Continuing Professional Development log book

(New CEDR Solve mediators – those with less than 3 years CEDR Solve mediation experience)

Period (e.g. 1 April 2007 – 31 March 2008)
Date submitted

Mediation practice – min two mediations and two mediation summaries

Please provide an overview of the mediations you have conducted and attach written summaries of at least two of these mediations.
Please note that time-limited court mediations qualify as a half day of mediation i.e. 8 half-day mediations = mediation practice requirement.
Please add further lines if required.
(continuation days need not be shown) / Actual or simulated / Hours
day = 8
½ = 4 / **Sector
(More than 1 if relevant) / CEDR or other / Summary attached
Min. two
‘’ if suppl.

**Please state your sector: Commercial contract (CC), Construction (CON), Insurance (I),

Multi Party (MP), International (INTER), Professional negligence (PN).

Medical negligence (MN), Non-commercial (NC), Other (O) – please specify

(Please feel free to specify a different category if you are not able to use

one of the above)

Mediation debriefs –

Debriefing your mediations - minimum one

Date / CEDR
session / Your role - Mediator or assistant / Name of debrief partner and type of case, main issue in debrief.
1. / Y/N / M/A
2. / Y/N / M/A

Debriefing another mediator – minimum one

Date / CEDR
session / Their role - Mediator or assistant / Name of debrief partner, type of case, main issue in debrief.
1. / Y/N / M/A
2. / Y/N / M/A

Structured training – minimum 8 hours (one day)

Please add further lines if required. Please note structured training must be interactive and skills based rather than lecture style. Therefore CEDR Exchange forums are qualified as further learning not as structured training.


/ Title / Hours/days / 

Further learning – no minimum

Date / Description / 

Mediation practice

  • Practical experience of two mediations over a one-year period

Record sheet (minimum requirement = two days)

Date / Days


Written summaries - mediation report form

Date of mediation:Amount in dispute:

Sector:Non-monetary items:


Details of parties(optional):
Brief summary of the dispute:
Result (including whether any agreement was reached, oral / written, binding / non-binding, Tomlin Order etc.):
Learning points (for you as mediator or assistant):
Key turning points in the mediation (if any):
Areas you experienced most difficulty in the mediation:

Date the dispute began(if known):

Date litigation / arbitration commenced?(if any):

Please comment on the role of each party’s professional advisers:
Pre and post-mediation involvement (did or do you have any ongoing role?):

Personal debrief

Record sheet (minimum requirement = one debrief)

Brief outline of circumstances debrief (i.e. group / simulated case / personal):
Names of other participants:
Personal reflections on debrief(including feedback from group / mentor):
e.g. Key learning points: - things I did well
- things I would want to do differently


Structured training

For new CEDR Solve mediators (with less than 3 years experience)

  • Development of further mediation skills/knowledge through recognised training (minimum

eight hours)

Record sheet (minimum requirement = 8 hours in total)

Date / Hours / Qualifying event

Note: Attach some evidence of compliance such as authorised certificate or brief details of event (e.g. publicity / programmes / personal summary).


Further learning

  • No minimum requirement but further learning is expected


  • Regular up-date through reading books, articles, press summaries etc.
  • Participation in working or development groups on effective dispute resolution
  • Writing articles, developing and/or delivering effective dispute resolution training
  • Attendance at CEDR forums
  • Arranging/leading/participating in training or similar events
  • Promotion of effective dispute resolution

Record sheet (no minimum standard)

Date / Hours / Qualifying activity (attach summaries)

Note: The above activities may be of interest to other mediators either in summary (e.g. book review) or information exchange through the newsletter. If you feel this may be so, please ensure sufficient detail is included that may be copied for use.
