Previous Winners;

Cirencester Park Stages, Arkell Rally, March Hare, Flaming June and Corinium Stages

1973 Vic Preston Jnr Tony Mason Escort RS Park Stages

1974 Donald Higgie George Dean Escort RS Arkell Rally

1975 Randolph W-Williams R Hemmings Escort RS Arkell Rally

1976 David Stokes William Andrews Escort RS Arkell Rally

March 1984 Gordon Bachelor Geoff Maybank Escort RS Down Ampney

March 1985 Charles Eveson Geoff East Escort RS Down Ampney

March 1986 Ron Davies Peter Vallis Escort RS Down Ampney

March 1987 Ron Davies Neil Fuller Escort RS Down Ampney

March 1988 Paul Bennett Brent Bennett Metro 6R4 Down Ampney

March 1989 Rob Dennis Steve Rouse Metro 6R4 Down Ampney

June 1989 Tim Hackett Roger Duckworth Escort RS Down Ampney

March 1990 Brett Hawthorne Martin Sherwood Escort RS Down Ampney

June 1990 Mike Rimmer Graham Bennett BMW M3 Down Ampney

March 1991 Ron Aiken Alan Snell Escort G3 Down Ampney

June 1991 Gary Midwinter Mark Creswell Lancia Stratos Down Ampney

March 1992 Pat Naylor Andrew Lawrence Sapphire Cosworth Down Ampney

June 1995 Ian Godney Andrew Oglesbee Escort RS Kemble

March 1996 Eian Pritchard Paul Cook Escort Cosworth Kemble

June 2010 Jim Munden Andy Frost Escort Mk II Down Ampney

April 2011 Martyn England Ian England Mitsubishi EVO Down Ampney

May 2012 Damien Cole James Morgan Ford Focus WRC Down Ampney

Previous Winners of the Corinium Junior 1000 Stages

April 2011 Chris Ingram Michael Gilbey Citroen C1 Down Ampney

Cirencester Car Club Ltd

Corinium Stages

May 4th 2013

Cirencester Car Club welcome the opportunity to invite you to compete in the 2013 Corinium Stages, multi-use stage rally, to be held at Down Ampney Airfield, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire.

We would like to thank Jeremy Wells and Wells Masonry for their generous and continued support of our event for the benefit of you the competitor.

The event will be run over a maximum of 8 stages and approximately 50 stage miles of mostly sealed concrete surface with an entry fee of just £195.

Entries are limited to 70 cars to ensure that delays between stages are kept to a minimum wherever possible.


Cirencester Car Club have a history of running quality events dating back to the 1970s when Lord Bathurst invited the Club to run stage rallies in Cirencester Park. Firstly known as the Park stages, and thereafter as the Arkell Rally having taking its name from the event sponsor, Arkells Brewery, and formed part of the National Championship. These events were a great success with the top national drivers competing. This was followed by the RAC asking the Club to organise a major stage on the International RAC Rally.

In the Eighties the club ran two events a year at Down Ampney. The venue was moved to RAF Kemble until the airfield was sold into private ownership.


Unfortunately no spectators are allowed in the venue. However, marshals are more than welcome.



1.1  Cirencester Car Club Ltd will organise a National B permit multi-use Stage Rally on Saturday 4th May 2013, at Down Ampney Airfield, Near Cirencester, Gloucestershire, SN6 6LN. Map reference 163/ 108 971.


2.1 Held under the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association Ltd. (Incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA) and these Supplementary Regulations.

2.2 The meeting will also be governed by:

(a) Final Instructions, having the same force as these Supplementary Regulations will be available on line at:

(b) Any other written instructions that the organisers may issue for the event.


3.1 The MSA Permit Number is TBA

CSMG Championship Permit No. 2013/5706

ASWMC Championship Permit No. 50/2013

ACSMC Championship Permit No. 03/2013


4.1 The event is open to:

(a) Fully elected members of the organising club

(b) All registered contenders in the championships named in Article 5

(c) All fully elected members of the member clubs of the CMSG

(d) Members of affiliated clubs of AWMMC, WAMC, ASWMC, ACSMC

4.2 All drivers and co-drivers must produce proof of eligibility at documentation

4.3 If you fail to provide satisfactory documentation, you will not be allowed to start and this will not be accepted as a reason for refund of entry fees.


