Middlesex County NOW
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April, 2017
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Middlesex County NOW
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President – Skip Drumm
Vice President – Mary Pranzatelli
Secretary – Alan Gross
Treasurer – Ronnie Traktman
State Board Rep – Mary Pranzatelli
Newsletter Editor – Skip Drumm
Newsletter Asst Editor – Alan Gross
Local Chapter Information:
Our Next Meeting
Our next chapter meeting will be Tuesday, April 4th, at 7 pm at the home of Skip and Alan. Dinner will be served, courtesy of our hosts. Let us know if you're planning to attend, so we can plan food. The 2017 schedule of meetings is posted on our web site, Middlesex.nownj.org.
Sign up for our new “Action” list At our March meeting we discussed the fact that events are moving so fast these days that a monthly newsletter, while important, does not inform us of the events and actions that are happening on short notice. We decided to create a new e-mail list of people who would like to be informed of short-notice events and actions, averaging one e-mail per day (some days more, some days none). If you would like to join this list, send an e-mail using this link. If you are reading this newsletter on Facebook or our web site, but would like to receive it in your e-mail, use this link.
Chapter Member Appointed to Highland Park Borough Council Stephany Kim, former chapter treasurer, has been appointed to the Highland Park Borough Council to replace a Council member who moved to California. An interim election will be held in November to fill the seat for the last year of the term. Congratulations, Stephany! More
Stephany Kim is pictured on the right.
Take Back The Night, April 19th
As they have the past few years, the Douglass College group, Women Organizing Against Harassment (WOAH), is sponsoring a Take Back The Night event, this year starting at 7 pm on April 19th. As in previous years, Middlesex County NOW will be participating. If you would like more information, check out their Facebook Event or send us email.
List of April Town Hall Meetings
Submitted by Pat Reuss, a National NOW consultant: “Here is a link to announced town hall forums or similar opportunities for people in districts to meet with their representatives.” Unfortunately, as of this writing there are no listings for New Jersey. If you know of a town hall meeting, please use the link to submit it to this site. Check back often to see whether new events are close to you.
Georgia’s 6th District
Submitted by activist Nkiruka Nwasokwa and using swingleft.org. “You need to know about what’s happening in Georgia right now. We have an immediate opportunity to flip our first House seat. A special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District has been set to replace Republican Tom Price, who joined the Trump administration (and is now spearheading its disastrous plan to destroy Obamacare). The election is scheduled for April 18, with a potential runoff on June 20.” The 6th District is just north of the Atlanta beltway. Contact anyone you may know in the area. You can read more about this race here and elsewhere.
Jersey Renews Kick-off Event
Submitted by activist Kathryn Riss. “The Climate Comeback Starts Here.” Join a kick-off meeting for Jersey Renews! 40 New Jersey labor, environmental, faith and community groups have a simple message for state leaders in 2017: We want climate justice, clean energy and good jobs in the Garden State. This meeting will be Monday, April 10, 6:30-8:00 pm at the Labor Education Center, 50 Labor Way, New Brunswick. To register
From the National office:
NOW National Conference
The annual NOW National Conference will be at The Florida Hotel in Orlando this year from June 30 thru July 2. In addition to the workshops and inspiring speakers, we will be electing national officers, President and Vice President, to serve for the next four years. You can find lists of speakers, workshops, and all you need to know to register and attend at the NOW web site.
