PPG Meeting 5th May 2015

Present – JW (Jill Woolridge) / PB (Pam Bryan) BA (Barry Attwood) HB (Howard Bayley) ED (Eileen Dale ) GD (Geoff Dale)
SS (Susan Stepek) KS (Kay Shaw ) EE (Emily Eccleston)
Apologies - Janis Bayley / Kath Banks /Mel Farnell/Janet Henderson/Jean and Harry Simcock
Minutes - KS – Kay Shaw
Chair –PB (Pam Bryan)
Agenda Item – / Action
Minutes of last Meeting– The minutes from last PPG Meeting were discussed and no points were raised. All members agreed with the minutes and were signed for accuracy by Susan Stepek.
Matters Arising –
Meet the congress – SS advised that the date for the next meeting on 11/3/15 had been cancelled and that the new meeting was scheduled for 30.6.2015
Management App – EE advised the group that there was a link now for a facebook app for PPG Members. EE to provide a step by step guide of the procedure/screen shots and to email to PB
Friends and Family Test – JW provided members with the data sheet for this periodthe results were mixed. Waiting times were noted and the telephone system at 8am were mentioned. Patients were still finding it very difficult to get through to the surgery on the telephone both to make appointments and to cancel them. Patients' comments were also discussed and praise given to reception staff for the way in which they deal with patients, often under very difficult circumstances.
7 day working - JW advised members that 7 day working was going well, patients using the clinics at weekends. It has made little difference to Monday to Friday Clinics, still as busy during the week. Staff rotas will be changed in July and Longton staff will be also covering the weekend working. Members asked how many extra appointment slots were open due to the extra hours worked. Jill will report on this for the next meeting. Walk in surgeries were discussed (no appointments) and jill explained the difficulties GPs would have in handling the potential numbers of patients.
PPG info on screens - It has been noted and requested that the size of print could be enlarged. EE advised that some formats are PDF’s when we get them and we can’t alter them / EE
Cluster Group Meeting – Diabetes/Coffee Morning
A discussion was had regarding implementing a get together with other practices, possibly September time. It was suggested that each surgery send out a letter to patients with Diabetes and to arrange a guest speaker from Diabetes UK. Members would be asked to take on jobs to enable the smooth running of this event. PB to send out minutes of this meeting. / PB
3 Priorities for forthcoming year
1.The appointment system is still a priority.
2. How to provide Patient Information and Support.
3.A single point of Contact Team was also suggested, it was noted that the group felt it was nice to know they could contact a member of a team even if they could not speak with their desired GP. Emily also mentioned that she was working on a GP lead video for certain ailments for Facebook.
The group was asked to go away and think of how we can achieve these aims for discussion at the next PPG Meeting. / ALL
-Election of Board Member – SS and BA gave a brief presentation and the group voted to elect SS as their PPG rep at Board level. AB was not present at the meeting and was therefore not put forward for election.
PB will liaise with SS to help ease the transition. SS will attend the remuneration meeting and the July board meeting with PB. / PB SS
Chair of Next meeting – BA will chair under the sharing chairing arrangement. Pam will continue to do the PPG Board reports until the Sept Board meeting when SS will take over. PB will continue to do the Agendas for PPG meetings and communicate with members. / BA
Reports on Meetings –
SS advised that next patient congress meeting to be held early June, date to be confirmed. PPG awareness week, further information awaited.
HB advised that CQC meeting was uninformative and nothing to report
PB – Patient and Public Event, ran by Health Watch Camden and NHS England, was an excellent meeting, where Allied Health Professionals DN’s, Midwifes, opticians etc., will eventually be able to prescribe under strict guidelines. Alot of work still needs to be done around this but the benefits for patients and GPs are obvious.
JW presented the DNA stats for both sites :-
Longton GP 68 missed appt
Longton Nurse 80 missed appt
Meir GP 84 missed appt
Meir Nurse 65 missed appt
This equates to over 32 hours of GP time and over 36 hours of Nurse time
EE will look to put info on FB / EE
Next Meeting – Tuesday 7th July 2015, Room 18 6-7.30 pm BA to chair
Further Meeting – Tuesday 8th Sept 2015 Room 18 6-7.30pm