OLD Apocryf Comments over biblical prophecies

Table of contents

1 Introduction...... 4

1.1 Note: my interpretations here are not guaranteed to be 100% exact4

1.2 Measures to try to delay the Apocalypse...... 4

1.3 IMPORTANT: Apocalypse seems approaching… what to do?...5

1.4 What I understood from the scriptures: overview...... 6

1.5 What I understood from the scriptures- justifications...... 8

2 A possible cause of the acceleration of the End of the World...... 9

2.1 The dangerous mistake of equality of genders within the marriage9

2.1.1 Introduction...... 9

2.1.2 Consequences...... 10

2.1.3 What to do?...... 11

2.2 Case study: the veil...... 11

3 Possible description of World War III...... 13

3.1 Overview...... 13

3.2 Explanation...... 13

3.2.1 The war of Egypt in the End Times...... 13

3.2.2 The Beginning of the End: the Apocalypse...... 15

3.2.3 Notes:...... 16

3.3 The Great War in Middle East: Cyprus, Egypt, Fall of USA... version of June 2018 18

4 China in the Bible?...... 26

4.1 China in the Bible? Part I...... 26

4.2 China in the Bible? Part II...... 27

4.3 China in the Bible? Part III...... 28

5 Possible explanation for the ‘four horses of the Apocalypse’...... 30

5.1 The white horse...... 30

5.2 The red horse...... 30

5.3 The black horse...... 31

5.4 The green horse...... 31

6 The war of Gog, king of Magog...... 32

6.1 Who is Gog in the Bible?...... 32

6.2 Who are Magog, Meshech and Tubal?...... 32

6.3 Who are the allies of Gog in this war?...... 32

6.4 Who are the allies of Israel in this war?...... 33

6.5 Where can we find the name Gog presently?...... 33

6.6 Chronology...... 33

6.7 Why Gog, king of Magog decides to attack Israel?...... 34

6.8 Why shall the war from Ap20 and Ez38-39 be the same war?..34

6.9 Is Magog always a symbol of ‘evil’?...... 34

6.10 Satan seduces the nations of the 4 corners of the world...... 35

6.11 Identification of some of the Gog troops...... 35

6.12 Theory about the table of Nations...... 37

6.13 Pretext of the war: Magog/USA angry after the great humiliation? 38

6.14 The war of Ezekiel and the glorious future of Israel...... 41

7 More comments over the prophecies...... 44

7.1 Book of Daniel: End of this age is performed by the Romans or by the Greeks??? 44

7.2 The Nation of Islam...... 47

7.3 Prophecies of Joel seem to refer to China in Joel 1,6 and Joel 2,2. 47

7.4 The Sun becomes Black and the Moon becomes Red Blood....48

7.5 Possible parallelism of seals, trumpets and dragon symbolism..48

7.6 Why is called Apocalypse “the end of the world”?...... 49

7.7 The picture of the divine Mercy as opposite of the image of the beast 49

7.8 Triumph of Communism Expected...... 50

7.9 The desolating abomination in the holy place...... 50

7.10 The beast that existed once, it exists no longer and yet it will come again 51

7.11 Possible explanations for ‘666’...... 51

7.12 The mark of the beast...... 52

7.13 The Great Warning...... 52

7.14 Divine Refuges...... 53

7.15 A new schism of the Catholic Church...... 53

7.16 Elias and Enoch: the 2 olive trees...... 54

7.17 Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem...... 54

7.18 The Antichrist and the Freemasonry...... 54

7.19 Be careful: the antichrist seems a very virtuous person...... 55

7.20 The antichrist appears as the world problem-solver man.....56

7.21 The antichrist is able to create the illusion he performs «miracles» 57

7.22 Babylon the great, the prostitute...... 57

7.23 The False Prophet...... 57

7.24 How shall possibly finish the conflict Israeli-Palestinian.....57

7.25 The Final Judgment...... 58

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OLD Apocryf Comments over biblical prophecies


1.1Note: my interpretations here are not guaranteed to be 100% exact

According to the message of Jesus in the Book of Truth, only God understands completely the book of the Apocalypse. No illusions, thus. I'm not prophet, and may be analysis errors in this document. Please don't take it as “dogmas”,

The logical interpretations here are not guaranteed to be 100% exact.

