ABILENE, TX VOL. 11, NO. 5 SEPT. – OCT. 2003


The USPFO is always open for expansion in membership.

We enjoy having new additions to the great, big, old USPFO Family that consists of approx. 100 families. Since we are a growing Filipino community, let’s try to recruit more people!

Membership Info

Family Membership is $20 per year.

Single Membership is $10 per year.

Children that live in a member’s home and are not married may stay on that member’s membership.

If a child attends school and lives there, he/she may stay on that member’s membership as long as he/she are attending school.

Once a child marries or moves out of the member’s home, he/she must obtain his/her own membership.

Next Meeting

WHEN: Sun., 7 Sept. ’03 at 6:30PM

·  Normally held on 1st Sun./mo. w/exception of holidays (i.e. 4th of July) at 6:30pm.

WHERE: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Meeting Bldg.

Proud to be an American

Veronika Martin could very well be the most patriotic citizen around the Big Country & beyond. She shows her pride in both what she does & says. You can see the American flags & such in her car. Among all of the other associations that she is active in, she still makes time to attend the monthly meetings regularly – where she is known to always bears articles & photos that commend the achievements of other members, & even most recently suggested that the Pledge of Allegiance open these gatherings – she often speaks as a European immigrant to the United States & as a widow of a fine man who once served this country. Now this little woman w/a BIG heart & spirit who brings joy & to children of all ages must be recognized, as she is pictured in an embrace w/one of the many military men whose lives she has touched, which appeared on pg. 9 in the Friday, July 18, 2003, issue of the Dyess Air Force Base weekly newspaper, the Peacemaker.

2003-04 Upcoming Events

At the June meeting, a motion was passed to do away w/2 of the events & to add a function. Both the Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day picnics will no longer be held. In their places will be a Halloween party, w/the 1st 1 being thrown this yr. Below is a list of the gatherings to plan for, so mark your calendars! The people-in-charge were chosen at that meeting, so contact them if you wish to volunteer your help.

Event Date Chairperson/Contact

Halloween Party Oct. 2003 Lyn Rosario

X’mas Caroling Dec. 2003 Nenita Reyes

X’mas Party Dec. 2003 J.R. Albritton

Valentine’s Dinner Dance Feb. 2003

Induction Ball

The following officers were officially inducted on Fri., 11 July at the Knights-of-Columbus:

·  Donald Dolton, Pres. (2nd term)

·  Donny Huddleston, VP (1st term)

·  Elaine Dispo, Sec. (1st term)

·  Christy Emerson, Treas. (1st term)

·  Ming Case, Entertainment Coordinator (2nd term)


TITLE Name * Tel.#

PRESIDENT: Don Dolton 677-8453

VICE PRESIDENT: Donny Huddleston 677-4807


TREASURER: Christy Emerson 123-4567

COORDINATOR: Ming Case 698-5819

Associate Officers

SECRETARY: Richard Champagne 672-8866

COORDINATOR JoJo Mims 695-2736


MANAGER: Lyn Rosario 698-3123

SECRETARY: Beverly Champagne 672-8866

TREASURER: Ming Case 698-5819

INSTRUCTOR: Connie Carmichael 676-2276


CHAIRPERSON: Rosie Svab 675-0446

ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER: Terry Rosario 698-3123

Military Affiliations


Richard Champagne 672-8866

SERGEANTS-AT-ARMS: Denny Svab 675-0446

Jordan Reyes 675-6656


Donny Huddleston () 677-4807

Elaine Dispo () 518-5907

Don Dolton () 677.8453


Beverly Champagne 672-8866

Zeny Huddleston 677-4807

Rose Sims 672-7884


Alvina Kitchen 672-2590

Pilar McDonald 677-9753

Tim Marsh 793-9687

Lina Musgrave 692-4085

* Please remember that due to the high volume of service, Abilene’s area code has changed from 915 to 325 effective between the months of April & October 2003. If you need to call any of the above long distance by dialing the area code first, be sure to use 325 instead of 915 from now on.

