Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 23rd September, 2015 at 8 p.m. in the Village Hal

Cllr’s present: Cllr. Babbs – Chairman, Cllr. Dodsworth, Cllr. Mulvaney, Cllr. K. Genever

Cllr. Sheehan & Cllr. P. Genever.

C. Cllr. M. Trollope-Bellew & Dist. Cllr. M. Trollope-Bellew

Apologies – Cllr. Brown & Dist. Cllr. K. Cooke.

Minutes of previous meeting were approved and signed:

Pro: Cllr. Sheehan Sec. Cllr. K. Genever

There were no envisaged DEDCLARTIONS OF INTEREST.


Tallington By Pass - Awaiting decision from Network Rail on their plans for the future. More will be reported when any information is available.

Play Area - The work on this is going well and should be complete by the end this week

Friday, 25th September. There has been positive feedback from villagers who have viewed the work.

Cllr. P. Genever had spoken to Ian Ladds of ILA who was willing to do an annual safety check on the play equipment. The Parish Council agreed to this and Cllr. P. Genever would pass this on to Ian Ladds.

The timber for the fencing had now been cut and would be available for making into palings.

As Cllr. P. Genever had had a shoulder operation volunteers would be required to do the sawing up.

A date for the official opening of the Play Area was agreed on Sunday, 4th October at 2 p.m. a list of people to invite was drawn up, the Clerk to contact these and put notices up. It was also agreed that each Parish Councillor would bring a bottle (or two) for the opening.

Stamford Mercury to be informed. Cllr. K. Genever would bring tape and scissors.

Village Hall Wi Fi –A date for the launch of this in the Village Hall is Sunday, 18th October.

3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Notice to be put in October’s Towers and Spires.

Queen’s 90th Birthday – More information nearer the time.

Bertie Lane Bungalows – Cllr. Cooke had agreed to look into the concerns of the residents of these bungalows but as he was not at the meeting there was nothing to report.

Cycling on One Way System – C. Cllr. Trollope-Bellew reported that it was legal to cycle either way up this system so long as the cycle way is kept to.

Memorial for Ena Troop – The Village Hall Committee had agreed to contribute half of the £40. Needed for this plaque. It was proposed by Cllr. K. Genever and Secondedby Cllr. Dodsworth that the Parish Council would also contribute £20. Cllr. K. Genever to organise this.


Nothing to report.


The following applications were discussed with no objections.

S15/2511/TPO/TP2 – Fell 1 Pine Tree and reduce Yew Tree by 20% - Warburtons – North Stables Casewick.

S15/2515/TCA/TC2 – Repollard two willow trees, prune 1 willow tree and remove broken branches from 1 willow tree – Connington – 85 Main Road.

S15/2049/HSH/JQ/PC1 – Erection of Summer House – The Dovecote, Casewick – Trollope

(Cllr. Sheehan had commented on some deletions on the application form, the Clerk had checked with Planning and everything was in order)

Approval had been received for the following:

S15/1891/TPO – Repollard ash tree 23 Greatford Road – Schofield.

S15/1970/TCA – Fell T1 Prunus Cerasifera – 7 The Charters – Moore

(Cllr. Sheehan noted that a copy of the Council Arboriculturist’s report was not included in the approval notification, Clerk to request this from SKDC)


C Harris – Grasscutting - £45.00 Pro. Cllr. Babbs Sec. Cllr. Dodsworth.

F. Barratt – Litter Picker - 12/8/15 - £45.50 & 23/9/15 - £32.50 –

Pro: Cllr. P. Genever Sec. Cllr. Babbs.

Play Area - Cllr. K. Genever stated that on completion the final payment of around £4040. will be needed by ILA. It was calculated that the Parish Council have sufficient funds available to cover this.

This final payment was approved Pro: Cllr. Babbs Sec. Cllr. Dodsworth.

As soon as we have an invoice from ILA the VAT can be claimed back for the whole project amount which will leave the Parish Council well in hand until next April when we receive the Precept.

Account Balances as at 28th August 2015 - Deposit A/c - £3027.14 Treasurer’s A/c - £2307.00


Cllr. Mulvaney reported the poor state of the small bridge in Megs Well down Casewick Lane. LCC Highways to be contacted.

Cllr. K. Genever reported on the state of the footpath and hedge by the School Playing field.

LCC to be contacted re the footpath and the home owner be requested to cut hedge back.

She also reported that Lights 124 and 130 on the Main 1175 need repairing. LCC to be contacted.

Cllr. P. Genever reported on the poor state of the roads in the county and asked Cllr. Trollope-Bellew the name of the person to contact in LCC at Lincoln, this was Richard Wills. Clerk to send a letter.

C. Cllr.Trollope-Bellew gave a report stating that

  • It was proposed by the Dept. of Justice that the Magistrate Courts at Grantham and Skegness be closed and the only ones to remain open would be Lincoln and Boston.

Cllr. P. Genever during debate objected most strongly to the suggestion stating that unfortunately in the main it was the poorer members of society who would appear before a magistrate and often without personal transport. Failure to appear before a magistrate, bearing in mind the lack of public transport to either of the venues, would lead to the person being arrested by the police for nonappearance which would immediately create a criminal record regardless whether they were guilty or not. Cllr. R Woolley stated that SKDC were opposing the proposal because of this inability of the public to get to either venue by public transport and its high cost.

  • The Boundary Commission were about to report again about LCC’s membership and it was believed would be singular and that possibly 4 – 5 seats would be lost in the reorganisation.
  • Fracking – Proposals were now being mapped for possibly fracking sites and Gainsborough in the North West of the county would be the preferred site and to our west Melton Mowbray and beyond.
  • Lincoln Castle had been receiving a facelift at a cost of 22 Million, 15 Million from the Lottery, 5 Million from LCC and 2 Million from private funding and was very popular.
  • Unitary Authorities were not now being proposed but it has been proposed that the

7 districts and one county along with the fire and ambulance services were to be run under one umbrella. Cllr. P. Genever said it was nonsense as no-one would be responsible for anything and buck passing would be ever more prevalent. Certainly the health service should not be included in any non-seneschal proposal.

  • Dist. Cllr. R. Woolley reminded everyone of the Georgian Festival happening this coming weekend.

Date of next meeting – 11th November, 2015 at 8 p.m.

Meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.