When I find private messages of Jesus and Mary which contradict what is here mentioned, I'll try to correct the contents. There’s also a possibility that some of those messages messages from heaven are not authentic, generally it doesn't seem to be the case (those messages who doesn't contradict the bible and the message of Fatima...). In any case, when possible and it doesn't cause damage, check everything by yourself...


1.2Measures to try to delay the Apocalypse

According to Our Lady (and Jesus) in New York (please refer to the link: and later in Medjugorje, we have some weapons that may delay the tragedy of the apocalypse farther in the future. However these measures work better if they are performed by a significant number of persons. The best is to be a good Catholic, following the commandments of God and, at least, trying to:

  • praying frequently the rosary (the more rosaries prayed the best) with the heart (paying attention to what you say/pray)
  • doing penance, sacrifice
  • fast. Our Lady in Medjugorje says that prayer and fast can be very powerful
  • in order to avoid evil surprises, try to be in state of grace permanently (or go to confession as soon as possible) and do charity (help the poor, the sick, the oppressed…)

Of course, if there are too few persons putting these measures in practice, and all the rest of the world persist in sin, these measures are not enough and the world becomes in a situation of great sin, meaning thus, that the conditions to start the apocalypse are there...

1.3IMPORTANT: Apocalypse seems approaching… what to do?

If the private messages of Jesus and Mary in are authentic, the apocalypse is approaching and it is important to be prepared, in order to avoid bad surprises… below I present the best attitudes to take:

  • If I understood well the prophecies, the best is to be permanently a good catholic, in state of grace*, praying and performing charity to the disadvantaged. The good believers have nothing to fear, because God shall spare them from the tribulations of the Apocalypse. At the given time, Jesus (and His Angels) come as a thief (unseen) and shall “kidnap” the good believers, taking them to a safe place, the paradise. Satan shall perform a huge camouflage UFO in order to confuse the world and make the press say that some people (the elected) was kidnapped by extraterrestrials (in place of Jesus), tell us the Virgin and Jesus in New York (link: ).
  • The other believers still may have two other possibilities: at the moment of the great warning, an interior warning which alerts us to the dangers of the antichrist, of our sins and of the undeniable existence of God, we shall prepare to depart to a divine refuge. Later, at the time the microchip 666 in the body becomes mandatory, the new schism of the Catholic Church, the martial law, we shall ask help immediately to God, in thought, in order to find a safe refuge, protected by God. If the help is accorded, we must go IMMEDIATLY to the refuge, living away our home. The angels shall nourish us in these divine refuges. It is recommended to depart in bike with a rucksack containing a tent in a small package, a sleeping bag, candles, a small meal and sacraments (rosary, scapular…). We shall avoid important places such as airports and main roads: The guardian angel guides us with a little flame and we become invisible to the evil forces, if the messages from heaven post in are authentic. We become thus refugees hidden in these “uncomfortable” but safe refuges during the years of the tribulation. Note: maybe Portugal become a land refuge and escape most of the tribulations, if a private message of Jesus is authentic.
  • What if I don’t/can’t go to a safe refuge? The last good possibility is to refuse all suggestions coming from the antichrist/beast: a believer risks thus sanctification through martyrdom, persecution, slavery, torture, starving, (a few may survive starving, living from solidarity of a few). At the time of the martial law/the rise of the antichrist, please close all medias: television, computer, radio, because the antichrist has strong seduction and hypnotic powers. If we choose for martyrdom, because we refuse to submit to the antichrist, then the reward is big: we die, but we also become saints (martyrs), going directly to paradise and with diminished pain. It seems that during this period of gnashing of teeth, a few ones succeed to survive the persecutions without submitting to the antichrist... And after the short number of years of the tribulation and reign of the antichrist, RETURNS JESUS IN PUBLIC, IN THE GLORY IN THE CLOUDS, and the saints and the martyrs, the victims of the antichrist, they resurrect, they reign with Jesus and they don’t die any more.
  • But: if we submit to the suggestions of the antichrist, per timidity or to escape death, worshiping the antichrist/beast or his image or putting his mark/microchip in the body, in the front or in the hand, then we may be safe for a few years, but after returns Jesus and we go to hell. To avoid this possibility, thus.