Good & Bad News

Our hearts go out to all that have lost love ones. If you have lost someone near & dear to you: a family member or a friend, pls. contact one of the Mabuhay staff members (below), and we will print your announcement so that others can help & share your grief during your time of sorrow:


Donny Huddleston () 677-4807

Elaine Dispo () 518-5907

Don Dolton () 677-8453


The due dates for the Mabuhay bi-monthly newsletter are usually on the 20th of the mo. prior to its press release:

20 Oct. for Nov.-Dec. ‘03

20 Dec. for Jan.-Feb. ‘04

20 Feb. for Mar.-Apr. ‘04

20 Apr. for May-Jun. ‘04

20 Jun. for Jul.-Aug. ‘04

*  E-mail info to OR

Inform a newsletter staff member about your news.


Hey, we try but let’s face it, perfect is hard to be. If you find something in the newsletter that is incorrect (like birth dates, anniversaries or just something) please bring it to our attention and we’ll once again try to be perfect.~DH

Wedding Anniversaries


Happy Birthday

The Dispos’ Prayer Requests

Once again, the Dispo family went out-of-state to attend a wedding. This time, Jun Dispo’s maternal cousin, Patricia married her college sweetheart, Jerome, in San Diego, Calif. on Sat., 12 July 2003. Mr. & Mrs. ___ both majored in engineering. A highlight worth noting occurred on the day the Dispos arrived in California: they ate lunch at Jollibee on the corner of W. Carson & Main in Carson J

While they were in Carson , they also visited Jun’s paternal cousin, Norma Ramos, who also happens to be Joanne Dispo’s ninang (godmother). Unfortunately, she was diagnosed w/a terminal illness in May, just a couple of mos since her return from the Philippines. She is supposedly in the 4th stage of her cancer. Pls. keep her in your prayers.

Jun’s nanay (mother), Eufemia Dispo, lost her brother, the late ___,to a tragic car accident in Aug. His funeral was held on 25/26 Aug. in Hawaii. Your prayers are appreciated.

During Labor Day weekend, the Dispos will once again fly to yet another wedding (considering that they have already been to 3 this past summer alone – 2 of which were in their extended family). Jun’s paternal cousin, Karen Dispo, the daughter of his uncle, Dr. Honario Dispo & Mrs. Helen Dispo, will tie the knot in their hometown of Buffalo, NY near Lake Champagne, on Sat., 30 Aug.

Welcome Home again, Aida Razon! Estrella Dispo’s older sister came back to Abilene in late July, only to leave again for the home she left almost 2 yrs ago. She is currently spending a month in Manila, especially to help her old daughter, Rose Basinillo, celebrate her 2 grandchildren’s birthdays: Ariel’s 7th on Thurs., 21 Aug. (the same day as Elaine Dispo’s 22nd) & Icoy’s 3rd on Mon., 25 Aug. (the day before the 7-yr death anniversary of his late great-grandfather, Aida & Estrella’s beloved father, Escolastico Reyes, for whom he bears the namesake of endearment).


The Sunshine Ladies were recognized for their generous efforts at the Oct. monthly meeting. They are the ones who make phone calls regarding illness or death of members or their families, as well as collect donations or bear gifts – such as fruit baskets or floral arrangements – to hospital rooms, the homebound, or to funeral/memorial services. They include: Beverly Champagne, Zeny Huddleston & Rose Sims – who is usually only limited to making phone calls. Beverly has been a Sunshine Lady for a few yrs. already, but the latter two have recently joined. If you know of a member who has taken medical leave or is terminally ill, pls. refer to the roster for their contact information.

J Fun ‘n the Sun J

Now the kids can continue on enjoying the USPFO festivities when the families get together at the picnics. A soccer ball has been purchased for the main purpose of youth entertainment - & there will be additions, such as: a volleyball, a basketball, & a baseball that is safe enough for children use. If you have anymore ideas for sports equipment or toys that can enhance the youngsters’ activities, pls. Let Beverly Champagne know, & any contribution they will be greatly appreciated.


