
Jungle Boogie

Color Coded Version For






Version 1.0 (12/27/2016)

Skit Summary

The Hawesommer family of Ridgewood arrives in the jungle for the parents’ dream vacation: a safari tour. Their kids are quite ungrateful, complaining about missing sports practices, social media, and screen time. When the kids finally exit the Land Rover to take some pictures, they plug their mobile devices into charge and they inadvertently drain the battery. Facing a night alone in the jungle, the family panics before being helped through the night by some familiar jungle icons from the movies. First, Tarzan calls to the characters from The Lion King to help the family move their truck. Second, the characters from Madagascar and Jungle Book pitch in and help. Finally, dinosaurs from Jurassic World complete the jungle rescue.

Speaker / Script / Stage Directions / Sound/Mike
WIRELESS MIKES: / Momma Hawesommer
Daddy Hawesommer
Sally Hawesommer
Billy Hawesommer / LIGHTS
MUSIC / Land Rover
Trees w/ vines
Jungle Characters (mix of animals from The Lion King, Madagascar, and Jungle Book) are milling around their natural environment as the Hawesommer family takes pictures. / Main Curtain opens
Hawesommer family enters stage right and exits their Land Rover and stretches their legs, unpacks cameras.
Scene 1: OPENING
Dad / My goodness, kids, look! Look! Just look at all these magnificent animals, all living right here in the jungle. No cages. No fences. No lines. / Points to animals across stage left / LION KING OPENING MUSIC
Sally / ...um, no bathrooms. Or showers. Or Facebook. Or Instagram. Or even Finsta!
Billy / And no lacrosse. Or baseball. Or football. Or soccer. Or basketball….
Dad / Okay, we get it Billy. / Pats son on the back
Mom / ! Honey, this is the best vacation we've ever had! Ever since I was a little girl I’ve wanted: to walk alongside these magnificent creatures....
Sally / If we wanted to walk alongside magnificent creatures, you should have bought me those One Direction tickets before they broke up...sigh...
Billy / The first three days of giraffes, lions, tigers, and elephants was pretty cool. But we’ve been doing this whole jungle boogie for three straight days now.
Mom / Come on kids...I mean, yeah, sure the anti-malaria pills gave us all an upset stomach. And dizziness...headaches.,,itching... sausage fingers...memory loss...
Sally / Don’t forget mild to severe diarrhea….
Billy / That was definitely severe. / Hands over stomach
Dad / Okay, okay, enough of that kids. We came here to do what mankind has been doing in the jungle forever….
Billy / Exploiting the natural resources for economic gain?
Mom & Dad / NO!
Mom / No kids, we are here to take as many dangerous selfies with these wild animals!
We’re here to take dangerous selfies with wild animals!! / Mom and Dad stalk over toward animals and take selfies with animals in background / PHOTO
Billy & Sally / Mom, Dad...REALLY?!?!?!
Billy / I’ve got to know what’s going on in Ridgewood. I need to know how my lacrosse, baseball, soccer, football team did.
Sally / I want to know if Becky got the lead in musical or if it went to Wendy. And I wonder if Ellie knows that Freddie has been flirting with Allie behind her back...
Billy & Sally / WE NEED SOCIAL MEDIA!!
Billy / Hey,Remember how Dad said not to use his smartphone?
Sally / Yeah, wait, you didn’t take his phone, did you?
Billy / Oh Yeah, I’ve been playing Candy Crush after everyone goes to sleep. / Pulls out smart phone from pocket
Sally / Give it to me! I need to know what’s going on back home!
Billy / Relax, the battery’s dead..but I’ve been charging it in the car since we stopped. You can use it tonight. Come on, let’s take yet dangerous selfies with Giraffes
Sally / You shouldn’t joke about that. Their hooves are razor sharp. They can kill a lion. / Kids walk over to join parents in a group
Selfie (Giraffe and Lion seen hugging in the background) / PHOTO
Mom / Oh boy. All this safari adventuring has made me hungry! Where are we setting up camp honey.
Dad / Oh, nowhere near here sweetie. This part of the jungle is full of predators like lions, crocodiles and tigers. We’re about 50 miles from a good spot to camp... / Goes to start the car / ENGINE TROUBLE SOUND EFFECT
Mom / Oh no, what’s wrong
Dad / The battery is dead... WE’RE STRANDED HERE! / Holds up phone
Sally / This is all Billy’s fault!
Billy / I didn’t drag us here!
Mom / We’re going to be eaten! / Tarzan enters stage left, approaches Hawesommer family with apprehension / TARZAN SOUND EFFECT
Tarzan / Me Tarzan. You lost? You look like you need help?
Mom / Oh my goodness,,My internet obsessed children killed the car battery because they can’t spend a few days away from a smartphone!
Billy & Sally / Mom, REALLY!?!?!
Dad / We should have left them at home.
Billy & Sally / Dad, REALLY!?!?!
Tarzan / Listen to Tarzan. Tarzan live in jungle many years. Tarzan know one thing: if want to stay alive, must stay calm.
Mom, Dad, Billy & Sally / Okay.
Tarzan / Yes, jungle can be dangerous. But jungle also full of friends, if you know where to look. Look, here come some now. / Simba, Pumba, Timon enter skipping playfully stage left. / Song?
Timon / Well, hello there my stranded human friends. What seems to be the problem? Did you lose your selfie stick?
Pumba / My warthog senses tell me that you’re pretty scared. What’s wrong? / Sniffing
Billy / It’s my fault. I killing the car battery because I wanted to charge my phone.