*- a catholic in state of grace is a catholic, thus baptized, which has not committed any mortal sin since the last confession. A mortal sin is a severe sin committed against one or more of the 10 commandments of God. Everybody can convert to Catholicism, ask a priest to be baptized (and confirmed) and demand to confess their sins. After the generally little penitence and the pardon of the sins, it suffices not to do any mortal sin and go to the mass every Sunday (or Saturday afternoon). If we commit a mortal sin, we have to confess the sins to a priest in order to be forgiven and to return to the state of grace. Sometimes, it implies a radical change of life (e.g. to stop an illegitimate love relation and eventually try to conciliate with the legitimate spouse).

1.4What I understood from the scriptures: overview

If I understood correctly the scriptures, the future of Israel seems to be more and more glorious. However some moments of panic are not excluded: Chinese, Arabs/Persians Germanics/Nordics and maybe others still seem to attack them.

The theoretical 3 ½ years that precede the day of Yahweh seem to be terrible for both Jews and (undecided) Christians, before the surprise coming of the Messiah and rise of Israel to the status of superpower, it seems that the anti-Christian powers shall dominate the world. Many believers shall die. However those who die for the God’s case shall come back to life after the coming of the Messiah (Ap 20), and they shall reign with Him as saints martyrs.

Afterwards, shall be a (theoretical) period of 1000 years of peace and security (Ap 20), where the Messiah and the saints shall act as the police of the world. This world shall be more perfect but still not a true paradise, since small sin still exists.

Finally the war of Gog, king of Magog (Nordic powers from the west?) shall take place, before the Final Judgment, and the coming of the paradise to the Earth. New Jerusalem is of course the capital.

It follows some prophecies in sequence(whenever possible):

a)Following the prophecies of the popes (St Malachy), the current one has the title «the glory of the olive». If I’m correct, for the current times, taking into account also Ez 38:8:
0. the Jews return of Jews to Israel
1. time of sword(=war) for Israel. This can still go on…
2. the Pope “Glory of the Olive” succeeds to John Paul II. …
Uncertain future

b)According to Daniel 11:40 -12:1, the king of Egypt (African Islam?) may attack the king of the Greek countries (West?) at the end of the age. The king of the North shall win this war temporarily.

c)A people very, very numerous and powerful as it never existed (possibly the Chinese) shall come like locusts (Joel 2,2), where a lot of things are burned, they enter through the windows, and attack Israel. They shall dominate from the western sea (Mediterranean) up to the eastern sea. It is possible that is this people (with or without Russia) that defeat the king of the West/North of Daniel 11:40-12:1. What Jesus says is that they prepare the rise of the antichrist that will appear as the man able to stop the wars and “bring solutions to the problems of the world”

d)The gentiles control the world. Two real prophets alert during 3 ½ years the world for what is going to happen. From the apparitions of Our Lady, site we learn that these prophets are Enoch and Elijah. The red snake/dragon and the Bear, that Jesus says are China and Russia, prepare the control of the world by the antichrist, a future leader of the European Union, if the messages of Jesus in and are authentic. Seven (theoretical) difficult years, being the last 3 ½ years* terrible for Christians and Jews. True Christians are taken by Jesus Himself to a safe place, the paradise. Almost everything is controlled and other believers are in troubles if they don’t submit to the beast/antichrist. The probable legitimate last pope, Peter the Roman, and the (underground remaining) church shall be in serious troubles.

