Chat Time 30 Electronic gadgets – function or fashion?

PSPs, MP3 players, iPhones, netbooks, digital cameras – how many of them do you own? Do you really need these gadgets, or do you buy them because they are popular?
Technology has made our lives more convenient and provided us with various forms of entertainment. From desktop computers to netbooks, and Game Boys to PSPs, electronic gadgets have been showing dramatic progression in practicality and appearance. But are we buying them because of their functions, or are we treating them as a fashion accessory? Do you buy an iPhone because of its functionality or because everyone else is getting one?
I think teenagers have gone too far to look fashionable; they are showing they are ‘in’ not only with their outfits but also with the gadgets in their bags. Having the most popular mobile phone and music player is their way of showing that they know what the most talked-about products are, but these gadgets are too expensive to be used as fashion accessories for students.


  1. Do you agree that teenagers use electronic gadgets as fashion accessories?

I totally agree that many teenagers use electronic gadgets as fashion accessories. They buy new gadgets because they are popular and fashionable. They want to catch up with the fashion. They seldom think about the functions and prices of the gadgets.

  1. Is it appropriate for teenagers to use electronic gadgets as fashion accessories?

It is definitely not appropriate for the teenagers to use gadgets as a fashion accessory.They just want to show off their fashionable electronic products,but these products are too expensive to be used as fashion accessories for students.

  1. How do we benefit from advanced electronic gadgets?

Electronic products have made life more convenient, comfortable and efficient. They not only give us the most efficient means of communication but also a lot of enjoyment. It is also due to these products that our life becomes easier and safer.

Individual Response

  1. Which electronic gadget is the most important to you?

I regard the smartphone is the most important to me because it enables me to do a lot of things with it. It is the most convenient communication tool. It also includes a lot of multimedia functions such as playing music, watching videos and taking photos. Asmartphone is almost a computerwhere I can do many operations online.

  1. Do you think teenagers pay more attention to electronic gadgets now than before?

It is obvious that teenagers are increasingly attached to electronic gadgets. Teenagers use them to maintain relationships, send messages, play games and listen to music. Actually, many teenagers are spending several hours per day on the electronic gadgets.

  1. How would you feel if all your friends had the newest gadgets but you did not?

I think my friends who have the latest gadgets are just spending money to impress other people.As long as I behave myself, I don’t need to impress others with expensivegadgets. The relationship I build with people is based on me, not on the material items.

  1. What other ways do teenagers try to look fashionable?

Most teens like trying out the latest clothing and accessories. Teen girls especially like to wear stylishhead bands, necklacesand earrings. On the other hand, teen boys want to wear trendy shoes and sneakers. Slogan T-Shirts are also hot fashion trend for teen boys.

  1. Do teenagers go too far to look fashionable these days?

I think teenagers have gone too far to look fashionable. They are showing they are ‘in’ not only with their trendy clothes but also with expensive electric gadgets, but these gadgets are too expensive to be used as fashion accessories for students.