Good News: We are still working on the USPFO Cookbook J As many Filipinos as there are who have shared w/us their exotic cuisine, now is the time to give us your secrets! You can still submit any recipes to Richard Champagne.


Let’s hear it for some Pinoy Pride! We have tees & hats galore for our members to show USPFO spirit wherever they represent. The T-shirts – which are available in sizes

Large, X-Large, & XX-Large - are $10 each. The adjustable baseball caps are $6 a pop. Buying & wearing our association apparel is now a proud tradition of the United States-Philippine Friendship Organization!

Something New

They’re here and you can have one today. That’s right: the flags that show your pride & its part of your USPFO Logo are a part of your heritage. The twin flags of the U.S. and the Philippines gather on one pendent. Get yours today from Rosie Svab for $5.00. All proceeds go to the USPFO.

(Actual size shown.)

Money Corner

STARTING (beg. Aug. ’03) $2,251.61

INCOME: $ 197.00


ENDING BAL. $2,008.17


Audit Time

On 9 Apr. ’03, these active members & officers performed the latest audit: Beverly Champagne, Denny Svab, Donny Huddleston, President Don Dolton & Treasurer Ria Ayala. Now that Ria has served the max period of 2 consecutive yrs as the USPFO treasurer, a new one will be elected soon. In that case, another audit must be done before the next treasurer takes office. These members – including 2 from the previous one – have so graciously volunteered: Denny Svab, Donny Huddleston, Don Emerson & Fred Paulsen.

& the Winners are…

The 50/50 drawing winner for July was ___ & for August was ___. If you attend the monthly meetings & contribute to the raffle for tickets, you too could become the one who goes home with half of the $$!

Following in her Mother’s Footsteps…

After her 1st 2 yrs of college at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Joanne Dispo, the younger daughter of Jun & Estrella Dispo, declared her major: nursing. Naturally, one would think that her mother, Estrella, who has been a Registered Nurse since 1969, influenced her decision, but her inspiration affected only part of this choice. Since nurses are in high demand, this is the path she opted to take. Bearing in mind that SWTSU offers no nursing program, Joanne, as prodigal daughter, moved back in with her parents this past summer & started taking courses at South Plains College in Levelland (near Lubbock) in order to earn prerequisite credits to enter into the nursing dept of the University of San Antonio next spring. This fall, she will resume her education at Cisco Jr College in Abilene for more basics & perhaps work at Hendrick Medical Center in the meantime...

Secretary’s Acceptance “Speech”

- Elaine Dispo –

If you attended this yr’s Induction Ball, you may have noticed that I was not present to pledge myself as the 2003-04 Secretary for the Board-of-Directors. As I mentioned above, my immediate family & I went to California that weekend to visit our sick relative as well as another cousin’s wedding. Considering that some other members & I were at the wedding of a family friend (Dido & Erlinda Danganan’s daughter, Jane, to Eric Fiero) on the day of the Fathers’ Day picnic/Election of Officers, I haven’t even given my speech of acceptance. Therefore, I must thank all of you now for encouraging & supporting me. Unfortunately, I still have yet to serve my duties at a monthly meeting because I was still in California in July & at work for Tax Free weekend in August, so hopefully, I can fulfill my responsibilities to do the minutes for you soon.

With all of that briefly said & done, I must apologize to you if I may not have seemed as committed to the USPFO as I have in yrs past. Please try to understand & bear w/me that this yr has been an especially busy one for yours truly: graduating from college & trying to start my career before I pursue my Masters degree. Of course, I did not expect it to be easy, but I also did not intend on neglecting to my tasks as the Mabuhay co-editor & now as the Secretary. Did I even bother to mention that I also moved from my house of 2 yrs back into my parents’ home, & into a new one? Hopefully, I can get settled in really soon, so I can bless my new home & throw a housewarming party to which all of you will be invited; if I do, then I will be sure to announce the date at the next or at a future meeting.

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