§5.1 Graphing Linear Equations


  • Putting a linear equation in 2 variables in slope-intercept form to graph
  • Finding the x & y-intercepts
  • Finding solutions for a linear equation in 2 variables algebraically
  • Lehmann will discuss
  • Difference between equations in 1 & 2 variables

Linear Equation in Two Variable is an equation in the following general form, whose solutions are ordered pairs. A straight line can graphically represent a linear equation in two variables.

ax + by = c

a, b, & c are constants

x, y are variables

x & y both can’t = 0

Solving for y from General Linear Form

Step 1: Add the opposite of the x term to both sides (moving the x to the side with the constant)

Step 2: Multiply all terms by the reciprocal of the numeric coefficient of the y term

(every term meaning the y, the x and the constant term)

Example 1:Solve the equation for y (put it into slope-intercept form): -3x + 1/2 y = -2

Now, once you have it in slope intercept form, you can pick off the slope and the y-intercept! This is very handy for graphing as you’ll soon see! Use this method when we have an equation.

Example 2:What is the slope and y-intercept of this equation

(give the y-intercept as an ordered pair).

3y = 6x  4

Your Turn:

Example 3:Find the slope and y-intercept of the equation

2x + 3y = 9

A solution can be found for any linear equation in 2 variables, even those in standard form. The skills that we developed in §4.6 of plugging in values and solving for the one unknown are put to use here as well. We have already done this when a linear equation was in slope-intercept form – it was just at its easiest then. Recall that every x is eventually a part of a solution in a linear equation, just as every y is a part of a solution. The thing that makes a solution satisfy a particular linear equation in 2 variables is how the x’s & y’s are paired. This allows us to find solutions, however.

Finding a Solution from General Form

Step 1: Choose a variable to substitute a value for & choose any value.

a)If one variable has a numeric coefficient of 1 solve for that variable

b)If neither variable has a numeric coefficient of 1, but one has a numeric

coefficient of 2, choose that one to solve for

Step 2: Solve for the remaining variable.

a)It’s nice if the solution is an integer ordered pai

Step 3: Give the solution as an ordered pair.

Example 4:Find a solution for each of the following equations:

a)x – 3y = 7b)2x + 5y = 9

c)3x – 7y = 9d)6y + 7x = 42

In the last 2 examples the easiest points to find are those found by letting one of the variables equal to zero. This leads to our next discussion about intercepts.

An intercept point is where a graph crosses an axis. There are two types of intercepts for a line, an x-intercept point and a y-intercept point. An x-intercept point is where the line crosses the x-axis and it has an ordered pair of the form (a,0). A y-intercept point is where the line crosses the y-axis and it has an ordered pair of the form (0, b). There is a distinction between an intercept point and an intercept. The distinction is that an intercept is just the x-coordinate (for an x-intercept) or the y-coordinate (for the y-intercept). Whenever I ask for an intercept, I am asking for an ordered pair even if I don’t say point – I tend to use intercept and intercept point interchangeably!

Finding the Y-intercept Point (X-intercept Point)

Step 1: Let x = 0 (for x-intercept let y = 0)

Step 2: Solve the equation for y (solve for x to find the x-intercept)

Step 3: Form the ordered pair (0, y) where y is the solution from step two. [the ordered

pair would be (x, 0)]

Example 5:Find the intercepts for the following lines

a)2x  4 = 4yb)x = 5y + 3

c)2x + 3y = 9d)y = ½ x + 3/2

Example 6:Find the x and the y-interceptsand at least one other point for

2x + 3y = 9

Although Lehmann discusses it, and I will too, the following method of graphing a linear equation in 2 variables is “back-sliding.” The method that we learned first –using the slope and y-intercept is usually the quickest and easiest method of graphing a line.

Graphing Using Three Random Points

Step 1: Find three solutions for your equation (make sure they are integer solutions)

Step 2: Graph the 3 solutions found in step 1 and label with ordered pairs

Step 3: Draw a straight line through the ordered pairs

(if it’s not a straight line, you’ve incorrectly found at least one solution.)

Step 4: Put arrows on the ends of the line, label it with its equation.