e)Probable destruction of gentile Rome.(Provisory) end of the church. References: st Malachy prophecies for the popes. Ap16:19 and 17:16 for Rome.

f)End of the tribulation. Real Jesus comes in the glory, from heaven. Victory in Megiddo / Armageddon (Israel). Resurrection of the martyrs, the believers killed during the tribulation. Judgments. Israel becomes a superpower and very wealthy. Jesus and the saints act as policemen of the world, in a way much more perfect than the USA today. Refs Ap 16:16, Ap 19:11-21, Ap 20, Ap 12:5, gospels, old testament, private messages of Jesus and Mary

g)Theoretical 1000 years of peace, wealth and security (Ap 20:1). Walls are no longer needed (Ez 38:11)

h)War of Gog, king of Magog. Magog shall be possibly the Germanics from northern Europe and/or North America. Eventually Gog and his allies may even be all the powers from extreme north plus others (seem to be Iberians, Slavs, Persians, etc). Panic in Israel. Defeat of Gog and his numerous allies (Ap38:8, Ez 38 and 39).

i)Resurrection of the death, final judgment, new universe, paradise on earth. New Jerusalem capital of this paradisiacal world (Ap 20:11+).

I’m open to suggestions and/or corrections.

1.5What I understood from the scriptures- justifications

What I’ve told above shall be justified. I can not say that my sentences are 100% right, but I can say that they are logical. To understand good the prophecies it is necessary to have some knowledge of world history, geography and religion. Some precise documentation is necessary like historical and geographical Atlas, detailed Bibles (like the bible of Jerusalem), etc. I checked also the prophecies of St. Malachy concerning the popes.

The interpretation of those prophecies is not easy. For my interpretations, I cross the data from the books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, the gospels, and the references to Yahweh’s day in the Old Testament.

One possible interpretation comes from the non longer existing web site . According to them, the legs of the statue from Daniel 2 seem to represent the Roman Empire: 2 iron legs, 2 roman empires: western Latin empire and Byzantium. The feet in iron and clay may also represent the restored Roman Empire. If the interpretation is correct, the feet didn’t come yet and they shall be destroyed by …the Messiah (!), which thus destroys completely the statue of the empires dangerous to the true faiths, the Jewish and Christian faiths. But according to the private messages of Jesus, if they’re authentic, this restored roman empire/Mediterranean union is… the European Union…(?).

Hipothesys: 2 feet= restoration of the (evil) roman empire through a 10 country union(=10 toes), again with a Greek eastern part (based on Hellenic/Byzantine/Seleucid culture ) and a Latin western part.

If we cross this information with the animal’s prophecies from Daniel and Revelation:

-lion = Babylon

-leopard/panther= Greece/Gentile Hellenism

(Today the leopard is also a symbol of India)

(the he-goat is also a symbol of ancient Greece)

-bear = Media-Persia/Iran

(the bear is also a symbol of Russia)

(the ram is also a symbol of ancient Persia)

-the terrible beast with 10 horns and 7 heads and iron teeth (Dan 7:7 + Dan 7,15-28, + Ap 13,1-10 + Ap 17, 8-18).= Roman Empire

The beast of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 shall be the: the beast and the prostitute seem to be references to the Roman Empire and gentile Rome. (Note: the book of Apocalypse was written on ~95 DC and the empire of the time was indeed Rome. But Our Lady in NY, says that the prostitute is instead the city of New York, although she could be symbolically seated over Rome…).

+ 10 horns= 10 kings (from 10 countries)

7 heads= 7 hills (from Rome)/7 kings (= 7 emperors)

Note: take also into account that the beast may also be the EU, if the private messages of Jesus are authentic… I wait for further developments to understand better the complete meaning of these biblical prophecies…

2A possible cause of the acceleration of the End of the World

2.1The dangerous mistake of equality of genders within the marriage


In our time, the Occident has been obsessed about the equality of opportunities, equality of genders, etc.