5.1  The event is a round of:

The 2013 BP Motor Bodybuilders & Engineers CMSG Stage Rally Championship.

The 2013 Subaru WRC Spares ASWMC Sealed Surface Stage Rally Championship.

The 2013 Hamilton Classic ACSMC Rally Championship.

5.2  For championship queries, please contact:

CMSG Championship: Kevin Belcher ( 07780 955720

ASWMC Championship: Alan Whitney ( 01548 559169

ACSMC Championship Barry Guess ( 01252 727390


Entries Open On publication of these regulations:

Entries Close Saturday 27th April 2013

Final instructions published Tuesday 30th April 2013

Evening Scrutineering Friday 3rd May 2013 18:30- 20:30

(At the event venue) (Optional)

Event day Saturday 4th May 2013

Entrance Gates Open / 06:00 – 08:15
Scrutineering / 06:15 – 08:30
Documentation / 06:15 – 08:30
Signing On / 06:15 – 08:30
First Car Starts / 08:30
Provisional Results Posted / 17:00 approx.
Presentation of Awards / 17:30 approx.


7.1 The event will consist of 8 stages giving approximately 50 stage miles.

7.2 Full details of the special stages will be issued to competitors at Documentation/Signing-on in the form of stage diagrams.

7.3 Special stages will be timed to an accuracy of less than one minute by marshals under the supervision of the Timekeeper.

7.4 Cars will start at 30-second intervals.

7.5 As the event will take place wholly on private property, the need for cars to be taxed for the public highway is relaxed.


8.1 The event will consist of the following classes:

Class A - Cars up to 1400cc

Class B - Cars from 1401 to 1600cc

Class C - Cars from 1601 to 2000cc

Class D - Cars over 2000cc

Class E – All 4 wheel drive cars

Class F – Historic Category 1, 2 & 3

8.2 Cars with engines having forced induction will have their engine capacity multiplied by 1.7 to establish class.

8.3 Should any class have fewer than six entries, the organisers reserve the right to amalgamate these cars with another class or reduce the awards list, as they see fit.

8.4 The event is open to all vehicles complying with the 2013 MSA regulations for Stage Rally Cars (including Historic).

8.5 Class E – 4 wheel drive cars will be included in the overall results.

8.6 Class F – Historic. All cars entered in this class must conform to 2013 MSA

regulations R49, Cat 1 (before 31.12.1967) or Cat 2 & Cat 3 (01.01.1968 - 31.12.1981) 2013 regulations as relevant. Infringement of these regulations may result in exclusion.

8.7 The use of FIA specification fuel ( FIA Appendix J Article 252, Article 9) will be permitted for use on this event other than Class F - Historics.
Competitors are reminded that where entered in a championship that has not specified the use of FIA specification fuel; the use of such fuel might affect their championship eligibility. If you are in doubt you should check with the Championship Co-ordinator.


9.1 The maximum number of entries for the meeting is 70 and the minimum is 40. Should the minimum figure not be reached, the organisers reserve the right to cancel the meeting. Entries will be on a strictly first come first served basis. A list of reserves will be kept.

9.2 The entry fee is £195.00.This can take the form of two cheques one for £95 which will be cashed on receipt of entry and one for £100 which will not be cashed until 14 days before the event. (Monday 22rd April).

9.3 The Entries Secretary to whom all entries must be sent is:

Bunny Lees-Smith,

* 1 Follyfield, Hankerton, Malmesbury, Wilts, SN16 9LA

( 01666 577275


9.4 All entries must be made on the official entry form and accompanied by the appropriate fee. All cheques made payable to CIRENCESTER CAR CLUB.

9.5 We are happy for you to submit your entry form by email, if you so wish. Confirmation of the entry will not be advised until we have received the monies due. If entries are made by email then a paper copy of the entry form, with the appropriate signatures completed, must be with the organisers before the start of the event.

9.6 The entry form must be completed in every respect. If an entry is received with incomplete or unreadable information, without a cheque for the correct amount, or the cheque is dishonoured on presentation then the entry will be placed in the reserves list untilany and all issues are rectified. If any information is omitted, it must be provided to the Entries Secretary before entries close. The Entries secretary will NOT advise you of errors or omissions.