Simba / Oh no, this is terrible place to be broke done. The cell service stinks, and it's not safe here, my Uncle Scar and his hungry Hyena friends hunt these grounds at night!
Timon / Hey guys you know our motto?. Weren’t we just singing ‘No Worries’?
Pumba / Yeah no need to be negative nancies, let’s help these nice people get as far from here as possible before Scar catches their scent.
Simba / You’re right, Hakuna Matata! We can do this!
You guys push, me pop clutch and you on your way. / Animals and Hawesommer family work to push the Land Rover about ½ way across stage before dropping off, exhausted / Hakuna Matata
Timon / I gotta tell you. I’m Hakuna Ma-TIRED.
Simba & Pumba / ME TOO Land Rovers are heavy!
Tarzan / It not working. Getting dark. Not safe. Need extra muscle. Me know new guys. (cups hands and calls out) Hey New York, New York!! / Characters from Jungle Book and Madagascar Enter stage left / TARZAN SOUND EFFECT “New York New York” plays
Dad / Why I know you, your from the Central Park Zoo.! From one New Yorker to anotherYes, can you please help us get our Land Rover out of the jungle?
Alex / That depends...Mets or Yankees?...Giants or Jets? Don’t even get me started on the Nets..Humans? You think we’re gonna help humans?
Marty / Yeah New York was three sequels ago. We’re world travelers now man. No ties to the city Humans are the ones who kept us in the Central Park Zoo for so many years! We’re the animals from Madagascar, we need to be free!
Alex / I need to be free
Gloria / Yeah! I need to be free to take a mud bath whenever I want!”Come on guys, New Yorkers stick together and we should help these poor people.”
Melman / Do you have any idea how many germs I used to get from all those kids! “But the car could be covered in germs! I need antibacterial wipes! What if I chip a hoof!`
King Julian / Now wait just a minute Broadway BabiesNew York Giants! You guys have been begging to go back to New York for yearsAre you forgetting about who it as that you are? / Mort begins to stroke King Julian’s feet
Alex / That’s true, it’s so hard to get a good bagel around here. What do you mean you crazy ring tailed lemur?
Gloria / And I do miss skating in Rockefeller Center.
Melman / And the theater...
Marty / And the night clubs.
Madagascar Animals / WE MISS HOME!
Baloo / Yes you guys have been having a hard time getting by with the bear necessities.
King Julian / Mort! I told you about the feet! Nobody touches the feet!
Well Mr. Smarty pants Central Park Zoo Lion, maybe these nice people can help you get back ever since you and your little posse crash landed here in Africa, all you have done is beg for my help to get back to your precious New York City! / Mort begins to stroke King Julian’s feet
Mort cowers and backs off
Marty / Alex, hold up, hold up...The lemur has a point / Alex gestures aggressively toward King Julian
Melman / You’re right, he does. The food, our beds...
Gloria / And our friends!
Madagascar Animals / WE MISS HOME
Billy & Sally / Us too!
King Louie / What do you say, we help you, you help them? / To Sally
Sally / Madagascar animals, could your jungle friends please help us get back home? You got it, get us out of this jungle and we’re fling first class to Kennedy. / Madagascar animals are joined by Baloo the Bear, Jungle Book Monkeys, and Penguins of Madagascar.
Madagascar Animals / Let’s do itOf course! Yeah! / Encouraged by King Julian, animals move the land rover ⅔ of the way across the stage, before collapsing, exhausted. / I Like to Move It, Move It Plays
(The push the car but these still can’t get it started, they all collapse exhausted)
King Julian / This is harder than parking in Ridgewood!
Dad / Oh no, it’s almost night. Scar and his hyenas are going to get us for sure. / LION AND HYENA SOUND EFFECTS
Mom / Even with all this help from our friends from Lion King, Madagascar, and Jungle Book we’re still in danger
Billy / GuysMom, Dad, Sally, I’m sorry. It’sThis is all my fault. I can’t believe I got us here because of Candy Crush, I ruined everything,,,
Sally / No Billy, its my fault too. I wanted to use the smartphone, too...
Dad / No kids, it’s my fault.
Tarzan / Okay slow yur roll, Tarzan has one more trick his loin cloth. MeWait. Not done for yet. Tarzan know one more group of friends that can help. Very strong but can be cranky. All lower body strength, no arm strength. But don’t say that in front of them. / TARZAN CALLS
Billy / Wow, Tarzan, you really have a lot of friends in this jungle! / Dinosaurs from Jurassic park, plus Barney and Dino enter stage left.
Tarzan / Hey Tarzan get around. / Dinosaurs from Jurassic park, plus Barney and Dino enter stage left.
Sally / Mom. Dad. We were right next to Jurassic World and you weren’t going to take us?!?
Mom / It was supposed to be surprise honey...just think of the selfies.
Dad / Tarzan, these guys certainly look they don’t skip leg days at the gym. Do you think you can talk them into giving us a tow out of here?
Tarzan / Tarzan has idea. Jump in. / Tarzan ropes the dinosaurs to the Land Rover and tosses a large bone toward stage left. Dinosaurs pursue, towing Land Rover off stage left. / Jurassic Park Theme
Tarzan ropes the dinosaurs to the Land Rover and tosses a large bone toward stage left. Dinosaurs pursue, towing Land Rover off stage left and all animals follow.
Entire cast closes with dance number featuring the dinosaurs, then jungle book and chorus, then Madagascar animals, then King Julian (solo), then Lion King, then Tarzan (breakdance solo), and the Hawesommer family. / Jungle Boogie by Kool and the Gang


