaction to health care

HCARE_3 Is the Canadian health care system...

WELF_1 Refusing welfare to single parents is

WELF_2 Ppl on welfare are there a short time

SOCPOL4 Native peoples' claims land & resources

VALUES_1 1 parent home 'til child start school

SOCPOL5 Fed gov. best help child live in Can

INCOME1 Receive income from self-employment

INCOME2 Receive income from wages/salary

INCOME3 Receive $ from Unemployment Insurance

INCOME4 Receive income from Social Assistance

INCOME5 Born pre1945-receive a pension from work

INCOME6 Did you receive a pension from work

INCOME7 Receive $ interest/dividens/investment

INCOME8 Receive any rental income

INCOME9 Receive income from your family

INCOME10 Receive income from other sources

INCOME11 Income from all sources in 1999

INCOME12 Income from wages/salary/self-emp only

EMP_PART Past 12 months, your partner had a job

INCOME13 Anyone else in household had a job

INCOME14 Total income-fam.in hhld:all sources $

MEDIA_1 In a week, # of days read a newspaper

MEDIA_2 In a week, # of days you watch news

MEDIA_3 In a week, # of hrs watch anything on TV

MEDIA_4 # of hrs/week playing games on TV

COMP_1 Have access to compter-home/school/work

COMP_2 Access to Internet or World Wide Web

COMP_3 # of hrs spent sending e-mail

COMP_4 # hrs/week use computer for e-commerce

COMP_5 # of hrs/week use computer for games

WELF_3 Ppl on welfare should work for community

SOCPOL6 Gov reduce income gap b/w rich & poor

VALUES_2 Society better if women stay w/children

VALUES_3 Gov does NOT care what you think

PENSION5 Gov pensions ensure $ in old age

UNEMP_4 Unemployed ppl could find work

UNEMP_5 How many unempl could find work

SOCPOL7 Everyone has decent standard of living

SOCPOL8 Aboriginal ppl make their own laws

SOCPOL9 No regulations=well intended business

SOCPOL10 Fed gov. has budge surplus, should they

SOCPOL11 You choose if Fed gov has surplus

BRTHCOUN In what country were you born?

BRTHPROV In what province were you born?

BRTH_MUM What country was your MOTHER born in

BRTH_DAD What country was your FATHER born in

YR_IMM What year did you come to live in Canada?

ETHNIC_1 Ethnic group do you belong to [1st]

ETHNIC_2 Ethnic grp you/ancestors belong to

ETHNIC_3 Ethnic do you belong? [2nd]

ETHNIC_4 Ethnic group do you belong? [3rd]

ETHNIC_5 Ethnic group do you belong? [4th]

ETHNIC_6 # of org connected w/your nationality

ETHNIC_7 Is your ethnic origin

HOMELANG Language usually speak at home?

ETHNIC_8 Ethnic grp wife/husband/partner belong

RELIG_1 What is your religion, if you have one

RELIG_2 Attend Relig service-not wedding/funeral

RELIG_3 # of grps attached to place of worship

RELIG_4 How important is religion in your life

EDUC_R Highest level of edu completed

EDUC_MUM Highest level of edu MOTHER completed

EDUC_DAD Highest level of edu FATHER completed

LIFESAT1 Are you happy or not

LIFESAT2 Are you satisfied w/your life

HEALTH_1 How is your overall health

CONSENT Provide name for follow-up contact

CONTACT In case you move next yr-address?

BLISH81R Occupation:Respondent

BLISH81F Occupation:Father

PINPORR Respondent> Pineo-Porter 1981 Category

PINPORF Father> Pineo-Porter 1981 Category

CMA_CA CMA or CA Identifier

CT Census Tract

CD Census Division

CSD Census Subdivision

CSDNAME Census Subdivision Name

PLACE Place Name

PLACESIZ Resp lives in CMA/CA/Small Town/Rural

FSA Postal Code - Forward Sortation Area

NATIONAL National Survey

OVERSAMP Oversample Survey

TYPE Survey Type

NHHSWGT National (n=4101) Household Size Weight

NPROVWGT National (n=4101) Provincial Weight

NNATWGT National Weight (n=4101)

NOHHSWGT Natnl & Ovrsmple (n=5152) Hhld Size Wght

NOPRVWGT Natnl & Oversample (n=5152) Prov Wght

NONATWGT Natnl w/Oversample Natnl Wght (n=5152)

HHWT_MTL Montreal Ovrsmpl (n=251) Hhld Size Wght

HHWT_TOR Toronto Ovrsmple (n=400) Hhld Size Wght

HHWT_VAN Vancouver Ovrsmpl (n=400) Hhld Size Wght

HHWT_OS Oversample (n=1051) Hhld Size Wght