Chapter 25: America Moves to the City, 1865-1900

Homework Questions from Pageant DUE TEST DAY

Big Question: Did the development of American cities justify Jefferson’s claim that “when we get piled up in great cities we will become as corrupt as Europe”?

1. Why did people move from the farm to the city in the late 1800s? What would you characterize as the PRIMARY reason?

2. How did city environments adapt to the increased number of people, which resulted from this migration to the city?

3. Who were the “new immigrants”? How were they similar/different in comparison to the “old immigrants“?

4. What was the attitude of city politicians towards the new immigrants? Compare and contrast this to the attitudes of progressive wealthy college-education women such as Jane Adams. How did working class and non-unionized unskilled laborers react to the new immigrants?

5. How did churches vary greatly in their response to urban challenges?

6. How did Darwinists provoke arguments between Modernists and Fundamentalists?

7. What were the three most significant changes to education in American from 1865 to 1900 based on your analysis? Why?

8. How did Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois’s strategies for “Black American progress” conflict with each other? (This relates to DBQ packet you will be analyzing so be sure to spend time reviewing this question.)

9. How did Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst permanently modify the concept of what a newspaper was? Why were they so influential in their ideas?

10. How did women’s position in society change as the 1800s ended? What vehicle of reform did women choose to finally gain access to potential equality in the U.S.?

Key People and Terms

liberal Protestants National American Woman Suffrage Assoc

Tuskegee Institute Woman’s Christian Temperance Union

land-grant colleges World’s Columbian Exposition

pragmatism Carrie Chapman Catt