We’re only doing this once, because this really isn’t the best way to graph a line as we will see in the following sections. Each section will succeed in bettering our method. In section 3 we will use this method, but with 2 special points. In section 4 we will learn about using the slope and y-intercept which can be used to graph any equation quickly and easily.

Example 7:Graph2x + 3y = 9using the method above.

Your Turn

Example 8:Graph2x + 5y = 10using the method above.

§5.2 Functions


  • Know the meanings of relation, domain, range and function
  • Finding for sets of ordered pairs & graphs
  • Identifying functions using a vertical line test
  • Definition of a linear function
  • Rule of Fours

A relation is any set of ordered pairs. A function is a relation for which every value of the independent variable(the values that can be inputted; the t’s; used to call the x’s) has one and only one value for the dependent variable(the values that are output, dependent upon those input; the Q’s; used to call the y’s). All the possible values of the independent variable form the domain and the values given by the dependent variable form the range. Think of a function as a machine and once a value is input it becomes something else, thus you can never input the same thing twiceand have it come out differently. This does not mean that you can't input different things and have them come out the same, however! That is another discussion for a later time (that’s called a function being one-to-one).

4 Ways to Represent Functions (Rule of 4’s):

1)Description in words

Example:The average population of a city from the turn of the 20th

century to present day.



x / y
2 / 5
1 / 2
-3 / -10




Example:y = 2x + 1

Is a the set of ordered pairs a function?

1) For every value in the domain is there only one value in the range?

a) Looking at ordered pairs – If no x’s repeat then it’s a function (a map can be used

to see this too. Domain on left & range on right, If any domain value has lines to more than

one range value, then not a function.)

b) Looking at a graph – Vertical line test(if any vertical line intersects the graph in more

than one place the relation is not a function)

c) Mathematical Model needs to consider the domain & range values or draw a

picture– If input of any x will give different y’s, then not a function (probably a

graph is still best!)

d) From a description – Try to model using a set of ordered pairs, a graph or a

model to decide if it is a function.

There are many ways to show a function. We can describe the function in words, draw a graph, list the domain and range values using set notation such as roster form or we can make a table of values, or we can use a mathematical model (an equation) to describe the function.

Although I won’t give you an example that isn’t a function, here an example in

words that is a function. We’ll investigate it by sketching a graph.

IS:A patient experiencing rapid heart is administered a drug which causes

the patient’s heart rate to plunge dramatically and as the drug wears off,

the patient’s heart rate begins to slowly rise.

§5.3 Function Notation


  • Function notation
  • Using function notation
  • To Evaluate
  • Describing a linear model
  • Finding inputs & outputs of a model

Function notation is just a way of describing the dependent variable as a function of the independent. It is written using any letter, usually f or g and in parentheses the independent variable. This notation replaces the dependent variable – y.

f(x)Read as f of x orf with x

The notation means evaluate the equation at the value given within the parentheses. It is exactly like saying “y=”!

Here are some pointers:

  • f(3) = 5 is the same as writing (3, 5) it means that x = 3 and y = 5
  • Finding f(3) is saying Let x = 3 and evaluate the expression which is the right side of the function f(x) = x + 2

Example 9:Evaluatef(x) = 2x + 5 at

a)f(2)b)f( -1/2)

Example 10:Forh(g) = 1/gfind


*Note: The domain of this function does not contain zero, because zero makes the function undefined. We find the domain of functions based on values that make the function undefinded.

When using function notation in everyday life the letter that represents the function should relate to the dependent variable's value, just as the independent variable should relate to its value.

Example 11:The perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2l + 2w. If it is

known that the length must be 10 feet, then the perimeter

is a function of width.

a)Write this function using function notation

b)Find the perimeter given the width is 2 ft. Write this

using function notation.

Finding Output Values

Step 1: Understand that the x value is within the parentheses & f(x) is asking for the y

value – the dependent value.

Step 2: • Input the x value to a model and solve for dependent – the f(x)

• Find the x-value in the table and look at it’s corresponding dependent value.