Lion King Opening

Camera Shutter Sound Effect

Car Engine Trouble Sound Effect

I like to Move it Move It Rock/Metal Cover

Tarzan Sound Effect

Hakuna Matata Rock Cover

Lion and Hyena Sound Effects

Jurassic Park Theme on Electric Guitar

Jungle Boogie by Kool and the GangDance Moves from Soul Train for Jungle Boogie

Zebra Pattern Land Rover


A- Major Speaking Part (Multiple Lines)

B- Minor Speaking Part (1-2 Lines)

C- Chorus (On Stage but no speaking parts)

Name (First / Last) / Email Address / Costume
A-Daddy Hawesommer / Safari attire
A-Momma Hawesommer / Jane Costume
A- Sally Hawesommer / Ridgewood clothing
A- Billy Hawesommer / Ridgewood clothing
A-Tarzan / Tarzan Costume
Chris Kaufman’s Tarzan Costume
B-Simba (Lion King) / Lion Costume
B-Pumba (Lion King) / Warthog Costume
B-Timon (Lion King) / Meerkat Costume
B-Alex (Madagascar) / Lion Costume
B-Gloria (Madagascar) / Hippo Costume
B-Marty (Madagascar) / Zebra Costume
B-Melman (Madagascar) / Giraffe Costume
B-King Julian (Madagascar) / Thinking Chris Campos / Lemur Costume
C-Baloo (Jungle Book) / Bear Costume
C-King Louie (Jungle Book)
C-Ka (Jungle Book)
C- Bagheera (Jungle Book)
C-Barney the Dinosaur / Too Expensive?
Pink Dinosaur
C-Dinosaurs (Jurassic Park) / Eric Lagergren, / T-Rex inflatable costume
C-Penguins (Madagascar) / Penguin Costume
C-Monkeys (Jungle Book) / Stock?
C-Dino the Dinosaur / Dino
C- Mort (Madagascar) / Does not exist...