NOW National Action Program
Sometimes it seems that NOW is forced to react to one crisis after another. While rapid response is extremely important, in 2015 NOW added to its bylaws that each year the National Board would develop a pro-active agenda for the coming year and present these goals for approval at the National Conference. The program approved at last year’s Conference has been announced (see the fourth press release below). The goals for 2017 are:
· End the sex abuse to prison pipeline
· Ratify the ERA
· Mobilize for reproductive justice
· Advance voting rights
· Protect immigrant rights
National NOW Press Releases:
"With #MuslimBan2.0, Donald Trump doubles down on cruelty and prejudice" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill, March 7, 2017. Donald Trump made changes at the margins of his infamous Muslim ban, but with #MuslimBan2.0 he is doubling down on its cruelty and prejudice. The new order is still a Muslim ban, it still does nothing to keep Americans safe, and it still puts tens of thousands of refugee families at risk. More
"GOP Health Plan Puts Women’s Health and Lives At Risk" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill, March 7, 2017. The numbers are horrifying, but they don’t tell the whole story. The Republicans have finally revealed their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. Their plan could hardly be worse for women. The Repub-lican crusade against women’s health care, as laid out in this plan, is truly shocking. Depending on the state you live in, mater-nity care coverage could be unavailable or prohibitively expensive. More
"The Rise In Transgender Homicides Is A National Crisis" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill, March 9, 2017. The numbers are horrifying, but they don’t tell the whole story. In one week alone, four transgender black women were murdered in the United States. So far this year, there have been seven murders of transgender people, well above last year’s figure. More
"NOW Launches New National Action Program" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill, March 16, 2017. In the wake of International Women’s Day--a day that saw yet another incredible outpouring of support for the rights of all women, across the country and the globe--the National Organization for Women is thrilled to announce the launch of our newly expanded National Action Program. The issues we face today are many of the same issues we have faced for decades, if not hundreds of years--patriarchy, racism, misogyny, homo/transphobia, white supremacy, to name a few. But Donald Trump’s administration poses the greatest threat to women’s lives and well being that we have seen in decades. NOW is fighting back. More
"ERA Yes!" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill, March 20, 2017. History was made in Nevada today. The Nevada Assembly’s vote to make Nevada the 36th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment is a ringing declaration of support for the explicit guarantee of constitutional rights for women. The failure of the framers to include women in our nation’s founding documents is a constitutional failure that has long demanded correction. That’s why the National Organization for Women has made it an essential part of our mission since 1976 to ratify the ERA. More
"NOW Charts Path Forward After Health Care Victory" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill. March 24, 2017. The Republican House leadership today did the right thing—for the wrong reasons. Speaker Paul Ryan was forced to pull the Alternative Health Care Act (Trumpcare) because a bloc of the most extreme conservatives in Congress didn’t think it went far enough in making health care unaffordable, inaccessible and insufficient for millions of people. This came after Donald Trump and Paul Ryan tried to win their votes by shredding the essential health benefits that comprise the bedrock of the Affordable Care Act—hospitalization, preventive care, mental health services, pregnancy, maternity and pediatric care, among others. Their cruel insistence on even harsher measures effectively killed Trumpcare, at least for now. More
"Schools Must Protect Girls of Color--in DC and across the US" Statement by NOW President Terry O’Neill, March 29, 2017. The recent revelations about missing Black and Latina girls in Washington, D.C. raises some questions that go beyond the facts as reported in the media. A spokesperson for Washington D.C.’s mayor said, “Oftentimes these girls are repeat runaways...So if we really want to help solve this problem and bring down the numbers we have to break the cycle of young people, especially young girls, who repeatedly run away from home.” This begs the question: what role are schools playing in this phenomenon? More
News and discussion from womensenews.org:
Gala honoring Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney:
Click here for more Gala information.
From the Feminist News Digest (feminist.org):
Feminist Jobs
The Feminist Majority Foundation has a jobs listing service which can be accessed from their web site or directly at jobs.feminist.org.
General Information
“Like” Us on Facebook
Our chapter has a Facebook page, which you can see here. If you have not already “liked” us, please do so!
Do you receive National NOW’s emails and action alerts? If you enjoy this newsletter and don’t already receive e-mail from National NOW, consider going to their web site, www.now.org. To the right, below the banner picture, is section labeled “Email Sign-Up” and a box where you enter your e-mail address. Then press the “Sign-up” button. It’s as easy as that! The box below that says “Join NOW”. If you’re not already a member, click there and be sure to sign up for our chapter, NJ0225, at no extra cost.
Guest Contributors to our Newsletter are welcome!
Send articles, poetry, and other items of interest to the chapter at .
What issues would you like to see our chapter address?
Please reply to .
How to Contact your State and National Legislators:
Find your New Jersey Assembly and Senate representatives at www.njleg.state.nj.us.
For the U.S. House and Senate, go to www.Congress.org, and enter your zip code to find your legislators and their contact information.
Our friends in the Gay Activist Alliance of Morris County (GAAMC) publish a monthly newsletter with interesting articles, opinions, and event announcements. You can read it here: http://issuu.com/gaamc.