• Find the x-value on a graph follow the vertical line to the graph and then

follow across to the y-axis to find the dependent associated with the input –


Example 12:Find the value of f(5)

a)f(x) = 2x + 3 b)

c)*(#10p.5Applied Calculus, Hughes-Hallett et al, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2010)

Finding Input Values

Step 1: Understand that the f(x) value is the output & f(x) is asking for the x-value that

gives the dependent value, f(x).

Step 2: • Input the f(x) value to a model and solve for the independent – the x-value

• Find the f(x)-value in the table and look at it’s corresponding independent


• Find the f(x)-value on a graph follow the horizontal line to the graph and then

follow up/down to the x-axis to find the independent associated with the output

Example 13:Find the value of f(x) = 9

a)f(x) = 2x + 3 b)

c)*(#10p.5Applied Calculus, Hughes-Hallett et al, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2010)

Function notation can also be used to solve equations.

We can use function notation to represent slope-intercept form of a line and to find our x and y-intercepts.

Slope-Intercept Form w/ Function Notation

f(x) = mx + b

m = slope

b = y-intercept

x is independent variable (represents the input; domain values)

f(x) is the dependent variable (represents the output; range values)

Finding Y-Intercept w/ Function Notation

Find f(0) is finding the y-intercept

Finding the X-Intercept w/ Function Notation

Find f(x) = 0 is finding the x-intercept

Example 14:Forf(x) = 2x + 5

a)Show how to find the x & y-intercept using function notation

b)Find each and given them as ordered pairs.

§5.4 Finding Linear Equations


  • Find an equation of a line by using the slope and a point (the y-intercept point)
  • I have a fundamental difference of opinion with your author
  • Find the equation of a line by using the point-slope form

The equation for a line can be written in 3 different forms. First we learned the slope-intercept form, then we introduced the general form and finally we'll learn the point-slope form. Each way of writing the equation has its drawbacks and its benefits, but the slope-intercept is the most informative and therefore the way that we most typically write the equation for a line. We will start out learning how to write the equation for a line by using this form. This we have already encountered in previous sections but it is reviewed here more formally. If we have any of the following scenarios we can use slope-intercept form.

Slope-Intercept Form

Scenario 1:We have the slope and the intercept both given (intercept may be given as an

ordered pair (0, b))

Scenario 2:We have two points and one is the intercept point (we can calculate the slope

from the formula)

Scenario 3:We have a visual line and we can determine two integer ordered pairs, one

of which is the y-intercept (you can’t guess)

Under scenario 1 we have the easiest case. All we have to do is to plug in the slope for m and the intercept for b (if it is an ordered pair, pick off the y-coordinate to use as b).

Recall that the general form of the equation in slope-intercept form is:

y = mx + bm = slope

b = y-intercept

Here are some Scenario 1 examples:

Example 15:Use the given information to write an equation for the line

described in slope-intercept form.

a)m = 2 and b = 3b)m = 0 and (0,2/3)

c)m = undefined and ( -1/2, 0)

Under scenario 2 we have a little more work, but it still isn't bad. All we must do is calculate the slope and then plug into the slope-intercept form as described under the first scenario.

Example 16:Find the slope of the following lines described by the points.

a)(0, 5) & (-1, 7)b)(2, 4) & (0, 0)

c)(2, -5) & (2, 0)d)(0, 7) and (5, 7)

Note: The last three examples are special cases. B) is a line through the origin, C) is a vertical

line and D) is a horizontal line. C) is the only one that doesn’t fit the scenario, but I threw in the x-intercept point to throw you off!

Scenario 3 is just about the same as scenario 2 except we will find the slope by visual inspection.

Example 17:Give the equation of the line shown below.

Now, let me give you one of each type to try on your own!

Your Turn

Example 18:Find the equation of each of the following lines.

a)m = ½ & b = 4b)m = -5 & thru (0, -1)

c)Thru (-1, 5) & (0, 4)d)Thru (2,0) and (2, 9)

e)m = 0 & (2, 1)


Here your author & I have a fundamental difference of opinion. Your author will show you to use the slope-intercept form of a line to find the y-intercept if the y-intercept is not given to you! In my opinion, and you know what they say about those, it is a colossal waste of time and effort to do it in this manner since that what the point-slope form of a line is good at doing!

