Executive Board Minutes of October 10, 2013

UNION DELEGATE: Brenda Brown, Labor Relations Representative, CSUEU Staff, present.

CALL TO ORDER: President Inglis called the Executive Board meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.

ATTENDEES: Board Members: Present: Robert Inglis, Catherine Hutchinson, Sandra Gannon, Ricky Medrano, Jessyka Dalton, Evelyn Taylor, and Cheryl Peckham. Not Present: Patrick Tafoya

1. Call to Order by Robert Inglis

2. Approval of the Minutes – No minutes were approved.

3. Statewide Updates

No updates.

4. Campus Updates

No updates.

5. Financial Updates

a. Financial Standing:

b. Chapter 324 Budget: There is approximately $1,000 in the account.

6. Administrative Updates

a. Bargaining Survey: Survey will go out; we need to encourage participation and

should bring in Unit 5 members to do the survey (Unit 5 just had computer

training on-line), as they often do not have the access to or time to be on the

computer. The deadline is November.

b. Chapter Website Software Upgrades: We will have an event calendar on the website soon; will not be making changes until website is complete.

c. Need to gather minutes for all meetings for submission next year.

7. Representation Updates

a. Town Hall Meetings: 2 done, third one awaiting approval.

b. Safety Meeting Updates: none

c. Unit 5 meeting (Day and Night Crew): Ricky is going to see if someone from the

night crew will act as a steward.

8. Communication Updates

a. Nothing to discuss.

9. Organizing Updates

a. September 23 meeting with Das Williams: 9 people from campus came.

b. Legislative District Visits: Do we want to organize this for next year?

c. Chapter Winter Meeting: Date set for December 5, 2013 – To discuss at next

meeting: Who will get this on 24 Live and order the food??? What will be the

menu? What will be the subjects that we want to discuss with the members?

10. Adjourn – Meeting closed by Robert Inglis at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Evelyn Taylor, Secretary.