9.7 Entrants must indicate on the entry form their eligibility for the various awards and championships.

9.8 If your payment cheque is dishonoured, your entry will be rejected and you lose your place in the queue. Any new payment must include a bank handling charge of £20; in addition breach of regulations C 1.1.13 applies.

9.10 Late entries will be accepted up to Saturday 4th May 2013.

9.11 The acceptance or otherwise of your entry will be acknowledged to the person shown on the entry form, a provisional (un-seeded) entry list will be posted on our web site at

9.12 Entry fees will be refunded, less an administration charge of £20, if the entry is withdrawn before Saturday 27th April 2013.

9.13 For entries withdrawn on or after Saturday 27th April 2013, there will be no refund unless the place is taken by a reserve; any refund will have the £20 administration fee deducted. For entries that fail the noise test,

scrutineering or documentation, there will be no refund unless the place is taken by a reserve. Reserves that do not get a run will have their entry fees refunded in full.

9.14 The order of starting will be at the organiser’s discretion but, to assist seeding, competitors should provide seeding information on the entry form. If an entry is received without seeding information that entry will be treated as such and placed at the back of the field. Once the seeded entry list has been published, no communication will be entered into regarding it.


10.1 Pre-event practicing, testing or walking over the special stages on this event is forbidden R26.7. The organisers will provide suitable stage maps.

10.2 The use of pace notes is forbidden and checks may be established R25.9.1


11.1 Competitors must be identified by competition numbers that comply with J4.1. These will not be supplied by the organisers and must be in place before scrutineering.

11.2 The Organisers may require additional advertising material to be affixed to competing cars and competitors should leave the area above the numbers free for the organisers use.


12.1 The location of Scrutineering will be advised in the Final Instructions. Friday evening scrutineering will be held at the venue.

12.2 Sound testing will take place after stage one.

12.3 The permitted maximum sound level is 100 dB (a) at 4,500 rpm measured at 0.5m by sound meter. Judges will be appointed to report on sound levels. Excessive sound will include instantaneous occurrence of noise such as that produced by backfiring caused by anti-lag systems. The penalty for excessive sound will be exclusion. In all cases the decision of the Clerk of the Course, in conjunction with the MSA Environmental Official, shall be final R 8.1.7 & R 8.3.1.

12.4 At Scrutineering, cars will be examined for compliance with the current MSA tyre, technical and safety regulations, as well as for class eligibility. Each entrant will be assumed to have full knowledge of the car and its eligibility for the class entered. All cars must comply with the 2013 MSA regulations, R Technical Regulations for Stage Rally Cars (including Historic R49).

12.5 Validated MSA Special Stage Vehicle logbooks must be produced at Scrutineering. Failure to produce this document, or a valid receipt less than 14 days old, will lead to a refused start.

12.6 A car need not display a current tax disc, but if it does not, a valid vehicle registration document and, where appropriate, a valid MOT certificate must be available for inspection.

12.7 Please note Helmets and Overalls must conform to 2013 MSA regulations R25.3.


13.1 At Documentation, competitors must produce:

(a) A valid competition license of the appropriate grade. Note that the minimum license grades are: Stage Rally National B for the driver & non-race National B for the co-driver. Non-race National B is no longer acceptable for the driver.

(b) A club membership card and championship registration card (Article 4).

(c) The appropriate Entrant's license if a trade entrant has been named on the entry form. Failure to produce this will mean the crew may be penalised.

13.2 Crew members who are not otherwise eligible to compete can join Cirencester Car Club for £15 each, by completing a membership form, available upon request.


14.1 Servicing will only be permitted in the service area.

14.2 Only one service vehicle, plus a trailer (which must be parked in the trailer area), per competing car will be admitted. If your service vehicle is abnormally large, then please advise the Entries Secretary in advance of the event.

14.3 A tarpaulin or other waterproof membrane must be used under the competing vehicles in the service area. Failure to do so will result in eviction from the venue.

14.4 If you go off or break down in a stage, it may not be possible to recover the car until the end of the event.

14.5 You will not be permitted to recover a disabled car except with the permission of the Clerk of the Course or the Stage Commander.

14.6 There will not be a designated refueling area. Refueling will be your personal responsibility. A minimum of one other person should be present while refueling takes place, armed with a fire extinguisher. The cars’ hand held extinguisher is not acceptable for this purpose.