If there is no y-intercept given (or if it is not an integer ordered pair) then I insist that you use the point-slope form. There are also 3 scenarios here. They are as follows:

Point-Slope Form

Scenario 1:You are given the slope & a point without the y-intercept

Scenario 2:You are given two points neither of which is the y-intercept

Scenario 3:You are given a graph & the y-int. isn’t an integer ordered pair.

You need only plug into the point-slope form:

y  y1 = m(x  x1)m = slope

(x1, y1) is a point on the line

x & y are variables (don’t substitute for those)

Under scenario 1 our job is the easiest!

Example 19:Find the equation of the line described by the point and

slope given.

a)(-2, 5) m = -1b)(1, -3), m = ½

Example 20:In the following case, why can't point-slope form be used to write

the equation of the line? Why doesn't it matter?

(0, -5), m = undefined

Scenario 2 just increases the number of steps in the process. We must find the slope in addition to plugging into the point-slope form and solving the equation for y.

Example 21:Find the equation of each line through the given points. Use the

point-slope form.

a)(5, 2) and (2, 5)b)(2, 0) and (8, -2)

c)(-3, -1) and (-4, 2)d)(1/2, 5) and (1, 1)

Scenario 3 just makes us visually find the slope and then pick a point from the graph so that we can use the point-slope form.

Example 22:Find the slope of the line shown below.

Now I’ll give you a chance to try these type of problems too.

Your Turn

Example 23:Give the equation of the lines described below using point slope


a)m= 5 thru (5, 2)b)Thru (2, -5) & (-2, 7)


Writing An Equation with Special Requirements

Finally, we need to discuss how to write the equation of a line given certain requirements.

Requirement 1 involves the equation of a line that is perpendicular or parallel and a point that lies on the line for which you are graphing an equation. When you have these requirements, you can easily find the slope and then use the point-slope form to give the equation of your new line. Let’s look at a couple of these now.

Example 24:Find the equation of the line described.

a)Parallel to y = 2/3x + 9 through (-9, 7)

b)Perpendicular to 2x + y = 3 through (4, -3)

Requirement 2 involves vertical and horizontal lines. Remember the table that I gave you on page 14? You need to review the equations, slopes and how all ordered pairs look on horizontal and vertical lines for these examples.

Example 25:Find the equation of the line described.

a)Parallel to the line y = 7 through the point (2, -1/4)

Note: That is parallel to a horizontal line so it is also horizontal and therefore the only thing I’m interested in is the y-coordinate of my point since the equation looks like y = y-coordinate of the ordered pair.

b)Perpendicular to the line y = -2/5 through the point (7, -3)

Note: That is perpendicular to a horizontal line so it is vertical and therefore the only thing I’m interested in is the x-coordinate of my point since the equation looks like x = x-coordinate of the ordered pair.

c)With m = 0 through the point (2, -178)

Note: We’ve already seen this type, but just to reiterate – the slope is zero so you know that it is a horizontal line, and therefore its equation must look like y= y-coordinate of the point.

d)Through the point (1 5/8, 0) with undefined slope.

Note: We’ve already seen this type, but just to reiterate – the slope is undefined so you know that it is a vertical line, and therefore its equation must look like x= x-coordinate of the point.

Your Turn

Example 26: Find the slope of the following lines.

a)Parallel to the line y = 4 and passing through (2,-2)

b)Perpendicular to x = 1 and passing through (8,111)

c)Perpendicular to 3x + 6y = 10 through (2,-3)

d)Vertical through (-1000, 2)

e)Horizontal through (1239,1/4)

f)With slope, -4; y-intercept, -2

g)With undefined slope through (-3, 1)

h)With zero slope through (1/3,7.8)

i)Through (5,9) parallel to the x-axis

j)Through (4.1,-92) perpendicular to the x-axis

k) Parallel to the line2x – 5y = 9 and through the point (-4, 3)

§5.5 Finding Equations of Linear Models