Mrs. Meek’s Homework Newsletter (AL)


Who Works Here?

October 24, 2011


1.  like 6. bike 11. who Bonus Words

2.  ride 7. dime 12. work *witch

3.  smile 8. hide 13. citizen *Halloween

4.  time 9. ice 14. people

5.  white 10. kite 15. leader

This Week at a Glance

*Skills for this week: long /i/ sounds in words, CVCe word pattern, digraphs wh, ch, and tch, identifying special titles, identifying author’s purpose

*Social Studies Standards: community resources, leaders and laws, cities, suburbs, farms, maps

*High-frequency words: live, people, out, who, work


*Practice your high-frequency words each night!

Monday – Write your spelling words three times each. Read a book of your choice to someone. (Remember to record it on your reading log.)

Tuesday – Complete the math activity sent home. Read Mayor Mom to someone. (Record it.)

Wednesday – Choose 8 of your spelling words and write them in a sentence. (You should have a total of 8 sentences.) Underline your spelling words. Read Who Works Here? to someone. (Record it.)

Thursday – Take a practice spelling test at home and bring it in on Friday. Write the words you missed 3 times each on the same paper. The person giving you the practice test should sign it at the bottom. Read a book of your choice to someone. (Record it.)

Friday – Spelling test and high-frequency word test at school! Have a great weekend!

Weekly News

*We will be having our Fall Party on Friday. A note was sent home with details.

*The Iron Chef Attendance Reward will also be on Friday.

*Check out my teacher webpage for more information and pictures about what is going on in our class!

*Please continue to review graded papers with your child as they come home. This is a good review for them and helps them to understand any mistakes.

*Please continue to cut out and send in your Box Tops!